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After a meal he remains for a long time as full as when he had just eaten; the food seems to stick high up.

340. Inclination to vomit. [Mch.]

Nausea without vomiting. [Lhm.]

Inclination to vomand vomiting.

Vomiting. [MORTON, l. c. – BAKER, l. c. – FRIBORG, (Physical effects of the powder.) Diss. de usu cort. Peruv., 1773.]

Continued vomiting. [J. FR. BAUER, (Results of suppression of intemittents by china.) Acta Nat. Cur. iii, obs. 70.]

345. Half an hour after the midday meal pressing aching headache that lasted till bed-time. [Wr.]

After a moderate meal followed by walk, while sitting sick anxiety in the stomach, as from over-loading and derangement of the stomach, and yet at the same time hunger. (See 364, 366, 367, 368, 369.) [Fz.]

Weariness and laziness after dinner. (347, 348, see 332, 333.) [Htn.]

Exhaustion and drowsiness after supper (aft. 12 h.). [Htn.]

After a meal a hard pressing pain in both sides below the navel. (See 350.) [Bch.]

350. After a moderate supper, eaten with appetite, immediately colic, that is: distented abdomen and here and there sharp aching pains mixed with pinching in all the bowels. (Comp. with 349.)

Stomachache, spasm of stomach. (Comp. with 352 – 355 and 359, 360, 362, 363, 365.)

Pressure in the stomach. (352 to 355, see 351.) [ROSCHIN, (Not accessible.) Annalen der Heilkunde 1811, Febr.]

In the morning in bed, when lying on the side a pressure in the stomach (as if it were constricted), which went off on lying on the back. [Stf.]

In the stomach a pressure as from fullness. [Hbg.]

355. In the stomach violent aching, which went off while eating (Alternating action with 356.) [Stf.]

After eating any food, however little, immediately a hard long-continued pressure in the stomach. (See 357, 358.) [Hrr.]

After every meal hard pressure in the stomach. (357, 358, comp. with 356, and, on the other hand, the alternating action 355.) [Hrr.]

With a good appetite, after eating (vegetables), at first stomachache, then accumulation of flatulence, then vomiting.

Weight and pressure in the stomach. (359, 360, 362, 363, 365, see 351.) [PERCIVAL, Physical effects of powder) Essays, vol. i.]

360. Heavy pressure in the stomach. [KREYSIG, (Not accessible.) Diss. Obs. de Febr. Quart., Viteb., 1797, p. 17.]

After aching in the stomach, a burning rises half way up in the chest.

Oppresses the stomach. [BAKER, l. c.]

Feeling of fulness in the stomach. [An.]

The food partaken of at supper remains undigested in the stomach. (364, 366, 367, partly also 369, comp. with 346 and 368.)

365. Feeling of heaviness in the stomach. [QUARIN, l. c.]

Milk readily deranges the stomach.

By taking rather too much food, even of the most innocent kind, the stomach is immediately deranged, and an insipid taste in the mouth, a fulness in the abdomen, crossness and headache come on.

Indigestion. [FRIBORG, l. c.]

Feeling of emptiness and qualmishness in the stomach.

370. Feeling of coldness in the stomach.

After every mouthful of drink feeling of internal coldness in the epigastrium, which is renewed at every breath (aft. 4 h.).

Pain in the region of the stomach, like aching, which alleviated every time he rises from his seat, recurs on sitting down and lasts two hours (aft. ¾ h.). [Wr.]

Tearing aching under the last true ribs, at the left side of the ensiform cartilage. [Gss.]

Sore sensation with pressure (or pain as if a wound were pressed on) in the region of the scrobiculus cordis (several mornings). [Gss.]

375. A violent aching under the scrobiculus cordis, as if all were excoriated there, the same in all positions, also when touched; soon after this a violent diarrhoea, whereby the pain in the scrobiculus cordis was not relieved (aft. 7 h.). [Myr.]

Stomachache, which takes away the breath. [STAHL, l. c.]

A squeezing together in the scrobiculus cordis, which impedes inspiration (aft. ½ h.). [Htn.]

Sufferings under the short ribs. [STAHL, l. c.]

Hypochondrial sufferings. [STAHL, l. c.]

380. Anxiety in the region of the scrobiculus cordis. [CARTHEUSER, l. c.]

Pain in the abdomen, aching, pinching (shooting), under the scrobiculus cordis, as if diarrhoea would ensue, but no stool comes, in the evening. (382, 383, but especially 390 to 392, comp. with 386, 459.) (aft. 36 h.). [Fz.]

Twitching shooting in the stomach (aft. 3 h.0. [Wth.]

Under the last rib contractive pain and as if bruised, only when walking. (See 433, 455, also 446 to 453.) (aft. 24 h.). [Fz.]

Flying stitches here and there in the stomach and abdomen. (Comp. with 391, 398, 399, 402, 403, and 464 tp 469.)

After every drink a stitch in the precordial region. (Comp. with 638.)

After every mouthful of drink shivering or chillness with goose-skin (aft. 6 h.).

After drinking griping as from a purgative.

390. Sharp stitches in the scrobiculus cordis. (See 649.) [Hrr.]

Sharp stitches in front under the last ribs, without relation to expiration or inspiration. (See 386, 398, 399, 402, 403, and 464 to 469.) [Gss.]

Shooting pain in the scrobiculus cordis to the sternum. [Lhm.]

Shooting aching in several spots of the epigastrium, in the morning in bed (for four successive days). [Hrr.]

After moderate eating, at noon and in the evening, a pinching aching somewhat above the navel in the epigastrium, which becomes intolerable on walking, and is only allayed by perfect rest.

395. In the umbilical region severe cutting, with cold sweat on the forehead for a quarter of an hour (aft. a few minutes). [Wr.]

Pains in the abdomen in the umbilical region, combined with shivering.

In the region of the spleen cutting aching, as if the spleen were indurated. [Fz.]

Sharp stitches in the left side of the epigastrium, just beneath the ribs, from within outwards, increased by inspiring (aft. 7 h.). [Hrr.]

When walking, even slowly, shooting in the spleen. [Fz.]

400. Pinching stitches in the left epigastric region (aft. 1.1/2 h.). [Htn.]

Obstruction of the spleen. [MURARY, (Supposed ill-effects of china, mentioned only to reject them.) Apparat Medicam., edit., sec., I, pp. 856, 857.]

Continued stitches under the right ribs in the hepatic region, neither diminished nor increased by inspiration or expiration 9aft. 4 h.). [Htn.]

Violent stitches from within outwards in the hepatic region, only during expiration 9aft. 5 h.). [Htn.]

Several attacks of intermittent aching in the hepatic region, when standing, which goes off on bending the body forwards; on touching the region is painful as if gathering (aft. 5 d.). [Fz.]

405. Swelling of the liver. [KREYSIG, l. c., p. 27.]

Obstruction of the liver. [MURRAY, l. c.]

Induration in the abdomen. [STAHL, l. c.]

Indurations (In the original. “angustia et firmitas.” All other effects of china referred to this writer are mentioned by him only to reject them.) of the intestines. [JOH, GOTTER, BERGER, Diss. de Chinchina ab iniquis judiciis vindicata, Viteb., 1711.]

The epigastrium feels tightened. [Hrr.]

410. Fulness of the abdomen. (410 to 413, see 414, 415.) [KREYSIG, l. c.]

Obstinate and anguishing tension of the abdomen. [STAHL, l. c.]

Flatulent distension. [FISCHER, l. c.]

Painful distension of the abdomen, and especially of the hypogastrium. (414, 415, comp. with 410 to 413, and 419 to 424.)

415. In the morning distension of the abdomen, without flatulence.

At noon before eating and soon after eating, cutting in the abdomen, as in incarceration of flatulence.

Fermentation in the abdomen from eating fruit (cherries).

Flatulence and frequent discharge of flatus. (See 492.) [Hbg.]

Tympanitis, (419 to 423, see 414, 415.) [STAHL, l. c. – THOM. THOMSON, (Results of suppression of intermittents) Medorrhinum Rathpflege, Leipzig, 1779, p. 117.]

420. Distension of the abdomen as from drinking much, and partaking of flatulent food. [Hbg.]

Distension of the abdomen, pain in the abdomen and diarrhoea. [KREYSIG, l. c., p. 25.]

Attacks of hardness, distension, and pains of the abdomen. (This with S. 740 and 882, occurred instead of the ague paroxysm, five days after beginning China.) [AL, THOMPSON, in Medorrhinum Inq. And Obs., iv, No. 24.]

Tiresome, tight distension of the abdomen. [Stf.]

Swelling of the abdomen. [CARTHEUSER, l. c.]

425. Ascites, encysted dropsy. [STAHL, l. c.]

Rumbling in the abdomen (aft. 1 h.). [Stf.]

Rumbling in the epigastrium (aft. 2 h.). [Wth.]

Rattling in the left side of the ab, backwards and downwards, as if in the descending colon. [Fz.]

Grumbling in the hypogastrium. [Lr.]

430. Cruel, intolerable colicky pains. [J. FR. BAUER, l. c.]

Colics. [STAHL, l. c.]

Flatulent colic (aft. 2 h.).

Flatulent colic deep in the hypogastrium; the lowest bowels are as constricted, and the flatulence vainly attempts to force its way out with aching and tensive pains, and even under the short ribs it causes tension and anxiety.

Pain in the abdomen with nausea. [W. MAY, (Physical effects of powder.) in Lond. Medorrhinum Journ., 1788.]

435. Pain in the abdomen, and at the same time great thirst (aft. 1 h.).[Bch.]

Scrobutic colic.[CRUGER, l. c.]

Indescribable pains in the abdomen. [J. A. LIMPRECHT, (Effects of China in agues.) Acta Nat. Cur., ii, Obs. 129.]

Ulcers in the abdomen. [STAHL, l. c.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.