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Twitching pain in the left little finger (Comp. with 713, 714, 721, 724.)

Knuckle of the middle finger swollen; he cannot move it on account of stiffness and pain.

Twitching tearing in the phalanges of the fingers (aft. 24 h.). [Gss.]

725. The hands are sometimes warm, sometimes cold.

One hand is icy cold, the other warm.

Blue nails. [CRUGER, l. c.]

Superiorly in the flesh of the right nates, on the coccyx, aching increasing in a pulsating manner, while sitting, which goes off on standing up. [Fz.]

Tearing drawing in the left nates when sitting. (729. 730, see 748.) [Fz.]

730. Drawing in the nates, and at the same time in the knees, when standing, which leaves off when seated. (This symptom, though unaccompanied by the name of any authority, is not among Hahnemann’s own observations.)

The lower extremities go to sleep when seated. (See 828.)

Pain, like shooting and burning, in various parts of the lower extremities at the same time. [Gss.]

Exhaustion and relaxation, as from a long journey on foot, in the thighs and legs. [Hbg.]

Weakness and unsteadiness in the hip- and knee-joints, for two successive mornings, as if he had made a long journey on foot the previous day; on prolonged movement the feeling goes out of the joints, and gives place to a bruised pain, the first day more in the legs. [Bhr.]

735. Exhaustion in the lower extremities when walking, all day long (aft. 2 h.). [Wr.]

Exhaustion in the thighs. (Comp. with 733.)

Painful drawing in the long bones of the lower extremities. (See 748.) (aft. 2 d.). [Hrr.]

Spasmodic (stitch-like) drawing in the thighs and legs (aft. ½ h.). [Wth.]

In the inguinal and knee-joints aching drawing when sitting, which goes off on walking and standing. [Fz.]

740. Pain in the hip-joint, in the knees and feet, as if they were dislocated or cut to pieces. (See note to S. 422.) [AL. THOMPSON, l. c.]

Drawing pain on the thigh bones, as if the periosteum were scraped with a blunt knife. [Fz.]

Slow, painful drawing in the inside of the left thigh, which seems to be only in the skin. [Fz.]

Pain of the posterior muscles of the thigh, as if they were beaten when sitting.

In the anterior muscles of both thighs tension when walking.

745. (A burning anteriorly on the upper parts of the thighs.)

Spasmodic drawing in the right thigh from the hough upwards(with sensation of pressure), just as if it would draw up the leg, in the evening when sitting, which goes off by standing and walking. [Fz.]

In the middle of the left thigh a twitching (aft. 5 h.). [Wth.]

A tearing by jerks in the thigh.

Twitching tearing on the right and left thighs forwards and outwards, excited only by touch, not by movement. [Hrr.]

750. Twitching tearing on the anterior aspect of the left thigh. (aft. 2 h.). [Gss.]

Tearing in the thigh bones, from above downwards, when at rest and when moving, in fits, for several days (aft. 72 h.). [Ws.]

Tearing that extends from the knee-joint to the thigh, accompanied by a weakness which renders walking and standing difficult. [Hrr.]

In the shaft of the thigh-bone a painful, aching drawing downwards, chiefly when sitting, in the afternoon.[Fz.]

Painful sensitiveness of the skin on the thighs, from the friction of the clothes, as if the skin were rough and covered with papules (aft. 8 d.). [Ws.]

755. In the left thigh, when standing, a sensation as if there were a hardened node in the flesh, with drawing pain in it. (See 771.) (aft. 2 h.). [Fz.]

Hard swelling of the thighs, which sometimes goes down over the knees to the beginning of the feet, becomes thinner below, is reddish, and is painful when touched. (Comp. with 785, 792, 793.)

Stitch darting upwards in the right thigh posteriorly, when standing. [Fz.]

When he rises from a seat, burning and formication, as of having gone to sleep, in the thigh on which he was sitting, especially in the hough, particularly observable when standing. [Fz.]

Cramp-like, paralytic pain in the right thigh and knee-joint on rising up from a seat when he has sat for a considerable time, and when walking (aft.5.1/2 h.). [Htn.]

760. Twitching tearing internally in the patella. [Gss.]

Paralytic tearing in the right knee-joint, which spreads now towards the thigh and now towards the leg, with weakness of the part, and aggravation more by touch than by movement. [Hrr.]

In the right knee, on rising up from a seat and when walking, a sharp drawing pain, which went off again when sitting (in the afternoon). [Stf.]

Shooting in the left knee-joint. [Fz.]

Slight trembling of the knees on rising up after sitting, which went off whilst walking. [Bch.]

765. Knucking together of the knees, especially on going upstairs. [An.]

When walking the knees give way and knuckle together. [Fz.]

Coldness and chilliness of the knees (aft. ½ h.).

In the knees twitching pain (Comp. with 760, and partly with 773.).

Hot swelling of the right knee with drawing tearing pains, from which he awakes at midnight.

770. Pain in the knee on the slightest motion, as if bruised (Comp. with 759.) (aft. 3 h.).

(Pain in the knee on bending it, preventing sleep, with nodes. (Comp. with 755.).[Lumps in the skin there].)

A pain on the side of the patella when touched (aft. 2 h.).

On the tendons of the flexor muscles in the hough jerking drawing, synchornous with the pulse. (See 768.) [Fz.]

Sensation in the leg as if a garter were too tightly tied about it, and as if would go to sleep and become benumed.

775. An internal uneasiness in the legs compelled him to bend them and draw them up. (See 837 to 840.). [Fz.]

Bruised pain of the bones of the leg when treading, and still worse on touching; when she touched them the whole foot shivered and was chilly, as if she immersed it in cold water.

Drawing pain in the right tibia inferiorly, near the heel, and then in the whole foot (when sitting). [Lr.]

Pain in the lower half of both legs, as if the periosteum were bruised and swollen, only when standing; on touching it sore pain as if on an excoriated bruised spot.

On extending the left leg, when sitting, an aching drawing pain superiorly on the inside of the shaft of the tibia below the patella, which goes off flexing the leg. [Fz.]

780. Aching drawing on the tibia, in the evening, when sitting, which goes off when standing and walking. [Fz.]

When walking shooting in the tibiae, which went off when at rest (aft. 5 and more h.). [Lr.]

Painful cramp in the left calf, at night, on extending and flexing the foot, which prevents sleep. (aft. 16 h.).

When walking in the open air, single, sharp, rapidly recurring stitches in the upper part of the calf. [Fz.]

Tearing in the calf. [Lr.]

785. Hard, dark red swelling on the calf, which went on to suppuration. (See 756, 792, 796.) [PELARGUS, Obs. ii, I, p. 72.]

Over the tendo Achillis a severe burning tension. [Htg.]

Weariness of the feet, as they were bruised (aft. 4 h.).

Paralysis of the feet. [CRUGER, l. c.]

Over the tendo Achillis a severe burning tension. [Htg.]

Weariness of the feet as if they were bruised. (aft. 4 h.).

Paralysis of the feet. [CRUGER, l. c.]

Violent shooting burning on the dorsum of the foot close to the tibia (when sitting). [Gss.]

790. Coldness of the feet, in the evening.

Shooting in the left foot. [Lr.]

Swelling of the feet. [STAHL, l. c.]

Painful swelling of the feet. [FISCHER, l. c.]

Very soft swelling of the soles of the feet.

795. Contractive pinching pain on the outer side of the foot, on the side of the sole (aft. 6 h.). [Htn.]

Violent itching on the right sole when walking and sitting, relieved for a short time by scratching. [Hrr.]

Pricking formication from the big toe to the dorsum of the foot, as if the part had been frost-bitten, in the evening when sitting, which goes off when walking and standing. (Although the china pains and sufferings are most frequently (next to touch, see 685.) aggravated and increased by movement of the pat, yet there is a not altogether rare alternating action, where they are diminished and allayed by movement, as here and 682, 728, 739, 746, 775, 779, 780, and also where they are especially produced when at rest, 729, 743, 753, 837, 838, 839.) [Fz.]

Shooting drawing in the heel (aft. 48 h.). [Gss.]

Shooting tearing in the sole of the foot in the region of the heel, while sitting and walking. [Hrr.]

800. Very violent tearing shooting in the soles, when sitting and walking. [Fz.]

Drawing pain in the metatarsal bones of the right foot. [Hrr.]

When standing, drawing with sore pain on the dorsum of the foot, which goes off when sitting. [Fz.]

Cramp-like drawing in the inner side of the left foot when sitting. [Fz.]

Twitching tearing in the bones of the foot and metatarsus. [Hrr.]

805. Twitching tearing in the metatarsal bones and toes. [Gss.]

Twitching tearing, increased only when touched, not by movement, in the metatarsal bones and phalanges of the toes, especially in the joints (aft. 31 h.). [Hrr.]

Twitching tearing where the metatarsal bones unite with the bones of the tarsus (aft. 25 h.). [Hrr.]

Boring stitches in the tips of the toes. (Comp. with 791.).

Shooting now in the tibiae, now in the back, now in the chest, when sitting (aft. 14 h.). [Lr.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.