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A twitching pain betwixt glans and prepuce when walking.

Pressing pain in the glans before urinating.

Itching on the glans penis, which makes him rub it, in the evening in bed.

A pain as of fine needle-pricks on the frenum of the glans; on touching it the pain became more severe, namely, shooting and tensive; nothing was to be seen externally.

545. Excites urination. [ALPINI, l. c.]

Whitish cloudy urine with white sediment. (Comp. with 527.)

Scanty; yellowish-green urine. [FISCHER, l. c.]

Pale yellow urine, which, the following morning, deposits a dirty yellow, rather loose sediment. [Bhr.]

Pressing and cutting in the bowels during and after the discharge of a white cloudy urine. (See 470 and 491.)

550. White stool and dark urine. (Comp. with 856, 857.) (aft. 48 h.).

Dark coloured urine with brick-red sediment (See 552.). (aft. 24 h.). [Trn.]

Scanty urine with brick-red sediment, and red-spotted, hard prominent swelling of the foot. (Comp. with 551.)

Spasmodic contractive pain from the rectum through the urethra to the glans penis, and through the testicles, in the evening.

A crawling running and itching in the anus and urethra, with a burning in the glans penis.

555. Increased sexual desire.

Frequent erections of the penis (aft. 6 h.).

Nocturnal seminal emissions. (Comp. with 558.)

Great seminal discharge, about 3 a.m. (See 557.) [Bch.]

Swelling of the spermatic cord and testicle, especially of the epididymis, painful to the touch.

560. Drawing pain in the testicles.

A kind of tearing pain in the left testicle and the left side of the prepuce, in the evening in bed.

An itching crawling in the scrotum, in the evening in bed, compelling him to rub it. (Comp. with 563.)

Shooting itching in the scrotum. [Fz.]

Hanging down of the scrotum (aft. 1 h.).

565. Increase of the menses that are present, to the extent of metrorhagia; the discharge passes in the black clots. (565 seems to be the primary action of china, and 566 the secondary action or reaction of the organism; for excitement of the circulation and haemorrhagia from the nose 174 to 176, from the mouth 238, and from the lung 586, are its not infrequent primary effects.) (aft. 1 h.).

Suppression of the menses. (See 565.) [RAULIN, l. c.]

Sneezing (aft. ¼, 2, 3 h.).

Sneezing with coryza (aft. 1, 2, h.).

Several times violent, dry sneezing (aft. 7 h.). [Stf.]

570. Watery discharge from the nostril, which, nevertheless, is stopped up (aft. 13 h.). [Fz.]

Coryza, with sensitiveness of the nose and some papules on the border of the nostrils and the septum nasi painful to the touch (aft. 9 d.). [Ws.]

Coryza, so that there is running from the nose for two hours. [Fz.]

Symptoms of a stuffed coryza. [An.]

Noisy breathing through the nose. (See note to S. 187. “Gerausch” in original is sibilus.”[AL. THOMPSON, l. c.]

575. Something is adherent in the throat (the larynx), so that the tones of the voice and of singing become deeper and deficient in clearness. (575, 576, 577, comp. with 578 to 581.)(aft. 2 h.).

A whistling and wheezing in the wind-pipe when breathing 9aft. 2 h.).

Tightness on the chest (at night); whistling, rattling, snoring, and wheezing in the wind-pipe, and yet the viscid mucus does not excite coughing (aft. 5 h.).

In the larynx stitches and feeling of roughness. (578 to 581, see 575 to 577.) [An.]

Sensation of accumulation of mucus in the larynx. [An.]

580. Mucus adheres in the larynx, which he continually hawks up; and which makes the voice hollow and hoarse. [Stf.]

Hoarse rough voice. [An.]

A kind of suffocative attack, as if the larynx were full of mucus, especially towards evening, and (at night) on awaking from sleep (582, 603, comp. with 595 to 597, 599 to 602, 604 to 606)(aft. 8 h.).

Violent cough immediately after eating (aft. 4 h.).

In the evening tickling causing cough, which he could suppress.

585. Cough excited by laughing.

(Coughing up of bloody mucus). (Comp. with 593.).

At night about 2 and about 4 a.m. suffocative cough lasting half a quarter of an hour

( a kind of whooping-cough); she screams out from it, but not before she has coughed several times. (587, 588, comp. with 591, 653.)

He wakes up after midnight with a cough,; at each cough-impulse he feels a sharp shooting in both sides of the chest, and yet he could cough in the lying position.

Pain in the trachea and sternum when coughing.

590. From the cough, pressive pain in the chest and excoriation feeling in the larynx. (590, 610, 613, comp. with 611, 612, 614, 615, 617, 620, 622.)

(During the chill of an ague) troublesome cough with stitches in the side. [FISCHER, l. c.]

Continual irritation to hacking cough, in the morning after rising, as from sulphur fumes, whereby nothing is expectorated, for several mornings. [Gss.]

Suspicious cough (Comp. with 586.) [JUNCKER et FRITZE, (From China given for gangrene of foot, with alkermes and syrup of Canella.) Diss. de usu cort. Peruv. Discrete Halae, 1756, p. 26.]

In the wind-pipe under the larynx, a kind of drawing, followed by the cough with one impulse. [Fz.]

595. Tightness of the chest. (595 to 597, 599 to 602, 604, to 606, comp. with 582, 603.). [BALGIVI, (Results of suppression of intermittents by China.) Praxis, lib. ii, (590, 610, 613, comp. with 611, 612, 614, 615, 617, 620, 622.) 2, 3. = AL. THOMPSON, l. c.]

Tightness of the chest. [CARTHEUSER, l. c.]

Oppression on the chest. [Fz.]

Inclination to breathe deeply before the mid-day meal.

In the evening a feeling of oppression and uneasiness in the chest; he feels compelled to breathe deeply and then must expire in a sighing manner, whereby the oppression is diminished for the moment, with weak, scarcely perceptible pulse and anxious impatient humour. [Bhr.]

600. Great oppression of the chest in the region of the scrobiculus cordis, as if something was digging around therein (aft. 4 h.0. [Gss.]

Tightness of the chest with difficult, sometimes rattling, expiration (chiefly when walking) and roughness of the chest (aft. 4 h.). [Htn.]

Impeded respiration, for half an hour. (See note to S. 187.) [AL. THOMPSON, l. c.]

Heavy, difficult, painful inspiration, and rapid expiration.

Suffocative asthma. (In the original, simply “asthma.”) [AL. THOMPSON, l. c.]

605. Fatal oppression of the chest. (When the cinchona-bark was administered in the cold stage of ague.) [JOH. DE KOKER, l. c.]

An Agreeable fulness in the chest, as from satiety, with (sweet) pleasant taste of the saliva (aft. 1 h.). [Fz.]

Tensive pain, especially in the external pectoral muscles (in the morning).

Some twitching and subtulus here and there in the pectoral muscles. [An.]

(A creeping in one side of the chest as if something were running about in it.)

610. A sharp aching combined with creeping in one side of the chest.)

Pressure on the chest. (See 590, 610, 613, 621.) [Fz.]

Aching pain in the chest. [Css.]

Pressure on the whole anterior part of the chest, at night when he lay on the back.

Pressure on the left side near the ensiform cartilage. [Hrr.]

615. External pressure on the middle of the sternum when the upper part of the body is bent forward, also when standing, which is removed by pressing upon it (aft. 26 h.). [Fz.]

Pressure outwards in the region of the lowest ribs (aft. 24 h.). [Ws.]

Great pressure in the sternum after a meal; worst when he sat in a stooping position and had his arms elevated.

On inspiring severe stitches under the last ribs, that take away his breath.

Under the right last rib a small spot, which causes a shooting pain both by the slightest pressure and when walking.

620. When sitting in a stooping attitude, pressure externally on the sternum, which causes anxiety and does not allow the breath to be drawn in enough, going off when raising himself up (aft. 6 h.). [Fz.]

In the side of the chest a pressive pain that impedes respiration.

Hard pressive pain in the right side of the chest, in the region of the fourth and fifth ribs. (See 590, 610, 621.).

On the right side of the chest drawing aching when sitting, which is relieved when standing and walking. [Fz.]

Pain in the side, as if bruised or as if from a blow.

625. Drawing pain behind the sternum. [Hrr.]

In the whole chest a burning inward-pressure.

Inferiorly over the chest aching drawing pain when sitting, which causes anxiety; it goes off when standing and walking. [Fz.]

On the right side of the chest, in the middle, on a not large spot, a contractive pain so that he must almost involuntarily suddenly jerk out and expel the breath. [Fz.]

Over the chest, when sitting in a stooping attitude, an intermitting cutting aching, which goes off on raising himself up, but still more completely when standing and walking. [Fz.]

630 Aching, fine shooting on the left side of chest (aft. 8.1/2 h.). [Htn.]

Stitch in the side. [RICHARD, l. c.]

Shooting in the chest, in the morning. [Hsch.]

Shooting in the left side of the chest. [Lhm.]

Shooting in the side, at night, but during the day only when moving or touching it (aft. 13 d.).

635. Shooting in the chest on walking quickly, which went off when at rest. [Lr.]

Some violent stitches in the chest, immediately above the precordial region, when he was not moving, especially when reading (aft. 3.1/2, 16, 18 h.). [Lr.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.