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Syphilinum – Medicine

Syphilinum – Medicine.





Drs. Sam’l Swan, I. C. Boardman, Thomas Wildes, E. A. Ballard, Wm. Eggert, Laura Morgan, H. I. Ostrom, Wm. Bradshaw, Thomas Skinner, R. M. Theobald, S. Morrison, D. W. Clauson, C. F. Nichols, E. W. Berridge, Francis Burritt, S. W. Jackson, R. N. Foster, E. B. Nash, Julius Schmidt, C. W. Boyce, W. A. Hawley, D. B. Morrow, J. R. Haynes, H. H. Carr, H. C. Allen, J. T. Kent.

Dr. Swan’s provers: Miss Eva Spalding, Miss Hays, Mrs. Mary B. Pitts, Mrs. S. S., Mr. Brown, a lady, a woman, five provers (names and sex unknown). Dr. Morrison’s prover: Mrs.-. Dr.

Berridge’s prover: Mrs. W. Heitts. Dr. H. B. Carr’s provers: Dr.- Mrs. Henry Hake, Mrs. Kelt. Copland’s Dictionary.

Dr. Feller said it was absurd to claim that any disease could be cured by its nosode, for after potentizing the nosode, we cannot be satisfied that it is in the same condition as when first taken from the diseased individual. Thus the syphilitic poison is composed of molecules: the molecules of atoms. When the poison is potentized the essential character of the molecules in undoubtedly lost, and hence it is not the same substance any longer. Therefore, there can be no certainty that the potentized preparation is the same poison. But if, for argument, we allow that the molecules of the poison can be potentized without change of character, we still are not relieved of the dilemma, for primary syphilis in any one person will make a different set of symptoms from syphilis in another persons. The variations are endless. Hence, we must then have a potentization of each one of these different kinds of syphilis, which would be impossible. Mercury is a staple substance, always unchanged; it might then be expected to produce identical sets of symptoms on any number of the most different people. Yet its action is different upon every persons to whom it is given. How much more, then, must be the individual variations in the case of the poison of syphilis, and if Mercury requires so many different remedies to antidote it, how much more, then, must syphilis need a variety of remedies to treat it. It is folly, then, to expect to treat symptoms with its nosode, and the folly is the more apparent when we realize that the character of this nosode, is essentially changed in the process of potentizing. The only way, therefore, to use a nosode is to prove it on the healthy, like any other drug, and note its symptoms in the regular way.


      Utter prostration and debility in morning.


Dwarfed, shrivelled-up, old-looking babies and children.

Epileptic convulsions after menses.

Body, extremities and face covered with syphilides; a sticking soreness begins in throat every evening between 6 and 7 o’clock and continues to grow agg. during night; exceedingly restless until 4 A.M.; then a restless sleep for a few hours; can scarcely swallow; when swallowing a sensation as of throat tearing to pieces; continual throbbing in throat, agg. from cold and hot drinks, and agg. lying down; throbbing in temples and ears, boring in ears meeting in center of brain; sensation as if top of head were coming off; drawing pain in eyes agg. from lamp light; teeth pain when eating, also when taking anything hot or cold, feel as if they were loose, amel. pressing teeth together and pressing throat with hands; excessive flow of saliva, it runs out of mouth when sleeping; severe pain in neck; bending back head, amel. pain in neck; aching pain in shoulders and knees; rending, tearing pains throughout body, amel. moving about slowly; had his wife hide his revolver lest in a fit of desperation he might kill himself, as was his desire during extreme paroxysms of pain; strikes wall with fist and beats head against wall for relief; stools hard, dry like sheep dung; desire for stool three or four times a day, but only a little odorless wind passes which gives relief; sitting at stool, amel. pain in head; is easily offended, gets desperate, cannot bear to be alone, great anxiety about getting well; at night no position suits him, walks floor or goes into street and moves about slowly; sleepy all the time but cannot sleep; dreams about his disease; agg. in open air; frequent urination with sudden desire; discharge large quantities of muddy urine.

Shifting pains of a rheumatic character obliging a repeated change of position and posture.

Lancinating rheumatic pains, slightly relieved by a change of position at times, and sometimes relieved by motion. Pains commence at 2 P.M., gradually increasing till they reach their acme at 9 P.M., continuing exceedingly acute till 3 or 4 A.M., subsiding with daybreak.

Pains more particularly agg. in, or confined to, the muscles and joints of lower limbs, for four or five weeks, then they seemed to go to the periosteum and bone itself, consequently becoming deeper and more profound.

The pains produce two sensations, an external one which seems to lie in muscles an joints, and an internal one which is deeper and much more unbearable, so much so that it seems by its profound nature to control the external ones and to cause those pains to disappear, afterward reappearing intensified in the external sensation.

Pain in all the limbs every night after midnight, weary, tired pains, making rest impossible, as he could lie nowhere without suffering in the part on which he rested. Pains worse in lower limbs, much perspiration which partly amel.

Rheumatic neuralgic pains in all the muscles, even in cremaster, not in joints; darting pains in irregular attacks, sometimes lasting a week or two. The pains gradually increase and decrease; they are worse in damp and especially in frosty weather; they get worse at 4 or 5 P.M., attain their height at 2 or 3 A.M., ceasing about 8 A.M. Never contracted syphilis-very much improved by CM.

Rheumatism with sweating of hands, wrists and legs below the knees, and feet, with great soreness of soles, all agg. at night.

Extreme emaciation.

Hardly able to lift hand.

Feels agg. mornings: utter prostration and debility in morning.

Weak, emaciated.

Though 17 looked 12, was so reduced and dwarfed; great attenuation of soft parts throughout, spare and hollow; confined to couch for about three years, and for one year was scarcely ever off back.

After the disappearance of the pustular eruption, a gradual rigidity of all the joints ensues, and all the flexors seem to become contracted and shortened; this causes inability to close the finger on a knife or spoon, and a partial inability to lift the foot in order to step up-stairs, except with great difficulty by using a cane, and only a step up or down at a time. (Note. – This is not the case where the pustular eruption is a curative effect of the Syphilinum high.-Swan.)

Feeling of numbness in palms and sole, which have also at times a prickly sensation as if the numb parts were punctured by a great number of needles.

Slight rigidity of joints.

Rheumatic swelling of left wrist and left great toe which is bluish-red, with pains like sawing off his bones with a dull saw; better from heat of stove, worse from sundown to sunrise; no appetite.


      Pains from darkness to daylight; begins with twilight and ends with daylight (Mercurius, Phytolacca) Pains increase and decrease gradually (Stannum); shifting and require frequent change of position.

All symptoms are worse at night (Mercurius); from sundown to sunrise.

Eruptions: dull, red, copper-colored spots, becoming blue when getting cold.

Extreme emaciation of entire body. (Abrotanum, Iodium).

Heart: lancinating pains from base to apex, at night (from apex to base, Medorrhinum); from base to clavicle, or shoulder, (Spigelia).

Loss of memory: cannot remember names of books, persons or places; arithmetical calculations difficult.

Sensations: as if going insane; as if about to be paralyzed; of apathy and indifference.

Terrible dread of night on account of mental and physical exhaustion on awakening; it is intolerable, death is preferable.

Fears the terrible suffering from exhaustion on awakening (Lachesis) Leucorrhea: profuse, soaking through the napkins and running down to the heels (Alumina).

Headache, neuralgic in character, causing sleeplessness and delirium at night; commencing at 4 P.M.; worse from 10 to 11 and ceasing at daylight (ceases at 11 or 12 P.M., Lycopodium); falling of the hair.

Acute ophthalmia neonatorum; lids swollen, adhere during sleep; pain intense at night agg. from 2 to 5 A.M.; pus profuse; amel. by cold bathing.

Ptosis: paralysis of superior oblique; sleepy look from drooping lids (Causticum, Graphites).

Diplopia, one image seen below the other.

Teeth: decay at edge of gum and break off; are cupped, edges serrated; dwarfed in size, converge at their tips (Staphysagria).

Craving alcohol, in any form. Hereditary tendency to alcoholism (Sar., Psorinum, Tuberculinum, Sulphur, Acid Sulphuricum).

Obstinate constipation for years; rectum seems tied up with strictures; when enemate were used the agony of passage was like labor (Lac-d., Tuberculinum).

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.