Medorrhinum – Medicine

Sensation as if she had taken a severe cold, with most distressing aching in bones, throat very sore and swollen, deglutition of either liquids or solids impossible.

There is scarcely a spot on body from head to foot but what is full of pain, of tensive and letting go character, accompanied by heat; this heat is a sensation, burning hot, but not perceived on surface by touch.

Sore all over as if bruised.

The pains seem to tighten the whole body, especially feet and thighs.

Feeling as if all the bones were out of joint in getting up; shakes herself to get them into place.

Obstinate rheumatism.

Sequelae of acute articular rheumatism; walks leaning on a cane, bent over; muffled in wraps to ears, looking like a broken down man apparently soon to fall into his grave.

Carbuncular boils that seem small, discharge slowly and show dark red streaks; pains are intolerable, could not sleep for three nights.

Leukemia, of Grauvogl and Virchow, occurring in children of sycotic parents.

A girl of 17, of tubercular history, with the same rheumatic order of symptoms, with epistaxis, hemoptysis, albuminuria, endocarditis, with suffocative attacks and violent palpitations ended in permanent disablement.

Glandular enlargement in various parts of the body, with rachitis, is traced to hereditary gonorrhea, patients are better at the seaside.-Gilbert.

Wildes thinks that the suppression of favus when derived from gonorrhea in the father leads to hydrocephalus, capillary bronchitis, obstinate teething diarrhoeas and cholera infantum; if derived from the grandfather, suppression leads to consumption and lingering diseases.

Fiery red rash developing about the anus in babies a few days old; constipation with hard dry stools; when the nurse say “Baby’s water scalds it terribly, ” the indications for Medorrhinum are clear. He regards the latent and gonorrheal taint as the true explanation of many of the disease manifestations included by Hahnemann under psora. Among other diseases he traces vascular meningitis and cerebrospinal meningitis in infants to the same source.

Burnett appears to confirm this as he traces gout and some forms of rheumatism to a sycotic origin.

Sycotic children (born so), when one or both parents have gonorrhea, have cholera infantum, marasmus, are pining children.

Noegerath says latent gonorrhea in husband may cause in wife acute and chronic perimetritis, oophoritis, if impregnation results, abortion follows, or only one child is born; exceptionally two or three.

I have traced epithelioma, phthisis, cauliflower excrescences, sterility, and erosions to a sycotic origin; pernicious anemia often has gonorrhea as its base, suppressed gonorrhea may produce iritis, syphilis produces it without suppression.

The suppression of the external manifestations of gonorrhea seems first to involve the central nervous system functionally, is much later in attacking the organism destructively.

Touch Passive motion and Injuries

      Touch: soreness of right concha; soreness of vesicles on prepuce; nipples and breasts very tender; chest sore; small spot below left scapula very sensitive; chest sensitive; whole length of backbone, also ribs of left side and lumbar vertebrae sensitive; of garment, or lock of hair, nervous sensibility.

Pressure: of eyelids together causes neuralgic pains in eyeballs; on left ovary; could not bear; bottom of left lung sore; on spine, pain in kidneys and hips agg.; on flesh causes hive like eruptions.

Rubbing: intense itching in nose.

Scratching: red spots on limbs itch.

Motion of cars: headache and diarrhoea.

Straining when lifting causes lumbago.


      Great yellowness of skin.

Intense and incessant itching, fugitive, agg. towards night, sometimes confined to left side.

Itching all over body, most on back, vagina and labia, and agg. thinking of it.

Intense itching all over body, would scratch till it bled, but no relief; no visible eruption.

Pricking sensation all over body.

Red spots itching when scratched and on undressing at night, on limbs, particularly from knees up, on forearms and around waist.

Copper colored spots (syphilitic) remaining after eruptions, turn yellow brown and detach in scales, leaving skin clear and free.

Small, pedunculated warts, with pin heads like small button mushrooms on various parts of body and thighs.

Itching: intense, incessant, fugitive; of vulva, vagina; frequently erratic, changes place, but not amel. by scratching; agg. towards night; agg. when thinking of it.

An eruptions of roseolous patches appeared on the body, abdomen and chest, so exactly like those of typhoid that the possibility of this was discussed.

Girl of eleven had been treated by many physicians with salves and ointments to the general impairment of her health. Face mottled with a profusion of red scurfy sores; eyelids involved and nearly denuded of lashes; hairy scalp one diffuse mass of thick yellow scabs, from beneath which oozed a highly offensive mixture of ichor and sebum. Passing down neck, back, perineum and involving genitals and pubes was a fiery red band as broad as a child’s hand, oozing a pale yellow serum, which caused the clothing to stick to the body. Told the mother he could cure the case but it would certainly get worse the first three months. Medorrhinum cm. was given, one dose dry on the tongue. The external appearances grew rapidly worse, but appetite, sleep and general health steadily improved, and in nine months she was completely cured. – Wildes.

Child of six since infancy horribly disfigured with tinea capitis. Scalp a mass of dense crusts exuding a fetid ichor. The only semblance of hair being a few distorted stumps ending in withered roots. One dose cured in a few months, and at the time of writing patient was a healthy and extremely talented young lady, and the possessor of a luxuriant head of chestnut hair. Wildes.


      For the constitutional effects of maltreated and suppressed gonorrhea, when the best selected remedy fails to relieve or permanently improve.

For persons suffering from gout, rheumatism, neuralgia and diseases of the spinal cord and its membranes – even organic lesions ending in paralysis – which can be traced to a sycotic origin.

For women, with chronic ovaritis, salpingitis, pelvic cellulitis, fibroids, cysts, and other morbid growths of the uterus and ovaries, especially if symptoms point to malignancy, with or without sycotic origin.

For scirrhus, carcinoma or cancer, either acute or chronic in development, when the symptoms correspond and a history of sycosis can be traced.

Bears the same relation in deep-seated sycotic chronic affections of spinal and sympathetic nervous system that Psorinum does to deep-seated affections of skin and mucous membranes.

Children, pale, rachitic; dwarfed and stunted in growth (Baryta carb.); mentally, dull and weak.

Great heat and soreness, with enlargement of lymphatic glands all over body. Spinal curvatures or more or less pronounced traces of rachitis.

Consumptive languor; fatigue; great general depression of vitality.

Pains: arthritic, rheumatic, a sequel of suppressed gonorrhea (Daph-od., Clem.); constricting, seem to tighten the whole body (Cactus grandiflorus); sore all over, as if bruised (Arnica, Eup.).

Trembling all over (subjective), intense nervousness and profound exhaustion.

State of collapse, wants to be fanned all the time (Carbo- v.); craves fresh air; skin cold, yet throws off the covers (Camph., Secale); cold, and bathed with cold perspiration (Verbascum).

Insatiate craving: for liquor, which before she hated (A. S. A. R.); for salt (Calcarea, Nat.); for sweets (Sulphur, Tuberculinum); for beer, ice, acids, oranges, green fruits, coffee grounds.

Nocturnal enuresis: passes enormous quantity of ammoniacal, high-colored urine in bed every night; agg. by overwork or over play, extremes of heat or cold; when with a history of sycosis the best selected remedy has failed to cure.

Intensely restless and fidgety has failed to cure.

Burning of hands and feet, wants them not only uncovered but fanned. (Lachesis, Sulphur).


      Antidoted by: Nux vomica, nervous and general symptoms and the aggravations form an overdose or too frequent repetition; Ipecac (dry cough).

Compatible: Aloe, Sulphur, Tuberculinum (especially early morning diarrhoea, stool driving out of bed).

Compare: Pic-ac. Gelsemium, inability to walk, legs tire and give out; priapism; Camph., Secale, Tabacum, Verbascum (in collapse, skin cold, covered with cold sweat, throws off all covering); Amb., Anacardium, Calcarea, Can-I., Conium, Cuprum, Stramonium, Val., Ziz. (as if in a dream).

Aggravation: when thinking of it (Helonias, Acid oxalicum); heat, covering; stretching out; leaning head forward; thunderstorm; least movement; sweets; salt bathing; early morning (three to four A.M.); common to this remedy and all sycotics; in the mountains; in the sun; warmth of bed; entering a warm room; for warmth, even when cold to touch; from daylight to sunset (rev. of Syphilinum, which is worse from sunset to sunrise).

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.