Syphilinum – Medicine

A sensation, in morning on going to urinate, as if male urethra were stuffed up or clogged, about an inch from orifice.

Scalding urine.

Urination difficult and very slow; no pain, but a want of power, so that he has to strain.

Urine infrequent, not more often than once in twenty-four hours, scanty, of a golden-yellow color; after Syphilinum 1M., woke next morning with great distention of abdomen and pain in region of kidneys; rising she passed a large quantity of normal colored urine, after which the distention and pain were relieved; next day regular urination, watery.

Profuse urination after chill; passed during night nearly a chamberful.

Rich lemon-yellow scanty urine.

Frequent urging to urinate all night, at least from 7 P.M. until 5 A.M. or sunset to sunrise.

Male Genitalia

      Chancre on prepuce.


Burning in chancre; ulcer size of a split pea, on prepuce above corona glandis; edges raised, bottom covered with lardaceous deposit; no pain or sensation in it. Glans purple, on left side covered by an exudation.

Chancre on penis, third in two years, all on same spot.

Aching of genitals, could not sit still for over a month.

After suppressed chancre, disease attacked testes and scrotum, which became painful and swollen; this was supposed to be cured, but ever since, every few weeks, if exposed to damp weather would be seized with pain as if in kidneys, seemingly traversing ureters, but instead of passing into bladder followed spermatic cord, down groins and into testes; pain agonizing, chiefly in cord, in present attack in right; pricking in chancre, as though punctured by pins.

Chancroid, phagedenic, spreading rapidly; buboes commencing in each groin.

Inflammation and induration of spermatic cord.

Constant pain in anterior part of right thigh, agg. while standing, painful all night, preventing sleep; bubo in left inguinal region size of a pigeon’s egg, purple, fluctuating; night sweats.

Bubo, purple, pointing in left groin, size of pigeon’s egg; accompanied with night sweats, and constant pain in anterior portion of right thigh, agg. at night.

Female genitalia

      Uterine and all surrounding parts loose, soft and flabby; profuse, thick, yellow leucorrhea; constant pain across small of back.

Slight whitish leucorrhea.

Yellow offensive leucorrhea, watery or not, so profuse it daily soaks through napkins and runs to heels of stockings if much on her feet.

Profuse yellow leucorrhea agg. at night, in sickly, nervous children.

Soreness of genitals, and muco-purulent discharge, in a child.

Acrid discharge causing violent itching and inflammation of external organs agg. at night from warmth of bed, parts very tender; itching and inflammation amel. during menses.

Nocturnal agg. of right ovarian pain, preventing sleep.

Sore on right labium majus, extending to l.

Intense itching of vulva on rising in morning, continuing until 10 o’clock.

Menstruation painful, two weeks too soon; pink-red, bright, profuse, running free for some days; napkins wash easily. Menses returned in 28 days, painless.

Painful menstruation.

The usually painful menstruation with all its concomitants, was very easy and the best for years.

Sensitiveness of os uteri, agg. to intolerable pain at menses, or on introduction of finger or penis; frequently causes abortion.

Sharp zigzag shooting pains in region of uterus.

Ovaries congested and inflamed tendency to ovarian tumors.

Sore aching in left ovarian region, extending to right with darting pains.

Left ovary swollen, during coitus, at, moment of organism, a sharp cutting pain like a knife, and twice there was smarting as of a sore; ovary swelled so much that its size and shape could easily be felt through abdominal walls (caused by Buboin).

Uterine and ovarian diseases with pronounced nervous disorders, esp. in married women.

Mamma sensitive to touch, feeling sore; during menses, and at other times.

Respiratory organs

      Hoarse, almost complete aphonia, day before menses.

Diseased cartilages of larynx.

Pain and oppression at bifurcation of bronchia and in larynx, it hurts her to breathe.

Attacks of spasmodic bronchial asthma for twenty-five years; they come on only at night after lying down or during a thunderstorm, producing most intense nervous insomnia, entirely preventing sleep for days and nights.

Violent attacks of dyspnoea, wheezing and rattling of mucus, from 1 to 4 A.M.


      Hard cough agg. at night, when it is continuous preventing sleep.

Hard, constant cough with thick, yellow, tasteless expectoration.

Dry, racking cough, with thick, purulent expectoration caused by a sensation of rasping or scraping in throat, always agg. at night.

Whooping-cough with terrible vomiting.

Cannot lie on right side, as it causes a dry cough.

Muco-purulent expectoration, greyish, greenish, greenish yellow, tasteless.

Expectoration without cough, quite clear, white, feels like a round ball and rushes into mouth.

Cough and dyspnoea come on after midday dinner, has to fight for breath, feels as if she would be suffocated; symptoms last all night, amel. at daybreak (improved).

Expectoration of white phlegm.

Dry, sharp, hacking cough without expectoration, but with rawness, scraping and burning from fauces to stomach pit; with a whoop in inspiration and a choking sensation from fauces to bifurcation of bronchia, great mental distress.

Hard cough, agg. at night, when it is continuous, preventing sleep; white phlegm expectorated.

Cough agg. on lying on right side.

Hoarse, almost complete aphonia, the day before menses; no catarrh or sore throat.


      Chronic asthma; in Summer, especially when weather was warm and damp; most frequently in evening, passing off at daybreak; soreness of chest, with great anguish and inability to retain a recumbent position; in Winter severe bronchial cough succeeded by asthmatic attacks; a regular type of chills and fever developed; suffered from this many years before. Within 24 hours after taking the 1M. the character of the asthma changed, during the night it disappeared and the hour which had been that of relief, now became that of aggravation. The attacks only lasted a few minutes, and gradually becoming less severe, did not return for several months.

Oppression of chest to such an extent as to almost arrest breathing; asthma caused by sensation as if sternum were being gradually drawn towards dorsal vertebra; expansion of chest difficult; confusion of mind, as if unconsciousness might follow.

Attack lasted about ten minutes, followed by general weariness which passed off in a few minutes.

Rattling in chest and throat.

Pain in center of chest as if skin were drawn up, on drawing the head back.

Lack of sleep produces sudden faintness and sinking sensation in chest; three spells succeeded each other during a single night.

Sensation of pressure under upper part of sternum.

Pain and pressure behind sternum.

Angina; ptosis left eye; facial paralysis left side, slight aphasia; impotence (relieved).

Eczematous herpetic eruptions on chest.

A lady, 78 years of age, had suffered from attacks of spasmodic bronchial asthma (?) for 25 years. The attack would come on only at night after lying down, or during a thunderstorm, and produces the most intense insomnia, entirely preventing sleep for days and nights together. Under allopathic treatment full doses of Morphine brought relief for twenty months. Arsenicum, Amb., Belladonna, Ipecac, Nux vomica, Phosphorus, Sul., Opium high, and other apparently well selected remedies entirely failed. Syphilinum cm. cured.


      Lancinating pain in heart at night, from base to apex (Medor. has reverse).

Valvular disease of the heart.

Back and neck

      Heavy aching and stiffness from base of neck up through muscles and cords into brain.

Great pain in back in region of kidneys, agg. after urinating.

Pain in coccyx at its junction with sacrum, sometimes in lower sacral vertebrae; agg. on sitting, with a sensation as if swollen, though it is not. Pains commencing in sacral regions internally, and apparently coming around to uterus.

Caries of cervical spine with great curvature in same region, directly forward, occiput sinking down to a level with it and resting on protuberance of curvature; often nearly a teaspoonful of calcareous matter would be discharged at a time and on evaporating it a quantity of dry powder, looking like phosphate of lime, would be left; pain in curvature always agg. at night (no proof of syphilis).

Rigidity of muscles.

A heavy, dragging, dull feeling in lumbar region, with stiffness and want of elasticity.

Caries or dorsal vertebrae with acute curvature, numerous cloacae communicating with diseased bone, one much larger than the rest, exuding a sanious, offensive pus, and surrounded with proud flesh; great thickening and induration of surrounding parts from effusion of lymph; percussion or pressure not endurable; two abscesses in groin, left having been opened a year before right about a month ago; least motion gave him great pain by day; and terrific pain by night; for five months, every night most intense neuralgic pains, commencing generally from 5 to 7 P.M. and never terminating till about daylight or about 5 A.M.; pains in muscles of loins, generally in left sharp, cutting spasms, terrible to bear, preventing sleep and forcing him to cry out; agg. at least motion, and slightly amel. by warm poultices.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.