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Syphilinum homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic Syphilinum from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…

Syphilinum has Pains from darkness to daylight; begin with twilight and end with daylight ( Mercurius, Phytolacca ).

Pains increase and decrease gradually ( Stannum ); shifting and require frequent change of position.

All symptoms are worse at night ( Mercurius ); from sundown to sunrise.

Eruptions: dull, red, copper-colored spots, becoming blue when getting cold.

Extreme emaciation of entire body ( Abrotanum, Iodium ).

Syphilinum Heart: lancinating pains from base to apex, at night (from apex to base, Medorrhinum; from base to clavicle or shoulder, Spigelia ).

Loss of memory; cannot remember names of books, persons or places; arithmetical calculation difficult.

Sensation: as if going insane, as if about to be paralyzed; of apathy and indifference.

Terrible dread of night on account of mental and physical exhaustion on awakening; it is intolerable, death is preferable.

Fears the terrific suffering from exhaustion on awakening ( Lachesis ).

Syphilinum Leucorrhoea; profuse; soaking through the napkins and running down the heels ( Alumina ).

Headache, neuralgic in character, causing sleeplessness and delirium at night; commencing at 4 p. m.; worse from 10 to 11 and ceasing at daylight (ceases at 11 or 12 p. m., Lycopodium ); falling of the hair.

Acute ophthalmia neonatorum; lids swollen, adhere during sleep; pain intense at night < from 2 to 5 a. m., pus profuse; > by cold bathing.

Syphilinum Ptosis: paralysis of superior oblique; sleepy look from drooping lids ( Causticum, Graphites ).

diplopia, one image seen below the other.

Syphilinum Teeth: decay at edge of gum and break off; are cupped, edges serrated; dwarfed in size, converge at their tips ( Staphysagria ).

Craving alcohol, in any form. Hereditary tendency to alcoholism ( Asarum europaeum, Psorinum, Tuberculinum, Sulphur, Acid Sulphuricum ).

Obstinate constipation for year; rectum seems tied up with strictures; when enema was used the agony of passage was like labor ( Lac caninum, Tuberculinum ).

Fissures in anus and rectum ( Thuja ); prolapse of rectum; obstinate cases with a syphilitic history.

Rheumatism of the shoulder joint, or at insertion of deltoid, < from raising arm laterally ( Rhus – right shoulder, Sanguinaria; left, Ferrum ).

When the best selected remedy fails to relieve or permanently improve, in syphilitic affections.

Syphilitics, or patients who have had chancre treated by local means, and as a result have suffered from throat and skin troubles for years, are nearly always benefited by this remedy at commencement of treatment unless some other remedy is clearly indicated.

Relations. – Compare: Aurum, Asafoetida, Kali i., Mercurius, Phytolacca, in bone diseases and syphilitic affections.

Aggravation. – At night, from twilight to daylight.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.