In the evening, after lyin down in bed, and in the morning after rising, violent colic, squeezing cutting pains in the bowels, which sometimes, also, shoot through the inguinal ring (as if they would force out a hernia) as far as the spermatic cord and perinaeum; when this colic ceases there occurs a loud rumbling and grumbling in the abdomen.

380. Tearing stitches in the left side under the short ribs, in the evening soon after lying down (aft. 3 h.).

Hypogastric pains, heat of face.

Cutting pain in the side of the abdomen, under the last ris, per se, but most severe when touched.

Only every morning, pinching increasing to cutting colic, deep in the, before and during diarrhoeic stools, which pains do not cease after each stool, although they do not excite the stool.

In the morning, first great rattling in the abdomen, then a cutting twisting together of the bowels, then thrice diarrhoea.

385. Uneasiness in the abdomen, but only when at rest.

Weakness of the abdominal muscles.

On stooping, shooting dislocation pain in the right iliac and inguinal regions.

Burning pain in the abdomen, at noon and in the afternoon, going off after stool.

Violent pain in the right epigastrium. [MORGAGNI, l. c.]

390. Pain in the right epigastrium and neighbouring lumbar region, whence it spreads sometimes through the hypogastrium, at other times into the right side of the scrotum and into the flank, like renal colic (at the same time, however, the urine appears healthy). [MORGAGNI, l. c.]

Jaundice. [MAJAULT, l. c.]

Cholera.(That is, constant vomiting and diarrhoea, with sharp nose, cold limbs, cramps, and death.) [WOLFF, l. c.]

Anxiety and complaints about pain, as if the upper part of the trunk were quite cut away from the abdomen. [ALBERTI, Jurispr. Medorrhinum t. iv, p. 259.]

Horrible pains in the stomach and abdomen. [WOLFF, l. c.- MAJAULT, l. c.]

395. Cutting (lancinates(In Chr. Kr., “Reissende” i. e. tearing) and gnawing pains in the stomach and bowels. [QUELMALZ, l. c.]

Swollen (“And painful,” the author says.)abdomen. [GUILBERT, l. c.]

Enormously swollen abdomen. [Eph. Nat. Cur., l. c.]

Distension and pains of the abdomen. {MULLER, l. c.]

Very disagreeable sensation in the whole abdomen, [MORGAGNI, l. c.]

400. Violent pains in the abdomen, with such great anxiety that he can nowhere get ease, he rolled about on the ground and gave up all hope of life. [PYL, Samml., viii, p. 98, 105, 108.]

After eating, great distension of the abdomen, without pain; he must lean with his back supported, in order to get relief. [Myr.]

Along with anxiety in the abdomen, fever and thirst. [MORGAGNI, l. c.]

The most violent pains in the abdomen. [DAN. CRUGER, Misc. Nat. Cur., Dec. ii, ann. 4. (Poisoning of an adult.) ]

Twisting colic. (See also KAISER, l. c. S. 43, “Twisting and curling up in bed.”) [RICHARD, l. c.]

405. In the rightside of the abdomen, a digging aching. [Hbg.]

Tearing in the abdomen. [PFANN, l. c. – ALBERTI, l. c.]

Tearing and cutting in the abdomen, with icy coldness of feet and hands, and cold sweat on the face. [ALBERTI, l. c.]

Cutting pain in the abdomen. [BUCHHOLZ l. c. – KELLNER, l. c.]

In the abdomen burning, shooting, and cutting. [BUCHHOLZ, Beitrage, l. c.]

410. Burning in the abdomen with heat and thirst. [ALBERTI, l. c.]

Burning in the flank. [Hbg.]

Colics recurring from time to time. [MAJAULT, l. c.]

Rumbling in the abdomen in the morning on awaking.

Noises in the abdomen. [THILENIUS, l. c.]

Here and there wandering pains in the abdomen, yellow diarrhoea and tenesmus, with burning pains in the anus and thirst. [MORGAGNI, l. c.]

415. After thte stool the colic is allayed. [RICHARD, l. c.]

After the palpitation of the heart, a rattling in the abdomen, and a pinching and twisting together of the bowels, before and during the fluid motions. [Myr.]

Dysenteric colic (Literally, “tormina”) in the umbilical region. [GRIMM, l. c.]

Constipation of the bowels.(In RAU’s case for four days.) [GORITZ, l. c.- RAU, l. c.] (Comp. Hartl. and Trinks, Arznei M. L., l. c., S. 9, “Pains in the abdomen, with constipation (TREVOSSO, The new Lond. Medorrhinum Journ., vol. ii, 1793)(From the vapour of wax lights rendered poisonous by arsenic.)

He has ineffectual urging to stool.

420. Burning in the anus, for an hour, which allayed after the evacuation of a hard, knotty stool.

Burning and pains in the rectum and anus, with constant pressing; a kind of tenesmus, as isn dysentery.

After the stool there was great weakness and burning in the rectum, with trembling in all limbs.

After the stool, palpitation of the heart and trembling weakness; he must lie down.

Spasmodic urging and pressing out at his rectum, with great pains (aft. 72 h.).

425. The faeces pass away from him unnoticed, as though they were flatus.

The faeces passed are enveloped in watery blood.

Dysentery. [CRUGER, l. c.]

Almost every moment a bloody discharge by stool, with vomiting and horrible pains in the abdomen. [GRIMM, l. c.]

Before the diarrhoea he has a feeling as if he would burst. [ALBERTI, l. c.]

430. Diarrhoea, alternating with constipation; there often passed a little yellow fluid, then urging came on as if more would come, with acute pains in the abdomen about the navel. [Stf.]

Evacuation of faeces, sometimes more, sometimes less pappy (aft. 6, 13 h.). [Lr.]

Diarrhoea. [MAJAULT, l. c. – KELLNER, l. c.](Comp. KAISER, l. c., S. 45, “Great evacuations by stool,” -S. 46, “Diarrhoea that often becomes very severe,” S. 47, “Involuntary discharge of faeces and urine.”)

Stools pass without his knowledge. [CHR, G. BUTTNER, Unterricht uber die Todlishkeit der Wunden, p. 197.(Poisonings. This S. not found.)]

Mucous and green evacuations by stool. [THILENIUS, l. c.]

435. Frequent discharge of a viscid bilious matter by stool, for two days. [PFANN, l. c.]

After much uneasiness and colic, discharge of a black fluid by stool, burning like fire in the anus. [RICHARD, l. c.]

Black, acrid, putrid faecal evacuations. [BAYLIES, l. c.]

Discharge by stool of a round lump, which appeared to consist of undigested fat mixed with fibrous parts (aft. 8 d.) [MORGAGNI, l. c.]

Diarrhoea, with violent burning in the anus. [THILENIUS, l. c.]

440. (Thin mucous evacuations, as if chopped up.)

Along with urging to stool, evacuation of masses of mucus, with cutting pains in the anus, as from blind piles.

After colic small evacuations with tenesmus, at first of dark green faeces, then of dark green mucus.


(Rumbling in the abdomen without stool.)

445. (Itching in the anus.)

Itching, scraping, or sore pain in the anus.

The anus is painful when touched, as if sore.

At the anus, haemorrhoids with shooting pains, when sitting and walking, not connected with the stool.

Haemorrhoidal lumps at the anus, which especially at night, burn(Burning is a main symptom of arsenic. Comp. 163, 362, 450, 471, 769, 777, 793, 794, 816, 819, 814, 789, 790.) like fire, and permit no sleep, but by day the pain becomes worse, and changes into violent stitches; worse when walking than when sitting or lying.

450. Blind haemorrhoids with pains like slow pricks with a hot needle.

During the stool painful contraction just above the anus towards the sacrum.

Burning in the anus. [MORGAGNI. l. c.]

Tenesmus with burning. [MORGAGNI, l. c.]

Eroding itching on the perinaeum, compelling him to scratch (aft. ½ h). [Lr.]

455. Itching on the perinaeum, especially when walking, that compels him to scratch (aft. 5.1/2h.). [Lr.]

Painful swelling of the haemorrhoidal veins with tenesmus. [MORGAGNI, l. c., § 8.]

Retention of stool and urine in spite of all internal feeling of wanting to pass them. [ALBERTI, Jurisprud. Medorrhinum, tom. Iv. P. 260.]

Burning in passing urine. [Neue Wahrn.- MORGAGNI, l. c. § 6.]

Bloody urine. [O. TACHENIUS, Hipp. Chym., c. 24, p. 149. (From inhalingsublimed arsenic) ]

460. Suppression of urine. [N. Wahrn., l. c. –GUILBERT., l. c.]

Diminished flow of urine.(Sometimes.) [TH, FOWLER, l. c.]

Increased flow of urine.(Often.) [TH. FOWLER, l. c.]

Frequent urging to urinate, with copious flow of urine (aft. 2, 3, 4, 5.1/2, 16, 17 h.) [Lr.]

After urinating great feeling of weakness in the epigastrium, so that she trembled.

465. On passing urine contractive pains in the left iliac region.

Involunatry micturition; she could not get to the utensil; the urine ran away from her, and yet there was but little of it.

He must rise at night three or four times to pass urine, and each time he passes a great deal, for several successive days.

Burning in the bladder, and urging to urinate every minute.

In the morning burning in the anterior part of the urethra at the commencement of urination (aft. 24 h.).

470. Retention of the urine as from paralysis of the bladder.

But little water passes, and it during the flow.

(Urine almost colourless.)

Very turbid urine (aft. 5 d.).

(In the urethra smarting pain.)

Deep in the urethra frequent pain, like tearings (in the afternoon).

475. Single, severe, slow stitches on both sides of the pudendum in the flanks (aft. 3 h.).

(In the inguinal swelling) a burning and digging; even a slight touch (with the bed-clothes, for example) excites the pain.

(Itching of the pudendum.)

Severe itching on the glans penis without erection of the penis.

Nocturnal emission of semen with voluptuous dreams. [Lr.]

480. Nocturnal emission of semen without voluptuous dreams, followed by long continued erection of he penis (aft. 20 h.) [Lr.]

Erection of the penis in the morning without pollution. [Lr.]

The glans penis is bluish-red, swollen, and cracked with rhagades. [PFANN, l. c.]

On the penis, near the scrotum, eroding itching compelling scratching (aft. 5.1/4 h.) [Lr.]

Inflammatory swelling of the genital organs, going the length of mortification, with horrible pains. [J. H. DEGNER, Actea Nat. Cur. vi.(Effects of applying a solution of arsenic ror itch, in two men.)]

485. Extremely painful swelling of the genitals. [Neue Wahrn., l. c.]

Sudden occurrence of mortification in the male genitals. [G. E. STAHL, Opusc. Chym. Phys. Medorrhinum p. 454.(Poisoning of two adults, “Mortification” is “sphaecelatio.”)]

Swelling of the testicles. (For “testicles.” Read “scrotum.”)(From the internal use of arsenic.) {ALBERTI, Jurispr. Medorrhinum, tom. I, p. 167.]

Lasciviousness in a woman; she desires coitus twice a day, and when it is not accorded a discharge takes place of itself.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.