185. (Painful lumps in the upper lip)

Round about the mouth red tettery skin.

Eruption (breaking out) on the lips at the edge of the red, painless (aft. 14 d. (Although in this observation the eruption on the mouth appeared very late, it is yet a primary action, and rapidly cures homoeopathically a similar morbid state, if the symptoms of the disease are not unsuitable for arsenic.))

(Eruption on the mouth with burning pain.)

A kind of pinching quivering on one side of the upper lip, especially when going to sleep. (Twitching on going to sleep are often observed from arsenic. Comp. 708, 889, 890, 891, 899)

190. A brown stripe of shrivelled epidermis, almost like a burnt part, extends through the middle of the red of the lower lip.

Eruption of ulcers about the lips. [ISENFLASMM – STEIMMIG, Diss. De REMED. Suspect. Et Venen., Erlang., 1767, p. 27(General statement)]

Black-spotted lips. [GUILBERT, l. c.]

Bluish lips and tongue.[BAYLIES, l. c. (See also KAISER, l. c. S. 23, “Bluish lips.”) ]

After eating, bleeding of the lower lip (aft. 1.1/4 h.). [Lr.]

195. Externally about the mouth blackish. [ALBERTI, l. c.]

Constant twitching toothache up to the temple, which is relieved or removed by sitting up in bed (aft. 8 d.)

Shooting in the gums ( in the morning).

Pain of several teeth (in the gums) as if they were loose and would fall out, but the pain is not increased by chewing (aft. 1 h.).

Toothache as from loose teeth; they are loose, and pain as if sore per se, and still more when chewing; touching the gums likewise causes similar pain; the cheek swells on that side.

200. Toothache, rather pressive than drawing.

Tearing in the teeth and at the same time in the head, at which she became so furious that she beat her head with her fists (just before the occurrence of the menses). (the 15th d.).

A tooth becomes loose and protruding ( in the morning); its gum is painful when touched, but still more so the external part of the cheek behind which lies the loose tooth (when touched); the tooth is not painful on biting the teeth together.

Nocturnal (tearing) pain of the gum at the canine tooth, which is intolerable as long as he lies on the affected side, but is removed by the heat of the stove; the following morning the nose is swollen and painful when touched. ( It is a peculiarity of arsenic pains, that they are relieved by external warnth. Comp. 686, 687, 37.) (aft. 3 d.)

Convulsive grinding of the teeth. [Van EGGERN, (Not accessible) Diss. De Vacillat. Dentium, Duisb., 1787. (See also KAISER, l. c. S. 24, “Grinding of the teeth)]

205. All the teeth fall out. [VAN EGGERN, l.c.]

Itching on the neck under the jaw.

Swollen glands under the jaw, with pressive and contusive pain.

Great dryness in the mouth and great thirst.

Her throat feels dry; she must always drink, and if she did dot drink she felt as if she must die of thirst.

210. Wooden dry taste in the mouth.

Absence of thirst, so that he must drink much cold water every ten minutes, from morning till evening, but not in the night. [Fr.H-n] (See also KAISER, l. c. S. 26, “Violent thirst”- and S. 27, “Violent thirst; drinking does not afford the pstient refreshment ans alleviation)]

Slimy mouth, sliminess in the throat (aft. 2 h.).

The tongue eroded at the side of the lip with smarting pain (aft. 14 d.).

215. Pricking pain as from a fish-bone in the root of the tongue, when swallowing and turning the head.

Boring pain in the right border of the tongue, during half sleep.

He feels as if he had no taste, as if the tongue were burnt dead and were without feeling.

Pain on the tongue as if there were vesicles there with burning pain.

White tongue.[ALBERTI, l. c.]

220. He must spit often. [Hbg.]

Feeling of dryness of the tongue. [BUCHHOLZ, in Hufel. Journ., v, p. 378(Poisoning of several adults by black oxide. (Vol. v, part ii, p. 104.))]

Great dry feeling in the mouth, with frequent severe thirst, yet he drinks but little at a time. [Stf.]

Great dryness in the mouth. [THILENIUS, in Richter’s Chir. Bibl., v, p. 540(Effects of arsenic in a patient with mammary scirrhus)]

Dryness of the tongue. [GUILBERT, l. c. – MAJAULT, l. c.]

225. Quavering voice. [GUILBERT, l. c.](See also Hartl. and Trinks., l. c., S. 7, “Very unequal voice, sometimes strong, sometimes weak.”)

Speechlessness and insensibility. [Misc. N. C., Dec. iii, ann. 9, 10, p. 390. (Same case as Myrrhen’s (See S. 4)]

Bloody saliva. [Neue med. chir. Wahenehm., l. c.]

(A feeling in the throat as if a hair were in it.)

Sensation in the throat as from a lump of mucus, with taste of blood.

230. Behind the velum pendelum palati a scraping scratching sensation, when not swallowing (aft. 2 h.).

Tearing pain in the oesophagus and all up the throat, also when not swallowing.

A kind of paralysis of the fauces and oesophagus; the chewed bread could not be swallowed down, it only went down with difficulty with an uneasy pressure, as if the oesophagus had no power to swallow it; he heard it ratte down.

Burning in the throat.[RICHARD, l. c. – BUCHHOLZ, l. c.]

Long-continued rough feeling on the palate (aft. 10 h.). [Lr.]

235. Internal inflammation of the throat. [RAU, l. c.]

Gangrenous sore throat.(From the external application of the arsenical, so-called magnetic plaster.) [FELDMANN, in commerc. lit. Nor., 1743, p. 50.]

Difficulty of swallowing. [RAU, l. c.]

Painful deglutition. [Neue med. – chir. Wahrn., l. c]

Burning in the fauces. [RICHARD, l. c. – KNAPE, l. c. – KOPP, Jahrbuch. D. Staatsarzn., ii, p. 182.(Poisoning of a man of 56.)]

240. In the fauces and stomach a sensation as if a thread was rolled into a coil. [RICHARD, l. c.]

The oesophagus is as if constricted. [N. m.-ch. Wahrn., l. c.]

Constrictive sensation in the throat. [PREUSSIUS, Eph. N. C., cent. iii, Obs. 15 (Poisoning of a boy) ]

He complains that he feels as if the throat would be completely closed; as if nothing more could get through the oesophagus. [ALBERTI, l. c.]

Taste in the mouth sour; the food too tastes sour.

245. Putrid foetid taste in the mouth.

In the morning, taste in the mouth like putrid flesh.

In the morning the expectoration (But only what is hawked up from the fauces) is green and bitter.

He ejects mucus by hawking.

The saliva he spits out tastes bitter.

250. (The first morsel she swallowed in the morning scraped and scratched her afterwards in the throat, like rancid fat.)

Salt expectoration (sputum salsum). [RICHARD, l. c.]

Bitter expectoration (sputum amarum). [RICHARD, l. c.]

Bitterness in the mouth with yellow diarrhoea. [MORGAGNI, De Sed. Et Caus. Morb., lix, 6, 8.(Poisoning of several adults)]

She loathesall food; can relish nothing.

255. Absence of hunger and desire to eat, for ten days. [Fr. H-n.]

Anorexia. [STOERCK, Medorrhinum Jahrg., i, p. 107(Effects of arsenite of potash in ague patients). Jacobi, l. c.] (See also KAISER, l. c., S. 25, “Extinct appetite”)

Complete anorexia. [BUCHHOLZ in Huf. Journ., l. c.]

Anorexia with violent thirst. [STOERCK, l. c.]

Loathing of food. [GORITZ, in Bresl. Samml., 1728. (Not found) – GRIMM, l. c.]

260. Insuperable loathing of all food, so that he could not think of eating without feeling sick.(See note to S. 118.) [EBERS, l. c., Sept., p. 56.]

Loathing of all food. [ALBERTI, l. c.]

He is unable to get the food down. [RICHARD, l. c.]

The smell of cooked meat is intolerable to him (aft. 5. h.).[RICHARD, l. c.]

He has no appetite, but when he eats it tastes well.

265. Along with proper taste of food, bitterness in the throat after eating, on alternate days (like a tertian fever) (aft. 2 h.)(Comp. 1.)

After eating, bitter taste in the mouth. (aft. 3,48 h.)(Alternating action with 269, 270).

After eating bitter eructation, and there comes into the mouth a greenish bitter mucus.

After eating and drinking repulsive bitter taste in the mouth.

Bitter in the mouth without having eaten anything.

270. Food has a salt taste.

The food tastes as if insufficiently salted.

Taste of beer flat.

Taste of unhopped beer bitter.

(Dislike to butter.)

275. Longing for acids.

Appetite for vinegar and water.

Great longing for acids and sour fruit.

Great longing for coffee.

Great appetite for milk, which she formerly loathed.

280. Qualmishness, in the forenoon about 11 a.m., and in the afternoon about 3 p.m.

Nausea. [PFANN, (Poisoning by cobalt (fly-powder,” a mixture of metallic arsenic with arsenious acid.) Samml. merkw. Falle, Nurb., 1750, pp. 129, 130. – Neue Wahrn., l. c.]

Anxiety with nausea. [ALBERTI, l. c.]

Frequent nausea, and at the same time a sweetish taste in the mouth, not immediately after eating.

Nausea in oesophagus and stomach.

285. Nausea, rather in the throat; at the same time water accumulated in the mouth.

In the open air she felt sick.

Long continued nausea, like faintness; she trembled all over, at the same time she became hot all over, afterwards shivering came on (aft. some h.).

On account of nausea and sickness he must lie down in the forenoon; at the same time tearing about the ankle and on the dorsum of the foot.(That symptoms of a not very important character (comp. 302, 605, 991, 823, 861) and otherwise trivial affections induce a sudden and complete sinking of the strength is a very important and characteristic peculiarity of arsenic.)

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.