Syphilinum – Medicine

During sleep lids adhere; in infantile syphilis.

Paralysis of superior oblique.

Chronic recurrent phlyctenular inflammation of cornea, successive crops of phlyctenules and abrasion of epithelial layer of cornea; intense photophobia; profuse lachrymation; redness and pain well marked; delicate scrofulous children, especially if any trace of hereditary syphilis remains.

Interstitial keratitis.

Photophobia, black spots, shreds or veils before sight.

Itching of left inner canthus.

Eyes very red and inflamed.

Acute ophthalmia neonatorum.

Eyes swollen and closed with syphilitic ophthalmia, pus running out of them.

Acute left conjunctivitis, with considerable pain in eyeball, photophobia and lachrymation, followed by iritis; nocturnal aching in eyeball, pain extremely violent from 2 to 5 A.M.; sight impaired.

Iritis with photophobia, congestion of conjunctiva and sclerotica, with puffiness of conjunctival mucous membrane; chemosis, pupil immovable, diminution of sight; supraorbital pain.

Pain in right inner canthus as if blood went there and could go not further, also in right temple.

At 1 P.M. scalding lachrymation of right eye with shooting therein, followed by shooting from around eye into eye; eye red and closed; this lasted about an hour, then decreased, ceasing about 3 P.M.; recurred for two successive days and again four days afterwards in a slighter degree, but at same hour.

On turning eye to left feels momentary coldness in inner half of right eye.

On walking, gum in right canthus.

On walking across room, right eye sensitive to air, aches on using it.

Left eye closed, upper lid swollen as large as half an English walnut; deep red, not much pain, with oozing of purulent matter from between lid. Strabismus paralyticus, the rectus internus being involved, and the eye turning outward.

Left eyeballs covered with a fungus-like growth, pain intense, worse at night.


      Intense earache in right ear, incisive pains thrusting into ear; purulent watery discharge from ear with pain.

Gathering in left ear which discharges a great quantity of pus (hereditary syphilis in a child.).

Deafness gradually increasing until she could scarcely hear at all.

Complete deafness; nothing abnormal to be seen.

Catarrhal or nerve deafness with marked cachexia.

Calcareous deposit on tympanum.

Small, acrid, watery discharge occasionally from ears, no deafness (ozaena).


      Left side on nose, inside ala, itching.

Nose stuffed up and burning.

Attacks of fluent coryza.

Offensive, thick yellow-green nasal discharge; during sleep dry scabs form in both nostrils; following an application of salve for sore eyes; left submaxillary gland, which had been swollen and indurated, softness, discharges, and after forty-five days, begins to heal slowly.

Ozaena syphilitica. (Syphilinum brought out an eruption of sores with a fiery-red base on nose over frontal sinuses.).

Left side of nose inside and out very sore, likewise lips and chin; sores itching and scabbing over; after Syphilinum 1M. much better in twelve hours, many drying up and scabs falling off, leaving skin beneath of a dull-reddish copper color.

Itching in nostrils.


      Face drawn to one side, difficulty of speaking, masticating, blowing.

Spasmodic twitching of many muscles, esp. in face (paralysis agitans), with great melancholy and depression of spirits.

Facial paralysis right side, thick speech, hemicrania, jactitation of right eye and lid.

An old gentleman has had for some years cancer on right malar bone; no rest, his agony excruciating in extreme (relieved).

Face pale.

Itching, scabby, eczematous eruptions singly or in clusters, looking like herpes.

Nose and cheeks covered with eruptions and scabs in layers rising to a point.

Dark purple lines between alae nasi and cheeks.

Lips and teeth covered with bloody mucus.

Sores on lips and chin, esp. left side, scabbing over.

A boy, aged 20 months, fretful, peevish, cross and crying, tossing in his sleep, grinding his teeth, face dotted with papules filled with a watery yellowish matter, most on edges of lids; teeth irregular, arms and legs emaciated, very tottery on his feet, very nervous.

Left submaxillary gland which had been swollen and indurated, softens and discharges, and after forty-five days begins to heal slowly.


      Tongue red and thick; two deep cracks running lengthwise in it; one on each side of median line.

Aphasia, difficulty of finding words; debility.

Tongue feels as if paralyzed.

Fetid breath.

Tongue coated white, edges indented by teeth.

Tongue turns to one side when protruded; difficulty in mastication, cannot turn food with tongue so readily from right to left as in other direction.

Putrid taste in mouth before epileptic fit.

Tongue very red and thick; covered with herpetic eruption, two deep cracks running lengthwise on each side of median line, making it difficult to swallow.

Tongue thickly coated, dirty, edges indented or serrated by teeth.

Twenty ulcers in mouth, every part involved, top and under side of tongue, lips, buccal cavity, fauces and nose. Two large ulcers, one on each side near apex of tongue, were very much swollen, and the one on right side had a gangrenous center, the rest lardaceous bottoms with bright fiery red edges, and were cut down as with a knife, and felt hard like an indurated chancre. Septum of nose threatened, both alae nasi very painful, smarting with burning as if on fire, pains and burning prevented sleep; hungry but could eat nothing but fluids, as mastication was impossible; tongue heavily coated white, large quantities of stringy, viscid saliva running from mouth, of a sweetish taste; a putrid sickening odor filled whole house; all symptoms agg. toward night. This attack excited by exposure to rain.

Herpetic eruption in mouth, tonsils, hard palate and fauces, completely covering inside of mouth and throat, making it difficult to swallow even liquids.

Syphilitic destruction of hard an soft palates.

Chancre on hard palate exposing the bones of roof of mouth.


      Single small lunae cleft in upper incisors, permanent set, which incisors are dwarfed in their general dimensions, and converge at their tips; inherited syphilis.

Children’s teeth are cupped.

Teeth decaying at edge of gum and breaking off.

Felt like a worm in tooth, could not tell which tooth.

Singular feeling as if teeth had all got out of place, and on closing jaws teeth do not come well together.

First central upper incisors serrated, permanent teeth point towards each other, inner side concave; edges serrated. Medorrhinum.

Pain in right upper jaw, as if from teeth, with swelling of face.

Painless fluttering occasionally in teeth, very peculiar, as if something alive, cannot detect which tooth it is.


      Chronic hypertrophy of tonsils.

Chancrous ulcers extending across velum palati to left pillar of pharynx, which was congested and thickened, interfering very much with his speech; voice husky.

Acute pharyngitis.

Sore throat.

Deglutition painful, especially with liquids.

Excoriation of throat when swallowing.

Sore throat with granulations.

Chancrous ulcers in pharynx.

Herpetic eruption in mouth, tonsils, hard palate and fauces, completely covering inside of mouth and throat, making it very difficult to swallow even liquids.



Heartburn with pain and rawness from stomach to throat-pit, often with cough.

Vomiting for weeks or months due to erosion from superficial ulceration of lining of viscus, hepatic, of syphilitic origin.


      Appetite indifferent and capricious.

Total loss of appetite for months, little or nothing satisfies him; formerly was generally ravenous.

Loss of appetite.


Appetite good again; ravenous desire for food even after a meal.

Tendency to heavy drinking; alcoholism.

Aversion to meat. Dyspepsia; flatulence, belching of wind; nervous dyspepsia.


      Pain or distress deep in abdomen as if in omentum.

Feeling of heat internally in hypogastric region.

Pain in right groin followed by swelling of glands.

Large painless bubo in right groin opened and discharged freely.

Slight lancinating pain in one groin, agg. at night.

Inguinal bubo.


      Bowels torpid for five weeks.

Obstinate constipation for many years; rectum seemed tied up with strictures, when injections were given agony of passage was like child-bearing.

Chronic constipation, with fetid breath, earthy complexion, gaunt appearance.

Stools very dark and offensive.

Stools too light-colored.

Bilious diarrhoea at seashore, painless, driving her out of bed about 5 A.M.; stools during day; later causing excoriation; face red, suffers from heat; occasional painless, whitish diarrhoea when at home, amel. always by going to mountains.

Obstinate cases of cholera infantum.

Fissures in anus and rectum.

Two indurated ulcers at mouth of anus somewhat sore; slight itching of anus.

Lower portion of rectum hanging out like a ruffle, looking like a full-blown rose fully three inches in diameter, and sensitive; constant weak dragging sensation in rectum, extending as far as sacrum.

Urinary Organs

      Itching in orifice of urethra.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.