Syphilinum – Medicine

Psoas abscess first left then right, latter discharged more than a quart of offensive greenish pus when opened; severe nocturnal pains, affecting upper sacral, lower dorsal and left cervicofacial regions, steadily increasing; they occurred twice, each time twenty-one days after either psoas abscess had bee opened.

Enlargement of cervical glands and a number of pedunculated pin-head warts on neck; cured by syco-syphilinum.

Enlargement of glands in different parts of the body, particularly abundant about the neck, indurated and slightly painful causing a sensation of uncomfortable fullness and suffusion in face, throat and head.

Nocturnal aggravation of pains in back, hips and thighs.

Enormous swelling of glands in head and neck, no relief from any remedy. Cured with Buboin syphilitica cm.

Syphilitic sores on back near spine on hip.

Pains commencing in sacral region internally, and apparently coming around to uterus.

Indurated lumps between muscles of the neck.

Aching pains in limbs like growing pains.

Upper limbs

      Rheumatism of shoulder-joint or at insertion of deltoid, agg. from raising arm laterally.

Can only raise arms to a right angle with axilla; trying to force them higher causes muscles to suddenly become paralyzed and they drop pendant.

Lameness and pain of arm on motion agg. on raising arm up in front as if reaching; pain located about insertion deltoid in upper third of humerus, not painful to pressure.

Fingers and thumbs have runarounds (infantile syphilis).

Always washing the hands.

Hands badly ulcerated on backs.

Right second finger is swollen and stiffened.

Lower Limbs

      Swelling of legs from knees down, soles painful when standing on them; swelling goes down in morning, comes back at night.

Pain in lower extremities, excruciating, completely banish sleep; agg. from hot fermentations; amel. pouring cold water on them amel. for an hour, after which the pains return.

Cannot sit in a low chair, or squat down, owing to loss of control over knees and hip-joints.

Pains in long bones of lower extremities, also on joints.

Dull pains over back of feet to toes, began soon after getting into bed, lasting until 4 or 5 A.M.

For two or three winters intense cold pain in both legs, agg. in l., came on every night on lying down, lasting all night, amel. by getting up and walking, and in warm weather.

Pain in three toes of right foot as if disjointed.

Slight contraction of tendons beneath right knee.

Tearing pains in hip and thighs, agg. at night amel. about day-break, agg. by walking, not affected by weather (improved).

Redness and rawness with terrible itching between toes.

Bubo with pain in spot on middle of right thigh in front, only when standing and on deep pressure, which seemed to touch spot, which was apparently on periosteum.

Two ulcers larger than a crown piece, dirty stinking, sloughing, with jagged, elevated edges are on thigh above patella, another on head of tibia; two large pieces of bone came away from head of tibia.

Osteosarcoma in center of right tibia the size of half an ostrich egg, pains agonizing at night, growth irregular, spongy, partly laminated, very hard.

Contracted, painful feeling in soles, as if tendons were too short.

Aching pains in limbs, like growing pains.

Bone pains in knees and feet.

Gradual rigidity of all joints after eruption; flexors seem contracted.

Rheumatic swelling of left wrist and big toe, bluish red, with pains as if somebody sawed at his bones with a dull saw; amel. by heat of stove; agg. from sundown to sunrise; no appetite; has lasted two weeks.

Feeling of numbness in palms and soles, at times a prickly sensation as if numb parts were punctured by a great number of needles.

Excruciating arthritis; swelling, heat, and redness intense.

Rheumatism, muscles are caked in hard knots or lumps.

Severe attacks of aching in lower limbs.

Sharp rheumatic pain, burning like fire, in left side of right instep and below inner malleolus, prevents her from moving foot agg. when toe is pointed inward; agg. in evening, continuing during night, waking her up suddenly every two or three hours, worst from 1:30 to 3:30 A.M. Agg. toward daybreak (improved).

An old doctor residing here had been troubled for two or three winters with an intense cold pain in both legs, left one worse.

It came on every night on lying down and lasted all night, only relief was by getting up and walking, and everything had failed to help. Magnetic leggings had afforded most relief. The trouble ceased in warm weather. He happened to speak of it one day, and I told him I would stop it. As he wanted to try it, I gave him one dose of Syphilinum mm., dry. He lost his pain fro six or eight weeks, when it returned in a milder form, and he received one dose of Syphilinum CM., and he has never had it since. Went all winter without pain. But he said the second powder made his genitals ache so that he couldn’t sit still, and this continued for over a month.


      Great restlessness at night, impossible to keep long in one position.

Absolute sleeplessness (vies with Sul. in producing quiet, refreshing sleep.).

Wakes soon after midnight and cannot sleep again till 6 A.M.

During the whole 24 hours can only rest from 8 to 10 A.M.

Total loss of sleep for 22 successive days and night.

Absolute sleeplessness for 11 to 14 days and nights.


      Great pains in head, whole body extremely cold, looked blue, wanted to be covered with blankets or couldn’t get warm; no appetite; sleeping almost continually, could not be aroused.

Nervous chills preceded by pains in head, esp. occiput and scalp of that part; pains below waist, in pelvis, legs, esp. tibia, which is sensitive to touch; bowels torpid; cross, irritable, peevish; pains begin every day at 4 P.M., culminate at midnight, disappear at daylight.

After retiring nerve chill beginning in anus, running down legs with spasmodic sensation; desire for stool, amel. by profuse urination and by eructations.

Fever: dry, hot, shortly after going to bed, parched lips, great thirst, during fever intensely hot, wants to throw off covering puts feet out of bed and against wall to cool them; high fever in middle of day, heat being intense, with sensation as if burning up; thirst for large quantities often, sensation of burning internal heat very marked; fever preceded by slight chill and followed by sweat and great debility.

Sweat: profuse at night, sleepless and restless, esp. between scapulae and down to waist, with excessive general debility.

Fever from 11 to 1 P.M. daily; perspires when she begins to get over fever; pain in back, agg. between shoulders, no ambition or desire to move.

Excessive general debility and continued night sweats, later being most marked between scapulae and down to waist.


      Pustular eruption on different parts of body; in patches on certain places, particularly on wrists and shins, where bones are nearest cuticle, and isolated other large pustules on other parts, these break, discharging an ichorous fluid for one or two days, then heal, leaving characteristic pockmark cicatrize; patches take longer to heal, discharging same fluid till healing process commences.

After healing of chancre a fresh pustular eruption appears on different parts of body, which when pustules have a discharged an ichorous liquid and healed up, leaves fresh coppery pockmarks; Medorr. removed it permanently, causing it to turn yellow- brown, dry at edges and scale off, leaving skin permanently clear and free.

Biting sensation in different parts of body, as if bitten by bugs, at night only.

Syphilitic rash, very prominent on forehead, chin, arms and front of thorax, an abundance of fine scales peeling off; large prominent spot on center of forehead, filled with fluid, as also are some smaller patches.

Syphilitic bulla discharging freely on cheeks, under chin, on back of shoulders, on scalp and other parts of body (infantile syphilis).

Macula; copper-colored; from crown of head to sole of foot.

Pemphigus, looking like a pock, often confluent and persistently reappears. Skin bluish.

Macula over back, chest, abdomen, arms and legs, but not on any uncovered part of body.

Several elevated spots on arm, stomach, leg and finger, has them habitually on face, chiefly on left cheek.

A blood-boil on arm: face broken out with a lumpy fiery rash.

Eruption over whole body not elevated, but could be distinctly felt by passing hand over skin: after Syphilinum 1M. eruption came rapidly to surface; at same time a disagreeable odor began to be developed; eruption reddish-brown like small-pox pustules, without central depression; body covered with it, except scrotum and penis; increased, completely covering inside of mouth and throat, making it difficult to swallow even liquids; eyes also covered, making him completely blind; intolerable smell from body; tips of pimples became filled with pus; agg. from warmth of bed; fetid breath; eruption developed still more, a great quantity of pus, with intolerable itching, yet could not scratch as it was extremely sore; eruption left skin of entire body covered with dull, reddish, copper-colored spots, which in cold, looked blue.


      AMELIORATION: cold bathing, in the mountains, warmth, walking.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.