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Apis mellifica

Apis mellifica homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Apis mellifica from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen…

Apis is Adapted to the strumous constitution; glands enlarged, indurated; scirrhus or open cancer. Apis Women, specially widows; children and girls who, though generally careful, become awkward, and let things fall while handling them (Bovista).

Bad effects of acute exanthema imperfectly developed or suppressed (Zincum met.); measles, scarlatina, urticaria.

Ailments from jealousy, fright, rage, vexation, bad news. Irritable; nervous; fidgety; hard to please.

Weeping disposition; cannot help crying; discouraged, despondent (Pulsatilla). Sudden shrill, piercing screams from children while waking or sleeping (Hellebore).

Oedema; bag-like, puffy swelling under the eyes (over the eyes, Kali carb.); of the hands and feet, dropsy, without thirst (with thirst, Acid aceticum, Apocynum).

Extreme sensitiveness to touch (Belladonna, Lachesis).

Pain: burning, stinging, sore; suddenly migrating from one part to another (Kali bichromicum, Lac caninum, Pulsatilla).

Thirstlessness: in anasarca; acites (Acetic acid, but face more waxy and great thirst).

Apis has Incontinence of urine, with great irritation of the parts; can scarcely retain the urine a moment, and when passed scalds severely; frequent, painful, scanty, bloody. Constipation: sensation in abdomen as if something tight would break if much effort were used.

Apis Diarrhoea: of drunkards; in eruptive diseases, especially if eruption be suppressed; involuntary from every motion, as though anus were wide open (Phosphorus).

Apis Affects right side; enlargement or dropsy of right ovary; right testicle. Intermittent fever; chill 3 p. m., with thirst, always (Ignatia); < warm room and from external heat (Thuja, 3 a. m., and at 3 p. m.).

Apis Relations. – Complementary: Nat. mur. Disagrees, when used either before or after Rhus. Arsenicum and Pulsatilla follow Apis well. Has cured scarlatina albuminuria after Cantharis, Digitalis, Helleborus failed.

Aggravation. – After sleeping (Lachesis); closed, especially warmed and heated rooms are intolerable; from getting wet (Rhus), but better from washing or moistening the part in cold water.

Amelioration. – Open air; cold water or cold bathing; uncovering; pains by coughing, walking or changing position; when sitting erect.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.