80. (The right eye was painful quite internally, she could scarcely turn it, there came such severe stitches in its interior.)

Itching around the eyes and about the temples, as from innumerable red-hot needles.

Burning in the eyes.

In the eyes a tiresome tickling, owing to which he could not see well.

Twitching in the left eye.

85. While reading by candle-light, dryness of the eye-lids, as if they rubbed the eyes.

The eyes are dazzled by snow; they weep.

White spots or points hover before the eyes.

The eye-lids are stuck together in the morning.

Constant trembling in the upper eye-lids, with weeping of the eyes.

90. At night, under the right eye, for an hour, an aching pain, so that from anxiety she could not remain in bed.

The borders of the eyelids are painful on moving, as if they were dry, and rubbed upon the eye-balls (while walking in the open air and in the room.)

Red inflamed eyes. [Neue med. Chir. Wahrnehm., (Not accessible) vol. I, Altenb., 1778. (Vide KAISER, l. c., S. 11. “Inflammation of the conjunctiva.”)]

Aching in the left eye, as if sand had got into it (aft. 2. h.).

Itching and watering of the eyes; in the morning some matter in them. [Fr. H-n.]

95. Smarting eroding itching in both eyes, compelling him to rub them (aft. 3.3/4 h.).[Lr.]

Inflammation of the eyes. [HEUN, in Allgem. Medorrhinum Annal. 1805, February. (From application of A. to a cancerous ulcer of the check.) ]

Violent inflammation of the eyes. (Frequently recurring.) [GUILBERT, l. c.]

Swollen eyes and lips. [KNAPE, l. c.]

Swelling of the eyes. [QUELMALZ, Commerc. lit. Norimb. 1737, heb. 28. (Poisoning of a girl by the black oxide.See note to S. 139) ]

100. Swollen eye-lids. [Neue Medorrhinum- Chir. Wahrnehm., l. c.]

Burning in the eyes, nose, and mouth. [Neue Medorrhinum-Chir. Wahrnehm., l. c.]

Projecting eyes filled with tears; the acrid tears make the cheeks sore. [GUILBERT, l. c.] (See also KAISER, l. c., S. 12, “Projecting eyes.”

Constant severe watering of the right eye (from 2nd to 10th d.). [Fr. H-n.]

Painless swelling under the left eye which partially closes the eyes and is very soft (aft. 5 d.). [Fr. H-n.]

105. Contrated pupils (aft. 1.1/4, 5h.). [Lr.]

Sensitiveness to light, photophobia. (With headache and vertigo) [EBERS, l. c. Octob., p. 14.]

Sparks before the eyes. (With headache and vertigo) [EBERS, l. c., Octob., p. 14.]

(She sees everything indistinctly. As through a white veil.)

(Yellowness in the eyes, like jaundice.)

110. Wild look. [MAJAULT, in Abhandl. f. p. Aerzte, vii. 1, 2, (Poisoning of several subjects with different]

Staring (Rather, “wild”. ) look. [GUILBERT, l. c. (Ibid., S. 15, “Staring look, without dilatation of the pupils.”) ]

Frightfully staring (Rather, distorted.” ) eyes. [MYRRHEN, l. c.]

Distortion of the eyes. [J. MAT. MEULLER,(General statements) in Eph, Nat. Cur., cent. v. obs. 51 §]

The eye-lids are drawn to; he is tired. [Hbg.(Ibid., S. 14, “Dull eye.”]

115. Distortion of the eyes and cervical muscles. [Eph. Nat. cur., cent. x, app., p. 463.(Poisoning of a man with twelve grains of A.)]

He does not recognize those about him. [A. RICHARD, in Schenck, lib. vii, obs. 211.(Poisoning of adult)]

Obscuration of sight. [BAYLIES,(General statements of authors) in Samml. br. Abh. f. p. Aerzte, vii, 2.(Ibid., S. 17, “Darkness and glittering before the eyes.” ]

A weak-sighted person became almost quite blind, lost hearing for some time, and fell into a long-continued state of stupidity.Doubtful how much is ague an how much A.) [EBERS, l. c. Oct., p. 15.]

Obscuration of sight; it is black before his eyes ( in the 1st h.), [RICHARD, l. c.]

120. During the nausea, yellowness before the eyes. [ALBERTI, l. c., ii, p. 527.]

Long-continued weakness of sight. [MYRRHEN, l. c.]

Pimples on the forehead. [Neue Medorrhinum-Chir Wahrnehm., l. c.]

Eruption on the forehead. [KNAPE, l. c.]

Red, bloated face and swollen lips. [Stf.]

125. Bloated face. [Fr. H-n.]

Pale face. [MAJAULT, l. c.(See also KAISER., S. 20, “Paleness of face and features strikingly distorted”)]

Pale face with sunken eyes. [J. G. GREISELIUS, in Misc. Nat. Cur., Dec. I, ann. 2, p. 149(Observations on minors in A.)]

Deadly paleness. [HENNING, in Hu. Journ. d. p. Arzn., x, 2. (From application of A. to a diseased breast.- With violent vomiting.)]

Deathly hue of the face. (During vomiting) [ALBERTI, l. c.]

130. Death-like appearance. [ALBERTI, l. c.]

Bluish, discoloured face. [MEULLER, l. c., and Eph. Nat. C., l. c.]

Earthy and leaden complexion, with green and blue spots and stripes. [KNAPE, l. c.]

Twitching in the facial muscles. [GUILBERT, l. c.]

Distorted features, as from discontent. (See also KAISER, l. c., S. 21, “Altered features.”)

135. Face full of ulcers. [Neue Medorrhinum -Chir. Wahrnehm., l. c.]

Swelling in the face § of an elastic character, particularly in the eye-lids, especially in the morning. [TH, FOWLER, Medical Reports of the Effects of Arsenic in the Cure of Agues. Lond. 1787.] (Effects of arsenic of potash in ague patients).

Swelling of the face and head. [SIEBOLD,(Effect of dressing pustular scalp with mixture of A. and cinnabar.) in Huf. Journ., iv.(Comp. KAISER, l. c., S. 19, “Face red and swollen,”- and Hartl. And Trinks, l. c., s. 6,, “Swelling of the whole face (aft. 1 h.).” (From the external application of Cosme’s powder in a case of labial cancer) ]

Swelling of the face, syncopes, vertigo. [SENNERT, l. c., lib. 6, p. 237.]

Swelling of the whole head, (Should read- “Swelling of the veins of thw whole head, after violnet vomiting.”) [QUELMALZ, l. c.]

140. Swelling of the head. [HEIMREICH, in Actea N. C., ii, obs. 10 (Effects of A. sprinkled ) ]

Swelling of the face. (From internal use)[JENNER, in Simon’s Samml. d. neuest Beobacht. f. d. Jahr. 1788, Erf. 1791, p. 27. (Not accessible) ]

Enormous swelling of head and face. [KNAPE, l. c. ]

Cutaneous swelling of the head, face, eyes, neck and chest, of natural colour. [KNAPE, l. c.]

Eruption of pustules on the hairy scalp and face, with burning pain. [HEIMREICH, l. c.]

145. The hairy scalp to the middle of the forehead covered with an ulcerous scab. [KNAPE, l. c.]

Ulcerous scab a finger’s breadth in thickness on the hairy scalp, which fell off after some weeks. [HEIMREICH, l.c.]

On the hairy scalp innumerable very red pimples. [VICAT, l. c.]

On the whole hairy scalp eruption of pimples, which on being rubbed and touched pain as if festering, and the whole hairy scalp was painful as if blood was effused in it (aft. 11.1/2 h.). [Lr.]

Eroding ulcers on the hairy scalp. [KNAPE, l. c.]

150. Gnawing itching on the hairy scalp. [KNAPE, l. c.]

Gnawing itching on the whole hairy scalp, inciting him to scratch (aft. 8 h.). [Lr.]

Burning pain on the hairy scalp. [KNAPE, l. c.]

Burning itching on the hairy scalp. [KNAPE, l. c.]

Itching, with pain like ulceration, that incites to scratching, on the whole hairy scalp, which pains in every part, as if from effused blood, but mostly on the occiput (aft. 8.1/2 h.). [Lr.]

155. On the left parietal bone, on the hairy scalp, a pimple covered with scurf, which incites to scratching, and when rubbed pains as if festering (aft. 7 h.). [Lr.]

Two large pimples betwixt the eyebrows, which incite to scratching and discharge bloody water, the following day they are full of pus (aft. 2 h.) [Lr.]

Pimples on the left temple, in citing to scratching discharging bloody water, and after rubbing sore pain (aft. 3 h.). [Lr.]

Falling out of the hair. [BAYLIES, l. c.]

Stitches in the nasal bones.

160. Pain in the root of the nose in the bone.

(Alternately smell of pitch and sulphur in the nose.)

Aching in the left upper jaw.

Burning in the external ear, in the evening (aft. 5 h.).

External pain in the ears, like cramp.

165. Stitches in the ear (in the morning).

Tearing in the interior of the ear.

Behind the ear, down the neck to the shoulder, drawing tearing while sitting.

Drawing tearing pain in the lobe of the left ear.

Tearing shooting outwards, in the left meatus auditorious externus, more in the evening (1st d.).

170. Shooting in the ear (in the morning).

The left meatus externus seems to be stopped from without.

Great roaring before the ears, as from a water- weir.

Hardness of hearing, as if the ears were stopped. (aft. 60 h.)

He does not understand what is said to him. [RICHARD, l. c.]

175. When swallowing the ears become closed internally, like deafness.

Roaring in the ears at each attack of pains. (The occurrence of other symptoms during the pains is quite peculiar to arsenic. See S. 970.)

Voluptuous tickling in the right meatus auditorius, that compeled him to rub (aft. 3.1/4 h.). [Lr.]

Agreeable crawling deep in both ears, for ten days (aft. 15 h.). [Fr. H-n.]

180. Ringing in the right ear (when sitting) aft. 1.1/4 h.). [Lr.]

Rushing noise in the ears. {THOMPSON, l. c. – BAYLIES, l. c.]

Pinching in the ears. [Bhr]

An ulcer eroding all around on the lip, with tearing pain and smarting as from slat, in the evening after lying down, in the day-time when moving worst when touched and in the open air; it prevents sleep and wakes him up in the night (aft. 14.d.)

Itching as from innuremable burning needles in the upper lip to under the nose; the following day the upper lip swelled above the red.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.