Abrotanum homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Abrotanum from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Keynotes and Characteristics by Henry Clay Allen. Originally published: 1899. Allens Keynotes is one of the most popular and widely read materia medica. The reason for its popularity being its preciseness and comprehensiveness. Dr. Allen has presented the keynote symptoms of 188 of the more commonly used remedies on a style that is very easy to read and comprehend. He has used italics and bold print to emphasise the weighting of the symptoms and has included a section on the bowel nosodes and a section on imponderables and nosodes. A classic of Homeopathic literature.
Abrotanum homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Abrotanum from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Acetic Acid homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Acetic Acid. from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Aconite Napellus homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Aconite Napellus from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Actaea Racemosa homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Actaea Racemosa from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Aesculus Hippocastanum homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Aesculus Hippocastanum from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Aethusa Cynapium homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Aethusa Cynapium from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Agaricus Muscarius homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Agaricus Muscarius from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Agnus Castus homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Agnus Castus from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Allium cepa homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Allium cepa from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Aloe Socotrina homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Aloe Socotrina from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Alumina homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Alumina from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Ambra Grisea homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Ambra Grisea from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Ammonium Carbonicum homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Ammonium Carbonicum from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Ammonium Muriaticum homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Ammonium Muriaticum from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Amylenum Nitrosum homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Amylenum Nitrosum from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Anacardium Orientale homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Anacardium Orientale from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Anthracinum homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Anthracinum from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Antimonium Crudum homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Antimonium Crudum from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Antimonium Tartaricum Antimonium Tartaricum from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Apis mellifica homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Apis mellifica from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Apocynum Cannabinum homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Apocynum Cannabinum from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Argentum metallicum homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Argentum metallicum from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Argentum nitricum – details and materia medica of homeopathy remedy Argentum nitricum. from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Materia Medica of Homeopathic Arnica montana. from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Homeopathy Medicine homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Homeopathic Remedy from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Arum Triphyllum homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Arum Triphyllum from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Asarum Europaeum homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Asarum Europaeum from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Asterias Rubens homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Asterias Rubens from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Aurum Metallicum homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Aurum Metallicum from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Baptisia Tinctoria homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Baptisia Tinctoria from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Baryta Carbonica homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Baryta Carbonica from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Belladonna is a homeopathy remedy commonly used for pain, fever, cough and sore throat, but its effectiveness is well known in psychiatric problems and acute pains, which are throbbing or pulsating in nature. It is commonly used for children and is known to be effective in dentition or teething problems in homeopathic doses. from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Benzoic Acid homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Benzoic Acid from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Berberis vulgaris details and materia medica of homeopathy remedy Berberis vulgaris from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Bismuth homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Bismuth from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Borax Borax from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Bovista homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Bovista from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Bromium homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Bromium from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Bryonia Alba homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Bryonia Alba from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Cactus Grandiflorus homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Cactus Grandiflorus from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Caladium homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Caladium from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Calcarea Arsenica homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Calcarea Arsenica from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Calcarea Carbonicum homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Calcarea Carbonicum from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Calcarea phos homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Calcarea phos from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Calendula homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Calendula from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Camphora homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Camphora from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Cannabis Indica homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Cannabis Indica from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Cannabis Sativa homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Cannabis Sativa from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Cantharis homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Cantharis from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Capsicum homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Capsicum from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Carbo Animalis homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Carbo Animalis from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Carbo Vegetabilis homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Carbo Vegetabilis from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Carbolic Acid Symptoms, uses and complete drug picture from Allen’s Materia Medica. from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Caulophyllum homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Caulophyllum from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Causticum – symptoms and materia medica of homeopathy remedy Causticum. from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Chamomilla homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Chamomilla from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Chelidonium Majus homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Chelidonium Majus from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Cicuta Virosa homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Cicuta Virosa from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Cina details and materia medica of homeopathy remedy Cina from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
China officinalis homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy China officinalis from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Coca homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Coca from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Cocculus indicus homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Cocculus indicus from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Coffea Cruda homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Coffea Cruda from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Colchicum Autumnale homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Colchicum Autumnale from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Collinsonia Canadensis homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Collinsonia Canadensis from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Homeopathic Remedy Colocynthis from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Conium Maculatum homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Conium Maculatum from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Crocus Sativus Crocus Sativus from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Crotalus Horridus homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Crotalus Horridus from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Croton Tiglium homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Croton Tiglium from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Homeopathic Remedy Cuprum Metallicum from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Cyclamen Europaeum homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Cyclamen Europaeum from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Digitalis Purpurea homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Digitalis Purpurea from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Dioscorea Villosa homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Dioscorea Villosa from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Diphtherinum homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Diphtherinum from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Drosera Rotundifolia homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Drosera Rotundifolia from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Dulcamara homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Dulcamara from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Equisetum Hyemale homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Equisetum Hyemale from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Eupatorium Perfoliatum homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Eupatorium Perfoliatum from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Euphrasia homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Euphrasia from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Ferrum Metallicum homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Ferrum Metallicum from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Fluoric acid homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Fluoric acid from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Gelsemium homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Gelsemium from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Glonoine homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Glonoine from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Graphites homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Graphites from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Hamamelis Virginica homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Hamamelis Virginica from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Helleborus Niger homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Helleborus Niger from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Helonias Dioica homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Helonias Dioica from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Hepar Sulphuris homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Hepar Sulphuris from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…
Hyoscyamus Niger Hyoscyamus Niger from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…