Medorrhinum – Medicine

Getting up from a chair: weak kneed.

Getting up: as if bones were out of joint; shakes herself to get them into place.

Cannot keep still: restlessness, amel. by clutching hands.

Inability to keep legs still in bed: aching pain.

Continual rubbing of head in pillow, and rolling from side to side: cerebral suffering.

Attempt to raise arm: discomfort and irritability.

When rolling eyes: neuralgic pains agg.

Could not move limb or body without screaming: intense pain in left ankle, back of joint.

Stretching: tenderness of spinal column; pains in knees agg.; cramp in calf agg.

When first stepping on soles: small sharp pains.

Had to walk on his knees: tenderness of soles.

Walking: pain passed from left ovary to groins; pain in uterus agg; aching in left lung; difficult, pain in hip; pains from hips down to knees; heaviness in limbs; legs do not go right; pain in left knee; ankles turn.

Going up and down stairs: difficult from heaviness of legs.

Extremely sensitive, swollen bunions, worse on left foot, puffed, very red, feet hot; in the center there is a spot as if blood had collected, which is very sore; itching very annoying, must remove shoes to rub them, which relieves for the time; very sensitive to pressure; flesh feels as if cracked open, in the evening, after being on the feet all day, almost unendurable; worse on warm days; feet swollen and tender.


      Intense nervous sensibility, respecting touch of garment or a lock of hair by any one not in rapport.

Starts at slightest sound.

Unusually active, going as if on wings.

Restlessness, cannot keep still, but feels greatly relieved by clutching hands very tight.

Consumptive languor; great general depression of vitality.

Very tired.

Faintness early in morning with no appetite.

Sensation as if she would faint, followed by a great heat down spine and between shoulders.

Trembling all over, great nervousness and profound exhaustion.

Great general subjective trembling, even tongue felt trembling.

Sensation of creeping things throughout body continually.

Quivering sensation, with tingling and numbness.

Tonic spasm, rigid extension of arms and legs, the hands everted, palms outward, thumbs down, fingers claw like.

Epileptiform spasm with foaming at mouth, rigidity of body and limbs; violent regurgitation at heart with absence of mitral cluck.


State of collapse, nearly gone; wants to be fanned all the time, wants more air; cold and pulseless, with cold perspiration; throws off all covers.

Risus sardonicus.

Medorrhinum, in the same sphere, is characterized by great disturbance and irritability of the nervous system from center to periphery. Its pains are intolerable, tensive, shooting, neuralgic. It produces tension, involuntary tension, which cannot be relaxed except by voluntary effort of the will. Its nerves are easily shocked, it is easily startled at the slightest sound. Its restlessness is amel. by clutching the hands very tight. Its nerves quiver, tingle, tremble and produce spasms. It is also cold, yet throws the cover off and wants to be fanned. It is agg. by warmth, even when too cold to be fanned. It is agg. by warmth, even when too cold to touch, as in collapse. It is also agg. by wet, damp, drafts and thunder storms. As to time, it is worse from daylight to sunset; worse mornings and bright evenings. Its functional disturbance covers a long period before organic destruction begins. Its general condition is amel. near the seashore and agg. inland.


      Sleepy, yawning, chilly; sleepy but cannot sleep.

Spasmodic yawning, cannot suppress it; followed by spasm of glottis. Asleep, but hears everything, answers questions as if she was awake. Nightmare.

Bites tip of tongue in sleep.

Feels as if she would have nightmare.

Sleeps at night on her knees, with face forced in pillow; kneeling position.

Can only sleep on back with hands over head; if she lies on either side, the contents of lower part of chest and abdomen seem to press upon each other and cause discomfort.

When asleep day or night, no matter how short a time, profuse perspiration on face and neck.

Sleep with wearing dreams of walking; waking with impression that she had slept for hours, although it was only thirty minutes.

Such restless nights and terrible dreams of ghosts and dead people, she dreads night to come.

Dreams: horrid; painful; exhausting; that she is drinking.

Woke at night and saw a woman of pleasant face, dressed in grey, standing by bedside, wiping a tumbler; she backed from me miles away, becoming very small.

Wakeful; slept towards morning.

Great restlessness at night, sleepy but could not sleep.

Becomes wide awake at 6 P.M. and continues so till 12, with entire passivity of brain and cessation of thought; slight restlessness.

Restless sleep, talking and tossing all night, with copious sweat of head, neck and chest, had to dry her hair several times in the night.

Slept well but woke at an early hour with a frightened sensation as if something dreadful had happened; the weight on the head was heavy, and great heat in it; could not rest in bed; felt as if she must do something to rid her mind of this fearful torture; for two hours was in this state of mind; she struggled against it; fought with what seemed to be the adversary; scolded herself for her weakness; all to no purpose, and grew weak with the effort, she cannot describe the mental agony she endured.


Aggravation from daylight to sunset; always brighter in evening.

Morning: soreness and crawling in left nostril; bad taste; tongue thickly coated, foul breath; gleety discharge; soreness of heart; small sharp pains in soles when first attempting to step on them; early faintness.

10 A, M.; chill, chattering, shivering.

10: 30 A.M.: headache agg.; fever with thirst.

11 A.M.: pain in region of suprarenal capsules.

From 10 to 11 A.M.: cold feet and legs.

From 10 A.M. to 12: nervous during fever, moving fingers. From 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. fever and malaise agg.

From 10: 30 A.M. to 12: 30 P.M.: thirst during chill.

At 11 A.M.: chill, beginning with great coldness of fingers, and toes; fever, preceded by cold feet.

At 2 P.M.: feet cold first, after chill excessive languor.

At 5 P.M.: chill, followed by fever and slight sweat; next day same, but slighter.

From midnight to 3 A.M.: fever, with nervous restlessness.

Day: frequent and intense erections.

Afternoon: fever.

After 5 or 6 P.M.: cannot retain urine more than an hour.

6 P.M.: became wide awake until 12 P.M.

Evening: sharp pain through temples; itching agg.

Night: headache; aching in cartilage of ear; intense and frequent erections; cannot retain urine; dryness, soreness and choking very severe; incessant dry cough; cough agg., causing retching; sensation of a boil coming on back of hand; aching in legs; cramp in soles and calves; restless sleep; rapid pulse; sweats.

Temperature and weather

      In sun, walking: left lung becomes very hot.

Too much heat: Agg. urination in bed at night.

After getting warm in bed: when urinating, must do so every hour rest of night.

Entering warm room: cough.

Wants hands fanned and uncovered.

Wants to be fanned all the time, wants more air, state of collapse; hands and feet must be fanned.

Sensitive to drafts of air, takes cold easily.

When wind blows on parietal bone: pain.

Salt water bathing: sore throat and cold in head agg.

After getting wet: chill followed by fever and slight sweat.

Damp weather: pains in limbs Amel.

Getting cold: incontinence of urine.

Craving for ice: during kidney attack.

Piece of ice cools chest for an instant, then it is hotter.

Inland: chronic rheumatism in joints agg., amel. near shore.


      Creeping chills running down back and all over body in a zigzag course.

Chills: up and down back; several times a day; 10 A.M., some chattering and shivering; at 10: 30 A.M., fever with thirst, began in fingers and toes; from 10: 30 to 12: 30, thirst during chill, none during fever; from 10 to 11 A.M., cold feet and legs, from 10 to 12, nervous during fever, moving fingers; at 11 A.M., beginning with great coldness of fingers and toes; at 2 P.M., feet cold first, after chill excessive languor; at 5 P.M., followed by fever and slight sweat ( after getting wet); repeated next day, but slighter.

Shivering chills, with boring pains in chest.

Cold hands, with coldness extending all over body.

Coldness of legs up to knee, also of hands and forearms.

Flashes of heat alternating with chills.

Coldness: right hand, then l.; a slight flush of heat succeeded, then sensation of a foreign substance in right eye, then in left.

Must be fanned all the time, throws clothes off, yet surface is cold; burning, mostly subjective, of hands and feet, wants them uncovered and fanned.

Great general internal heat after dinner, as if blood was boiling hot in veins, same after slight exertion.

Great burning heat all over body, with flashes of heat in face and neck.

Fever: with or without thirst; with gushes of perspiration on face, followed by languor; with nervous restlessness from midnight to 3 A.M.; at 11 A.M. preceded by cold feet; fell asleep during fever; after fever, sweat on palms, feet and legs; with rapid pulse at night; in afternoon; and malaise agg. from 10 to

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.