Medorrhinum – Medicine

Pain in center of brain; in evening sharp pain through temples; pains commence and cease suddenly.

Heat and throbbing in temporal region both sides.

Brain exceedingly tender and all mental work irksome.

Pain in left parietal bone when the wind blows on it.

Pain circling through head and around crown.

Terrible pains all through head in every direction, with continuous and violent vomiting, followed by aching in sacrum and down back of legs to feet.

Constant headache, agg. while coughing; light (through the eyes) seems to hurt it.

Intense headache for three days, with inflammation of eye.

Headache and diarrhoea from motion of ears.

Headache with menses.

Dull headache in a broad ring around head.

Intense cerebral suffering causing continual rubbing of head in pillow, rolling from side to side.

Dull pain in cerebellum.

Intense burning pain in head, agg. in cerebellum.

Tensive pain in left side of head as far back as parietal eminence and to middle of crown.

Tensive pains in head as if she would go crazy; could not read or use mind.

Sensation as of three points of tension in head, in center of each hemisphere and cerebellum; as if large cords were drawn to each from every part of lobes and cerebellum; extremely painful, caused a disposition to run wildly through streets tearing hair; seemed as if tensive pains would break, when suddenly they relaxed and a bubbling sensation passed from centers to circumferences; when reached, the tensive pains began again.

Sensation of tightness and contraction, extending from eyes and meeting in brain; extends down whole length of spine.

Aching in occiput and medulla; pain sharp on motion; drowsy.

Aching and exhausted feeling in cerebellum and medulla, with a subjective tenderness of spine from cerebellum to kidneys.

Aching pain in base of brain, with swelling of cords of neck.

Burning glow in cerebellum and down spine.

Head feels heavy and is drawn backwards.

Severe pain in back of head as though it had been struck; pain spread over to front, with severe neuralgic pain in left eye; headache lasted all night; eye bloodshot.

Pain in back of head and in right eye. Simmering in head, does not know whether it is heard or felt.

Sensation as if occipital protuberances were enlarged.

Hair lusterless, dry and crispy.

Dryness and electrical condition of hair; it will not remain brushed.

Intense itching of scalp; quantities of dandruff.

Eyes And Sight

      When eyes were shut, felt as if pulling out of head to one side or other; when open all things seemed to flicker.

A blur over things; numberless black, sometimes brown spots dancing over her book; sees objects double; things look very small; sees imaginary objects.

Feeling as if she stared at everything, as if eyes protruded.

Aching in eyeballs, pressure and heat in vertex, a tendency to shut eyes.

Neuralgic pain in eyeballs; when pressing eyelids together; agg. when rolling them.

Continuous watering of eyes, great heat and sensation of sand under lids.

Feeling of pain and irritation, and sensation of sticks in eyes, lids and especially inner canthi, redness and dryness of lids, congestion of sclerotic and sensation of a cool wind blowing in eyes, especially inner canthi.

Ptosis of outer end of both upper lids, particularly l., requiring exertion to open them.

Swelling of upper lids; soreness and smarting of edges.

Decided tendency to irritation of edges of lids.

Pulling pain in left lower lid from outer canthus; could see lid twitch between these points.

Hardness of upper lid as if it had a cartilage in it.

Eyebrows itch; brows and lashes fall off.

Swelling under eyes.

Sometimes cannot raise lid of right eye after being asleep; cough when tired on nervous.


      Miss X., 23, had chronic blepharitis since eleven. Her suffering was intense. Light, especially gas-light, was intolerable, and this prevented her from going into society. She could not read in the evening, and in the morning the lids would be closed, and she suffered much on getting them separated. There was much discharge. Before coming under me she had been under strict homoeopathic treatment all the time. I remembered treating her father for gonorrhea before his marriage, and I suspected the taint had reappeared in this form. Medorrhinum was given in high potency, single doses repeated as the effect of each wore off, and she was entirely cured. – Deschere.

Ears And Hearing

      Nearly total deafness of both ears, with very little noise; had to use a trumpet.

Partial or transient deafness; pulsation in ears.

Child hard of hearing for six days.

Singular sensation of deafness from one ear to the other, as if a tube went through head, while yet there was an over acuteness of hearing.

Is sure he hears people in conversation, but on carefully watching, finds that sounds have reference to arterial pulsation, but where he cannot discover.

When whistling, the sound in ears is double, with peculiar vibration as when two persons whistle thirds.

Noises seemingly in mastoid cells, frying and hissing.

Pain passes up Eustachian tube and out of both ears with a tickling sensation.

After sleeping feels as though parchment was drawn over ear, on which she was lying.

Sensation of a worm about an inch long crawling in right ear, and as if it commenced boring in anterior wall of auditory canal.

Itching, aching, or boring pain in left ear. Aching in cartilage of ear when lying on it at night.

Soreness to touch of right concha.

Quick, darting pains in right ear, from without inward, pains followed each other in close succession.

Ringhole in left ear sore and almost gathered.

Nose And Smell

      Intense itching in nose, internally near point, had to rub all the time.

Very great burning in both nostrils when breathing through them.

Coldness of end of nose.

Entire loss of smell for several days.

Soreness of outer wing (inside) of left nostril.

Nose constantly running.

Nasal catarrh, with continual running down throat.

Sensation of action in bones; obstruction at root of nose as if mucous membrane was hypertrophied.

Nose goes to sleep.


Nose inflamed, swollen.

Catarrh of posterior nares.

Posterior nares obstructed, amel. by hawking thick, greyish mucus, followed by bloody mucus.

Heavy fluent coryza, with hard headache all day in frontal region, agg. 10: 30 A.M.

Soreness and crawling feeling as of a centipede in left nostril in morning.

Nose stopped up, cannot breathe through it in the morning; snuffles in children not relieved by other remedies.


      Great pallor; yellowness of face, particularly around eyes, as if occurring from a bruise (greenish yellow); yellow band across forehead close to hair.

Greenish, shining appearance of skin.

Blotches on face.

Flushes of heat in face and neck.

Fever blisters near corner of right upper lip, small but very sore.

Enormous fever sore on lower lip near left commissure.

Sweat of face; on upper lip.

Neuralgia of right upper and lower jaws, extending to temple.

Swelling in region of left submaxillary gland, the size of a goose egg; whiskers over tumor came out; softened in center, at times sharp, shooting pains; on being opened discharged a large quantity of thin, bloody pus; was opened several times, finally the aperture formed raised embankment-like edges; the pus burrowed until arrested by clavicle, where it formed an enormous swelling ( Amel. after Thuja 3M.); the tumors left fistulous openings which were a long time in healing.

Face covered with acne; dry herpes; freckles.

Tendency to stiffness in jaws and tongue.

Rigidity of muscles of face, especially of lower lip, drawing it up tight to teeth; jaws stiff, unable to open them; deglutition nearly impossible; throat filled with saliva.

Swelling of submaxillary glands.

Sensation of constriction and aching in throat and jaws when weary.

Teeth and Gums

      Teeth have serrated edges, or are chalky and easily decay (Syphilinum; teeth are cupped, decay at edges of gums and break off).

Sore teeth, particularly eyeteeth; feel sore and soft.

Yellowness of teeth.

Hard swelling on right upper jaw, as if in socket of a tooth gone since four years; intense neuralgic pains extending to whole head, causing sleeplessness; severe pains all over head, with external heat.

Pale gums.

Taste and Tongue

      Taste: coppery on rising; disagreeable; bad in morning.

Tongue coated: brown and thick; thickly in morning, with bad taste; white at base, the rest red; white, with papillae showing through.

Tongue blistered.

Small sores, pustules (canker sores) on edge, tip and under tongue, very painful; also inside lips and in throat.


      Foul breath in morning.

Dryness of mouth; feels burnt.

Very sore mouth, ulcers on tongue and in buccal cavity, like blisters.

Blisters on inner surface of lips and cheeks, skin peeling off in patches.

Excitement of submaxillary glands, pouring out saliva profusely.

Stringy mucus comes out of mouth during sleep.


      Irritation in throat as if scraped.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.