585. First oppression of the chest, then pain in the chest with short cough and salt expectoration. (See Note to S. 118.) [EBERS, l. c., Oct., pp. 8 and 11.]

Great anxiety, as if all would be constricted, with anxiety in the scrobiculus cordis.

During the abdominal pains, difficult breathing, as if the chest were compressed.

Freuquent short, difficult respiration, and dry short cough, with ulcerative sore pain in the scrobiculus cordis up to the middle of the chest.

Frequent oppressive, anxious, short breathing in the chest, in all positions.

590. Oppression during the cough and on walking quickly, or on going upstairs.

In the evening, great anxiety and restlessness, and the chest as if contracted.

Dyspnoea for eight days, oppression in the region of the sternum, on breathing deeply.

Always immediately after coughing the breath is so short, as if his whole chest was contracted.

Frequent. Quite short, dry cough, excited by a suffocative sensation in the larynx, such as is apt to occur from sulphur fumes.

595. Pain under the scrobiculus cordis, which takes away the breath.

When he getsvexed he has tightness of the chest.

When he has fatigued himself he gets a tightness of the chest, such as is apt to arise from anxiety.

Eruption of yellow spots on the chest. [WEDEL, l. c.]

Distortion of the cervical muscles. (Not found.) [MULLER, l. c.]

600. Tensive stiffness of the neck. [Bhr.]

(At night and in the morning) stiffness in the nape, as if bruisedor strained, and a similar pain above the hips. (aft. 12 h.).

External swelling of the neck without pain. [Stf.]

In stooping low the artery of the left side of the neck swells outto an extraordinary degree. [Bhr.]

All round the neck, on the shoulders and in the sides, a kind of colourless smarting eruption. [Fr. H-n.]

605. Drawing pain between the scapulae, which compels him to lie down (aft. 5 h.) (See note to 288.)

Drawing from the sacrum up into the shoulders, and at the same time stitches in the sides, during which flatulence moves about in the abdomen, which, not being able to be discharged, presses upwards, as it were, then eructation ensues, and he gets relief.

(Stiffness in the spine, from the coccyx upward.)

The sacrum is painfully stiff all day.

Want of strength in the small of the back.

610. Drawing pain in the back (in the forenoon) (aft. 6 d.).

Drawing up and down in the back.

Along with pain in the back restlessness and attacks of anxietas. [BUTTNER, l. c.]

Only when lying on the right side strong clucking movements in the muscles of the left side of the back. (aft. 3.3/4 h.). [Lr.]

Bruised pain in the back and over the scapulae as if beaten (aft. 4 d.).

615. In the sacrum pain as if bruised (aft. 4 h.)

In the loins (renal region) stitches when breathing and sneezing.

Excoriation beneath the arms in the axillae. [KLINGE, in Huf. Journ. d. p. A., vi, p. 904. (Observation on minors in arsenic.) ]

Tearing shooting pain in the right armpit.

A painful lump on the arm. [Neue Wahrn. l. c.]

620. At night, in bed tearing in the elbow and wrist-joint (aft. 4 h.).

At night pain in the arm of the side lain on. (Comp. 562.)

(When he lies on the right side the right arm goes to sleep.)

Eroding itching on the left forearm near the wrist-joint, inciting to scratch (aft. 1.1/2 h.). [Lr.]

Great formication in the hands at night.

  1. Painful swelling of the hands.[N. Wahrn. l. c.]

Stiffness and insensibility of the hands. (Lasting for a long time.) [Pyl, Samml., viii, p. 98, &c.]

Fine tickling in the left palm, causing to rub it (aft. 7 h.). [Lr.]

Cold hands. [Stf.]

Small lumps on the hands. [N. Wahrn, l. c.]

630. Always towards evening in both wrists a drawing pain.

Tickling itching on the inside of the right middle finger, compelling him to scratch (aft. 5 h.) [Lr.]

Tearing shooting pain in the bones of the hand and of the little finger (aft. 2 h.).

Drawing pain in the middle fingers.

Drawing tearing in the fourth and fifth metacarpal bones, in the morning.

635. Drawing and twitching (tearing) from the finger-tips up to the shoulder.

Cramp in the fingers of th right hand when he stretches them straight out.

Painful cramp in the proximal joints of the fingers of both hands.

From morning till noon a painful spasm in the finger-tips, calf, and toes (aft. 5 d.).

Inflexibility of the fingers, as if they were stiff.

640. Finger-joints painful when moved.

Discoloured nails. [BAYLIES, l. c.]

Paralysis of the lower limbs. (Not found.) [EBERS, l. c. Octob., p. 18.]

Gout in the hip (sciatica). (Worn as an amulet in the pocket. [The original is simply ‘sciatica.”]) [BORELLUS, Hist. Et Observ. Cent. iii, obs. 36.] (See also Hartl. and Trinks, l. c., S. 13, “In the morning after a rather sleepless night, violent, drawing tearing pain in the hips and left foot (3rd d.).”)

Excoriation betwixt the thighs, with itching. [KLINGE, l. c.]

645. Eroding itching on the right thigh, near the groin, causing him to scratch (aft. 4.1/2 h.) [Lr.]

Eroding itching on both thighs, causing scratching, in the evening on undressing (aft. 13 h.). [Lr.]

Convulsions of the knees and thighs. (Shortly before death.) [ALBERTI, l. c., tom. i.]

Spasm (cramp) in the lower extremities (thighs). [PYL, Samml. i, p. 245.]

Pain and shooting in the knees (aft. 2 h.) [RICHARD, l. c.]

650. Paralysis in both knees. [J. B. MONTANUS, in Schenck, lib. 7, obs. 209. (Poisoning of a woman.) ]

In the hough tension, as if tendons were too short, when sitting and standing, but not when walking.

Paralysis of the legs, so that he can hardly walk. [PET. FORESTUS, lib 18. Schol. ad, obs. 28.]

Emaciated legs. [MAJAULT, l. c.]

Tearing pains in the bones. [Bhr.]

655. Cramp in the calf when walking, and in the hand on moving it (aft. 2 h.).

Tearing pain in the right calf (when sitting) (aft. 11 h.) [Lr.]

In the nakle and knee-joints tearing, only when moving.

A weakness in the knees, so that he can only sit down with difficulty.

At night profuse sweat on the lower extremities, especially the knees.

660. In the left knee dislocated and bruised pain, especially on rising up from sitting.

(In the right knee great want of firmness, it bends under him.).

Drawing tearing in the right hough down to the heel, as from a sprain.

Drawing tearing in the anterior side of the thigh down to the knee and ankle-joint when walking.

Sharp drawing in the tibia.

665. In the tibia single, violent tearings making him cry out.

A boring pain in the right tibia.

Tearing shooting internally, at the lower part of the leg, on a small spot.

Under the knees sensation as if the legs were tightly bound there/

Formication in the lower extremities, as if they were asleep.

670. In the morning spasmodic pain in the foot, which changesinto a vibration and tinglingin it. (aft. 96 h.).

Tearing in the lower extremitites from above downwards to the lower part; he could not tread, sit, or lie, either in bed or on a bench; day and night he must either keep the foot swinging to and fro or limpabout with it, and he could not rest upon it; worst at night. (From fever-drops which in Saxony the wandering pedlars lately used to sell to the country people in small four-sided bottles, and which I found to contain a very strong solution of arsenic.)

A tearing shooting, as if in the periosteum, down the thigh and leg as far as the tip of the big toe.(aft. 24 h.).

At night he often cannot lie, must lay the feet first in one place then in another, or must walk about to get relief.

Drawing in the foot; he cannot keep it still; at the same time he can walk gently with care, but not quickly.

675. In the afternoon, when sitting, a twitching in the feet.

On making a false step with the affected foot there occurs a jerk in it that gives a shock to the whole limb.

On the side of the knee a point that pains as if bruised, only when touched, as if the flesh was loose there, only when seated, not when walking. (The alternating action of arsenic, in which symptoms are produced or renewed by movement, is much rarer than that in which the symptoms are produced or increased when at rest, when (lying and) sitting, or are diminished by standing or moving; the latter alternating action is therefore much more important for homoeopathic curative action by arsenic. Comp. 526, 671, 675, 707, 776, 777, 779, 780, 821.)

(When the feet hang down perpendicularly when sitting they have drawing pains.)

Heaviness, fatigue, and drawing pain in the legs with knuckling (unsteadiness and weakness) of the knees, especially in the morning.

680. Weariness in the lower extremitites. (See also Hartl. and Trinks, l. c. S. 21, “Great weariness (aft. 1 h.)” – S. 22, “On going upstairs a sensation as if the legs would break down under him (7th d.).)

Morning sweat on the legs (the first night).

Feet so heavy, he can hardly lift them.

Continual cold feet when he sits still; he can scarcely warm them in bed.

In the calves an aching pain.

685. The calf became hard and pressed flat with intolerable pain almost like cramp pain (but much worse), making her scream for an hour and a half; the whole limb was stiff, she could not move it at all, and quite cold and insensible; there remained tension in the calf and a kind of paralysis in the thigh (aft. 50 h.).

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.