Syphilinum – Medicine

Fissures in anus and rectum (Thuja); prolapse of rectum; obstinate cases with a syphilitic history.

Rheumatism of the shoulder joint, or at insertion of deltoid, agg. from raising arm laterally (Rhus-r. shoulder, Sanguinaria; left, Ferrum).

When the best selected remedy fails to relieve or permanently improve in syphilitic affections.

Syphilitics, or patients who have had chancre treated by local means, and as a result have suffered from throat and skin troubles for years, are nearly always benefited by this remedy at commencement of treatment unless some other remedy is clearly indicated.

Relations: antidote; Nux vomica, for over-action or excess of action in sensitive organizations, or too frequent repetition of the remedy, especially in the higher potencies.

Compare: Aurum Asafoetida, Kali Iodium Mercurius, Phytolacca, Acid nitricum in diseases of bone and syphilitic affections. Ech., Lac caninum, Medorrhinum in dysmenorrhea. Calcarea, Tuberculinum, headache deep in the brain. Platina, Stannum, pains increase and decrease slowly. Alumina, Kali bichromicum, Pulsatilla, Psorinum, Sepia, Teucrium, post-nasal catarrh, or ozena, with offensive plugs or clinkers. Hepar, Silicea, Psorinum, tendency to successive abscesses (succession of boils, Anthracinum). Aurum, Lac caninum, Lachesis, Mercurius Iodium syphilitic stomatitis. Calcarea fl., Fluor, ac., Kali bichromicum, Kali Iodium Mang., Mercurius, syphilitic nodes. Abrotanum, Iodium, Tuberculinum, progressive emaciation. Medorrhinum, lancinating pains in heart (from apex to base). Spigelia (from base to clavicle or shoulder). Syphilinum (from base to apex). Lachesis, fear of exhaustion on awakening. Causticum, Gelsemium, Graphites, paralysis of upper lids. Asarum europaeum, Medorrhinum, Psorinum, sul., Tuberculinum, hereditary tendency to alcoholism. Lac-d., Tuberculinum, paralytic weakness of rectum with labor-like pains. Nat. mur., Sanicula, Thuja, fissure ani. Kreosotum, Mercurius, troubles during detention, especially if hereditary syphilis be suspected.

Phosphorus, X-ray, bad effects of thunder-storms.

Aggravation: motion, touch, hot or cold things, warm or damp weather, seaside, electric storms, winter, raising arms laterally, at night (in common with all anti-syphilitics).


      Loss of memory.

Loses remembrance of passing occurrences, names dates, etc., while all occurrences previous to inception of disease are remembered as distinctly as ever, almost without effort.

Very nervous, weeping without cause.

Cross, irritable, peevish.

Irritable, excited, walking much of the time, does not want to be soothed, violent on being opposed, has tremors, seems on the verge of convulsions, dazed, absent-minded, always washing her hands.

Periodical neuralgia in head.

Very despondent, does not think he will ever get better.

Feeling as if going insane, or about to be paralyzed.

A far-away feeling, with apathy and indifference to future.

Crying infants, who begin immediately after birth.

Difficulty in making arithmetical calculations.

Terrible dread of night, not on account of cough so much as on account of mental and physical exhaustion when she awakes; it is intolerable, death is preferable; she fears to prepare for night and is positively in abject fear of suffering, in form of exhaustion on awaking; it is agg. by cough, but it is quite independent of cough as she wakes in this awful state; always agg. as night, approaches; leaves her about daylight, which she prays for. Spring cough. Had had a dose of Syphilinum cm., twenty-four hours before; on third night her anxiety and cough returned, though very much less. Another dose of Syphilinum cm., next morning, removed all symptoms, including aphonia, and exhaustion requiring brandy.

Great difficulty, and sometimes impossibility, of concentrating the thoughts on particular subjects; yet at the same time can recollect consecutive events and details which occurred 25 or 30 years previously in the order of occurrence, almost without effort.

Cannot remember names of persons, books or place.


      Vertigo on looking up, seems to be caused by heat.

Headache: linear, from or near one eye backward; lateral; frontal; from temple to temple; deep into brain from vertex; as from pressure on vertex; in either temple, extending into or from eye amel. by warmth; in bones of head; agg. by heat of sun; after sunstroke.

Sick headache, pains intolerable, arteries of head full and pulsating violently; high fever, frequent retching on trying to vomit; menses regular, but very scanty.

Lancinating pain in occiput, agg. invariably at night, and causing sleeplessness, but always ceasing with the coming light of morning.

Headache and great debility.

Neuralgic headache causing sleeplessness or delirium at night, always commencing about 4 P.M.; agg. at from 10 to 11 P.M., and ceasing at daylight.

Burning sensation in vertex as from severe cold.

Pain from eyes through to occiput, with sensation of weight in occiput drawing head back; or as if it were pulled back; eyes ache and smart.

Constant linear headache, commencing at both angles of forehead and extending in parallel lines backward – a precursor of epileptic attack.

Heavy, crushing, cutting pain across base of cerebellum.

Heavy, clouded, dull feeling in base of brain.

Headache through temples, thence vertically like an inverted letter T.

Coronal headache.

Headaches accompanied by great restlessness, sleeplessness and general nervous erethism.

Syphilitic headache for many months, piercing, pressing excruciating over right eye; extending deep into brain; losing continuity of thought and memory; makes repeated mistakes in figures.

Suffusion and full feeling in face, throat and head, with innumerable small enlarged cervical glands.

Sore, one and a half inches in diameter, on occipital bone, covered with a thick, yellow-white scab.

Dirty eruption on scalp.

Great loss of hair.

Nervous chills preceded by aching pains in head, especially in occipital and integuments thereof, head feeling heavy, sore, congested; also frontal headache about one-half or two-thirds inches wide across forehead under eyebrows; aching pains below waist, in pelvis and extremities, especially in tibia, which is sensitive to touch, pains commence about 4 P.M., culminate about midnight in delirium, and cease entirely at daylight.

Syphilitic cephalalgia in occiput, intolerable, extending to nervous ganglia of neck, causing hardening of cords; attacks at irregular intervals, especially after excitement.

Cephalalgia in nerves of scalp, invariably worse at night and better after daybreak.


      Red papulous eruption round left inner canthus, with isolated pimples on side of nose, cheek and eyebrow; these pimples were red, with depressed center, circumscribed areola, became confluent where they were most dense; pimples bleed when scabs come off; agglutination of lids.

Sensation of heat with a little pain in outer half of left lids.


Sharp, pulsating pain, occasionally at outer end of superior border of right orbit, apparently in periosteum.

Upper lids swollen.

Ptosis: paralytica; eyes look sleepy from lowering of upper lid.

Diplopia, one image seen lower than the other.

Strabismus paralytica, eye turning inward, and pupil can only be turned outward as far as median line.

Chronic recurrent phlyctenular inflammation of cornea; successive crops of phlyctenules and abrasion of epithelial layer of cornea; intense photophobia; profuse lachrymation; redness and pain well marked; delicate, scrofulous children, especially if any trace of hereditary syphilis remains.

Left eyeball covered with fungus-like growth, pain intense agg. at night.

Acute ophthalmia neonatorum.

Redness and swelling of outer half of both lower tarsal edges.

Syphilitic iritis, intense pain steadily increasing night after night; agg. between 2 and 5 A.M., coming almost at the minute and ceasing same way.

Pain in right inner canthus as if blood went there and could go no farther, also in right temple.

Both eyes glued in morning; conjunctiva injected; photophobia, constantly wears a shade.

Eyes dull.

Infantile syphilis.

Ophthalmic pains, agg. at night, amel. by cold water.

right eye alone affected, congestion of conjunctiva and sclerotica, with some chemosis; lids inflamed, esp. at outer canthus; sensation of sand in eyes; lids agglutinated in morning; great photophobia (hereditary syphilis).

Neuralgia every night, beginning about 8 or 9 P.M., gradually increasing in severity until it reached its height about 3 or 4 A.M., and after continuing thus for two or three hours, gradually decreased and finally ceased about 10 A.M., attacks gradually get more severe and last longer; first feels cold all over, almost a shiver; then soreness as if beaten in right half of head, extending a little beyond middle line on vertex; in about thirty minutes scalding lachrymation from right eye with shooting backward therein; eye is very red and closed, with photophobia; gnawing pains extend down right side of face and whole of nose; head is worst when eye is bad; during paroxysm right eye feels as if lids were open wide, and cold air blowing on exposed eye; she perceives a horizontal band across pupil of right eye hindering sight; this came on soon after paroxysm commenced; eye amel. by placing handkerchief on head and letting it hang over eyes, also by gentle pressure, though she cannot bear much pressure; it is more painful when lying on right (affected) side when also right side of head feels sore; right eye red, and red vessels run all over it, converging towards iris; right pupil horizontally oval; right iris looks dull and there is a slight brown hue around pupil; left eye normal, attacks seem to have originated from sitting at a window in a cold draft, right eye being next window.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.