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885. Syncopes. [MORTON, – MURRAY, – CRUGER, – GESNER, l. c.]

Syncope – death. (SYDENHAM also (Opera, Lips., p. 379) mentions two men having died in his time from cinchona-bark taken a few hours.) [DE KOKER, l. c.]

Asphyxia, apparent death. [CRUGER, l. c.]

Exhaustion and relaxation of body and mind (aft. 1 h.). [Hrr.]

Exhaustion: he can scarcely hold up his head, and falls asleep. [Fz.]

890. Flaccidity in all the limbs and trembling in the hands. (See 868.) [Lhm.]

Relaxation of the whole body, felt also seated, but far more, when walking. [An.]

Sometimes weakness, sometimes feeling of excessive strength in the joints. (Alternating action in a healthy person.) [Fz.]

He feels quite weak and faint in the open air, and as if sinking away about the stomach and chest, although he has plenty of strength for walking. [Fz.]

Extraordinary facility of all movements, as if he had no body. (Alternating action after previous feeling of weakness caused by cinchona-bark.) (aft. 2 to 3 h.). [Fz.]

895. Liveliness, but with staring eyes, all the evening. (A kind of unnatural excitement, as in the so-called strengthening treatment of ordinary practitioners, when they are unable to remove from the patient his disease, and yet will hypocritically procure from him strength and liveliness for a few hours.) [Hsch.]

Comfortable feeling, in the evening. [Lhm.]

Trembling in all the limbs, felt not seen, combined with feeling of coolness. [Hbg.]

Twitchings. [GESNER, l. c.]

She cannot sleep all night; she is occupied with nothing but disagreeable thoughts, one after the other.

900. He cannot fall asleep on account of many ideas and reflection, each of which only engages him for a short time, but is always supplanted by another; hence almost all night long no sleep comes to his eyes; towards morning he becquite warm all over yet cannot bear throwing off the bed-clothes, without thirst (aft. 30 h.).

Sleeplessness after midnight; but sleepy though he is, his thoughts remain wide awake, he shuts his eyes and often changes his position in bed.

He fell asleep late; on account of many thoughts he could not go to sleep; he did not sleep soundly, and on rising he was in a very exhausted state.

Sleeplessness until midnight, with aching pain over the whole head. (903, 906, 919, comp. with 889, 900. The aching in the head at night seems to be characteristic of china; comp. with 920, 936, 951. Also the pressure in the umbilical region, in the evening in bed; 932, is allied with it.) [Bch.]

When about to fall asleep he is awakened by horrible fancies. (904, 905, 933, 938, 946. Restlessness sleep at night, with anxious, frightful dreams, after which on waking consciousness is not quite perfect, or the anxiety they cause continues (934, 935) are quite peculiar to china, see 936, 937, 939, to 947.)

905. He starts up when about to go sleep.

Before midnight till 2 a.m. unusual wakefulness. [Lhm.]

Drowsiness, with palpitation of the heart.

Incessant yawning, without sleepiness. (908, and 955, 958, are alternating action with 916.)

Drowsiness by day. (909 to 913, comp. with 915, 916.).

910. The eye-lids will close from weariness and sleepiness (aft. ½ h.).

Constant day-drowsiness; he falls asleep unexpectedly.

When sitting invincible drowsiness.

As soon as she sits down, by day, she immediately nods and slumbers; but if she lies down, she becomes wide awake from the least noise.

Sleepiness and soon thereafter again wakefulness. [Hbg.]

915. Drowsy lassitude. [STAHL, l. c.]

Drowsiness all day, with stretching of the limbs and yawning. [An.]

He wakes in the morning two hours earlier than usual. [Bhr.]

He starts up at night in sleep.

Sleeps only from 3 till 5 a.m. [Lhm.]

920. Very deep sleep, like that of an intoxicated person, without once waking; in the morning his head is quite dazed, as if he had not slept enough, and he gets aching in the temples on shaking the head. (Comp. with 951.) [Fz.]

Snoring and whining in sleep, in children. (Comp. with 938.)

Snoring inspiration and expiration in sleep.

Snoring inspiration (through the nose) in sleep (aft. 3 h.).

In sleep there occurs at one time snoring inspiration, at another blowing (puffing) expiration.

925. In sleep one eye is open, the other half shut, with eye-balls turned backwards like a dying person (aft. 1 h.).

In sleep he lies on the back, the arms stretched out above the head, with slow expiration and strong quick pulse.

Restlessness, sleeplessness. [RAULIN, l. c.]

Restless sleep, with tossing about, without waking. [Htg.]

Restless sleep. [CLEGHORN, l. c.]

930. Restless sleep; he could not fall asleep; when he got to sleep he soon woke up again, with perspiration on the hair of the head and the forehead, and chilliness over the back. [Wr.]

Restless sleep, and after waking in the night, slight sweat all over. [Hbg.]

In the evening in bed a pinching pressure in the umbilical region. [Fz.]

At night a frightful dream (aft. 8 h.).

Heavy dreams in the night sleep, which make him anxious after waking.

935. Anxious dream: he has to go perpendicularly down into an abyss, where upon he wakes, but retains the dangerous place so vividly in his imagination (especially when he shuts his eyes.) that he remains for a long time in great fear about it and cannot calm himself.

All night long alternately headache and dreams, from which he starts up in affright. (936, 937, 939, to 945, 947, see note to S. 904.) [Lhm.]

At night restless sleep, from which he started up from time to time, and then every time remained for some instants without being able to collect himself. [Myr.]

Restless sleep full of dreams and crying out.

In the evening, on going to sleep, confused dream pictures, from which he wakes up again (aft. 16 h.). [Ws.]

940. At night, on awaking out of frightful dreams, anxiety. [Hrr.]

At night fearful, startling dreams of falling from a height, with waking up full of restlessness and inability to collect himself for some instants. [Wth.]

Fearful dreams of misfortunes, from which he wakes p, but without being able to come to himself. [Gss.]

Anxious dreams at night, from which he awoke in a half-conscious state, and for some time continued afraid. [Wth.]

A sleep disturbed by confused and disconnected dreams, with repeated awakings; he woke up but could not quite recollect himself. [Bch.]

945. Confused, nonsensical dreams after midnight, mingled with semiconscious waking. [Hrr.]

When he wakes at night, he cannot recollect himself.

Confused, absurd dreams, by which he is often woke up from sleep. [Hrr.]

At night restless sleep, with vexatious dreams and tossing about, from which he wakes up every time. [Fz.]

Voluptuous dreams with pollutions. [Hbg.]

950. As soon as she closes her eyes to go to sleep, she dreams about nasty things.

At night, in sleep, he tosses about hither and thither, throws off the clothes, and has all kinds of vexatious dreams about things that have occurred long ago; in the morning he cannot get quite awake on account of emptiness and confusion of the head; in the morning he is as if broken on the wheel and not at all refreshed by sleep.[Fz.]

On awaking at night he feels giddy, so that he could not trust himself to sit upright.

In the morning on awaking, anxious ideas and thoughts.

Towards morning heat in the head and oppression of the chest.

955. Inclination to yawn. [Ws.]



Yawning and stretching of the limbs. [Htn.]

Dread of the open air.

960. In the open air great shuddering, with rigor and goose-skin. [Wth.]

He gets shuddering and chilliness in the open air which is not cold, this goes off immediately in the room. [Fz.]

In the open air of moderate coldness, trembling of the limbs from chilliness, and shudder passing over the thighs. [Fz.]

Though the room is cold he does not feel chilly (aft. 9 h.). [Fz.]

Cold hands and chilliness externally all over the body, as if he had cold water poured over him, in the open air, where is went on to chattering of the teeth; in the room this went off, but the hands remained cold.[Trn.]

965. Coldness of the hands and feet, even in the warm room. [Fz.]

Cold hands (aft. ¼ h.).

Sensation of icy coldness in the left hand which, however, is not colder externally to the touch than the right. (Alternating action with 975, 976.)

Coldness of the hands, feet, and nose.

Coldness of the hands. [Lr.]

970. Cold feet in the evening (aft. 4 h.). [Mch.]

A cold feeling of the left leg from the knee to the foot. [Hbg.]

A shudder of the same kind over both elbows and knees. [Fz.]

Icy cold feet with warmth of the rest of the body (aft. 1 h.). [Hbg.]

Sensation of coldness on the lower extremities, whilst the face and chest are still warm (aft. 1 h.). [Hrr.]

975. The right hand is warm (while writing), the left cold. (975, 976, alternating action with 967.) [Hbg.]

The right hand is perceptibly colder than the left. [Wth.]

In the morning cold hands and feet, and rigor over the thighs, which increases when walking (aft. 28 h.). [Fz.]

Shivering (aft. ¼ h.). [An.]

A slight shiver all over the body. [Htg.]

980. Flying chill, especially over the back (immediately). [Wr.]

A slight shivering in the back (aft. 3 h.). [Stf.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.