Feet swollen, the swelling extending up over the calves; previously tearing in the calf, which was removed by applying warm cloths.(Comp. note to 203.) (aft. 3 d.).

The ankles swell without being red, and have tearing pains, which are relieved by external warmth.

Shining hot swelling of the feet (dorsum and soles), to above the ankles, with round, red spots, which cause a burning pain (aft. 3 d.).

The swelling of the feet itches.

690. On treading, on the top of the instep, in the ankle, pain as if ricked or sprained (aft. 72 h.).

Shooting and tearing in both the ankle-joints; when treading and walking stitches in them, as if the feet were sprained, so that she is like to fall; the ankles are painful when touched. (aft. 12 h.). (See also Hartl. and Trinks, l. c., S. 18, “The ankles are painful to the touch.”)

A tearing in the ankles.

Coldness of the knees and feet, with cold sweat on them; they cannot be warmed.

695. (Cold sensation in the soles of the feet.)

Tearing in the heels. [Bhr.]

Tearing in the lower extremities. [PYL, l. c.]

Violent pains in the legs, especially in the joints. [MAJAULT, l. c.]

When she does not set down her foot straight, or when she makes a false step, she has a pain in it as if dislocated. [Bhr.]

700. The pains in the foot are aggravated by movement. [Bhr.]

After vomiting, paralysis of the feet. [CARDANUS, De Venen, i, iii, 1563. (General statement from authors.)

Coldness of the feet with contracted pulse. [MORGAGNI, l. c.§ 8.]

Swelling, stiffness, insensibility and numbness of the feet; occasionally they were full of great pains. [PYL, Samml., viii, p. 97, &c.] (See also Hartl. and Trinks, l. c., SS. 14-17, “Intolerable pains in the lower extremities, with swelling of one of them (aft. 8 weeks).” – “First on the right, then on the left foot a hard, reddish-blue, greenish-yellow, and very painful swelling (aft. 28 d.).” – Great pains, tearing and stiffness in the limbs, as if he could not move them (14th d.).” – Stiffness of the limbs, especially of the knees and feet, alternating with tearing pains (28th d.).”

On awaking the heels are painful, as if she had lain on something hard.

705. Under the left heel, on treading, single stitches up to the back of the thigh.

Several stitches in the sole (aft. ½ h.)

When lying he has nausea and tearing about the ankles and dorsum of the feet.

(In the evening, in bed, the toes are drawn backwards, and some muscular fibres in the calves and thigh are contracted with a spasmodic pain for three hours, whereupon he bacame very exhausted.)

Cramp in the calves and fingers frequently, especially in bed at night.

710. The whole of the left side of the body affected with a numb pain. [Bhr.]

The right foot has numb pains; when seated she can only lift it with the help of the hands. [Bhr.]

Tickling running itching on the right big toe, something like the healing of a wound, compelling him to the right side to the hips and left thigh. [THILENIUS, l. c.]

General anascara.(See note to S. 118.) [EBERS, l. c.]

715. Complete anascara (From suppression of ague by arsenic.) (aft. 4 d.). [EBERS, l. c., p. 56.]

Swelling of the face and feet, dry mouth and lips, distented abdomen, diarrhoea, colic, vomiting. (As S. 714.) [EBERS, l. c., Sept., p. 28.]

Great swelling of the face and the rest of the body. [FERNELIUS, l. c.]

Swelling of the feet. [JACOBI, l. c.]

Swelling on various parts of the body, of an elastic kind. [TH. FOWLER, l. c.]

720. Pain in the feet. [TIM, A GULENKLEE, Opp., p. 280.]

Violent pains in the soles, which sometimes bring on convulsions. [PFANN, l. c.]

Convulsive attack: at first she struck outwards with her arms, then she lost all consciousness, lay like a dead person, pale but warm, turnes the thumbs in, twisted the hands, which were shut, drew the arms slowly up and pushed them slowly down; after ten minutes she drew the mouth hither and thither, as if she waggled her jaw; at the same time no respiration could be detected; after this had lasted a quarter of an hour the fit ended with a jerk through the whole body like a single thrust forwards with arms and le, and then immediately full consciousness returned, only great exhaustion remained.

Twitching, like something alive (felt when touched), in some muscular parts of the thighs and legs, with spasmodic pain in them by jerks.

Attacks of tetenus. [Salzb. Medorrhinum- Ch. Zeitung.] (See also KAISER, l. c., S. 56, “Tetanus.”)

725. Spasms. [HENNING, l. c.- KELLNER, l. c.]

Convulsions. [FORESTUS, lib. 17, obs. 13. – CRUGER, l. c. – WEDEL, l. c.]

The most violent convulsions. [VAN EGGERN, l. c.]

(Before death) convulsions. [ALBERTI, l. c.- (aft. 4 d.) BONETUS, Sepulcr, Anat., sect. X, obs. xiii, part 1, l, c,] (See also KAISER, l. c., S. 59, “Death with and without spasms.)

Convulsions and miserable distortions of the limbs. (Shortly before death – just as most of the considerable convulsions from arsenic are nothing but secondary action and transition to death.)

730. Epilepsy. § [CRUGER, l. c. – BUTTNER, l. c.]

Trembling of the limbs. [N. Wahrn., l. c. – BUCHHOLZ, Beitrage, l. c. – BONETUS, l. c. – HEIMREICH, l. c. – GREISELIUS, l. c.] (See also KAISER, l. c., S. 55, “Trembling.” Also Hartl. and Trinks, l. c., S. 19, “Trembling in the limbs even after very moderate walking.”)

Trembling and shaking with perspiration on the face. [ALBERTI, l. c.]

Trembling in all limbs. [JUSRAMOND, On Cancerous Disorders, Lond. 1750.] (From arsenic given to a woman with cancer of the tongue.)

He trembles in every part. [Hbg.]

735. Trembling all over the body. [GUILBERT, l. c.]

After vomiting trembling of the limbs. [CARDANUS, l. c.]

Trembling in the arms and feet. [HEIMRECH, l. c.]

Paralysis; contraction. [PET. DE. APONO, in Schenck, lib. vii, obs. 214.]

740. Contraction of the limbs. [J. D. HAMMER, in Commerc. lit. Norimb., 1738, Heb. 24.]

Stiffness of all the joints [PET. DE APONO, De Venen., cap. 17.] (From sulphuret of arsenic, realgar.)

Immobility of all the joints. [PET. DE APONO, l. c.]

Paralysis of the lower extremities. [BERNARDI, in the Annalen der Heilkunst, 1811, January, p. 60 (Not accessible)]

Paralysis; inability to walk.[CRUGER, l. c.]

745. Paralysis of the lower extremities, with losss of sensation. [HUBER, N. Actea Nat. Cur. iii, obs. 100 (Statement that the author knows a woman so affected by arsenic.) ]

She becomes much emaciated, with earthy complexion, blue rings round the eyes, great weakness in all the limbs, disinclination for all work, and constant desire to rest (aft. 8 d.)

Emaciation. (See note to S. 118.) [STORCK, l. c. – JACOBI, l. c.]

Complete emaciation. [GREISELIUS, l. c.]

Gradual emaciation (and death within the year). [AMATUS LUSITANUS, Cent. ii, cur. 4, 65 (Poisoning of a youth.)]

750. (Fatal) marasmus. [Salzburger Medorrhinum – Ch. Zeit. ]

Wasting. [MAJAULT, l. c.]

Pthisical fever. (See note to S. 118.) [STORCK, l. c.]

Horrible pains in the limbs. [PFANN, l. c.]

In the morning in bed sudden tearing twitching or shooting, which changes into burning, in the thumb or big toe.

755. In the evening in bed drawing pain in the middle finger of the hand, and in the foot (aft. 7 d.)

(At night in the back, sacrum and thighs a drawing, shooting and throbbing pain (aft. 3 h.).

Drawing from the abdomen to the head, where there was throbbing and still moretearing; it then came into the left side, where one or two stitches came in jerks (aft. 8 d.).

Pain in the sacrum and back, especially after riding (in one accustomed to ride).

Gouty pains in the limbs, without inflammation.

760. During a sedentary occupation such peevish restlessness that she must rise up and walk about.

Drawing pain in the joints of the knees, ankles, and wrists.

Indesribably painful and extremely disagreeable feeling of illness in the limbs.

Severe tearing in the arms and legs, owing to which he cannot lie on the side, where it tears; it becomes most tolerable by moving about the part where the tearing pain is.

All her limbs are painful.

765. Throbbing in all the limbs, and also in the head.

All his limbs are painful, whether he walks or lies.

Extreme painfulness of the skin of the whole body.

Fine pricks all over the body.

Here and there slow pricks. As with a red-hot needle.

770. (The pains become slighter and leave off by compressing the part.)

Tearing pains in the hollow bones.

(On the occurrence of the pains, heat of face and body.)

The nocturnal pains only become tolerable when he walks about; they are unendurable when sitting, and articularly when lying still.

The pains are felt at night when asleep.

775. The pains are intolerable, they make the sufferer furious.

The pain of the affected part is even felt during (light) sleep, and wakes him up occasionally during the night, especially before midnight.

On the affected part a pain as if an abscess had passed into suppuration there and would burst; observed when sitting (aft. 4 h.).

On the affected part a pain as if the bone was swollen there; observed when sitting.

An ulcer that is particularly painful in the morning, which containsa dark, brown, bloody matter under a thin scab, with single stitches whilst sitting, which are relieved by standing, but most effectually by walking.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.