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Antimony Crudum

Antimonium Crudum homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Antimonium Crudum from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…

Antimonium Crudum suits For children and young people inclined to grow fat (Calcarea); for the extremes of life. Old people with morning diarrhoea, suddenly become constipated, or alternate diarrhoea and constipation; pulse hard and rapid. Sensitive to the cold. < after taking cold. Antimonium Crudum Child is fretful, peevish, cannot bear to be touched or looked at; sulky, does not wish to speak or be spoken to (Antim tart., Iodium, Silicea); angry at every little attention. Great sadness, with weeping. Loathing life. Anxious lachrymose mood, the slightest thing affects her (Pulsatilla); abject despair, suicide by drowning. Irresistible desire to talk in rhymes or repeat verses. Sentimental mood in the moonlight, especially ecstatic love; bad effects of disappointed affection (Calcarea phosphorica). Nostrils and labial commissures sore, cracked and crusty. Antimonium Crudum has Headache: after river bathing; from taking cold; alcoholic drinks; deranged digestion, acids, fat, fruit; suppressed eruption. Gastric complaints from over-eating; stomach weak, digestion easily disturbed; a thick milky-white coating on the tongue, which is the red strand of the remedy; very subject to canker sores in the mouth (Argentum nitricum, Sulphur). Longing for acids and pickles. Gastric and intestinal affections: from bread and pastry; acids, especially vinegar; sour or bad wine; after cold bathing; over-heating; hot weather. Constant discharge of flatus, up and down, for years; belching, tasting of ingesta. Mucus: in large quantities from posterior nares by hawking; from anus, ichorous, oozing, staining yellow; mucous piles.Antimonium Crudum has  Disposition to abnormal growths of the skin; fingernail do not grow rapidly; crushed nails grow is splits like warts and with horny spots. Large horny corns on soles of feet (Ranunculus bulbosus); very sensitive when walking; specially on stone pavements. Loss of voice from becoming over- heated. Cannot bear the heat of sun; worse from over-exertion in the sun [Lach., Nat. m. ]; (<) from over-heating near the fire; exhausted in warm weather; ailments from sunburn. Whooping-cough: (<) by being over-heated in the sun or in a warm room; from cold washing. When symptoms reappear they change locality or go from one side of the body to the other. Aversion to cold bathing; child cries when washed or bathed with cold water; cold bathing causes violent headache; causes suppressed menses; colds from swimming or falling into water [Rhus].

Antimonium Crudum  Relationship :-   Complementary: Squilla. Similar: to, Bry., Ipec., Lyc., Puls., in gastric complaints. Follows well: after, Ant. c., Puls., Mer., Sulph.

Aggrvaion – After eating; cold baths; acids or sour wine; after heat of sun or fire; extremes of cold, or heat.

Amelioration –   In the open air; during rest; after a warm bath.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.