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Medorrhinum – Medicine

Medorrhinum – Medicine.

      Potencies made from the gonorrheal virus. There are two pre…

      Potencies made from the gonorrheal virus. There are two preparations; the acute and chronic. From the virus of the acute stage to the chronic, or gleet stage, both of which are supposed to contain the gonococcus. Introduced by Swan. Provings by Swan, Ren Dell, C. H. Allen, Finch, Norton, Frost, Farrington, Cleveland, Laura Morgan, Berridge, Wilder, Higgins, Ostrom, Nichols, Peace, Sawyer, Carr, Bigler. Macdonald, in Great Britain, and Noegerath and Lydston, in America, have published fatal cases, and the effects of the poison. The symptoms produced by the virus in acute cases have been included in the pathogenesis, just as the toxic symptoms of Arsenic, Mercurius, Opium and Plumbum are included in the pathogenesis. The potentizing of the virus has developed latent dynamic forces, which is just as effective in homoeopathic practice, prescribed strictly on its symptomatological basis as any other remedy. If the symptoms of the patient call for this remedy it should be prescribed with the same confidence as any other in the Materia Medica, entirely irrespective of the sycotic history in the case. Like every other nosode, it should be prescribed according to its strict indications, just as we prescribe Arsenic, Opium or Sulphur, irrespective of its origin or the diagnosis. We append the following graphic description on the effects of:.


      Great weakness of memory.

Dulness of memory and desire to procrastinate, because business seemed so lasting, or as if it never could be accomplished.

Entirely forgot what she had read, even previous line.

Forgetfulness of names, later of words and initial letters.

Cannot remember names; has to ask name of her most intimate friend; forgets her own.

Cannot spell right, wonders how the word, “how” is spelled.

Reads a letter and thinks the words look queer and are spelled wrong.

Time moves too slowly.

Dazed feeling; a far off sensation, as though things done today occurred a week ago. Momentary loss of thought, caused by sensation of tightness in brain.

Loses constantly the thread of her talk.

In conversation he would occasionally stop, and on resuming make remark that he could not think what word he wanted to use.

Seems to herself to make wrong statements, because she does not know what to say next, begins all right but does not know how to finish; weight on vertex, which seems to affect mind.

Great difficulty in stating her symptoms, loses herself and has to be asked over again.

Difficulty in concentrating his thoughts or mind on abstract subjects.

Could not read or use mind at all from pain in head.

Thinks some one is behind her, hears whispering; seems faces that peer at her from behind bed and furniture.

Persons come in, look at her, whisper, and say “come.”

One night saw large people in room, large rats running; felt a delicate hand smoothing her head from front to back.

Fears he is going to die.

Is sure that she is worse, knows she is not going to live, cannot see any improvement, even when it is pointed out; has no fear of death, speaks calmly about it; and gives directions as to the disposition of her affairs.

Sensation as if all life was unreal, like a dream.

Wild and desperate feeling, as of incipient insanity.

Cannot speak without crying.

Tendency to suicide, gets up in night and takes his pistol, but his wife prevents him.

Is in a great hurry; when doing anything is in such a hurry that she gets fatigued.

Strange exhilaration of spirits.

Alternation of happiness and gloominess.

Spirits in the depths, weighed down with heavy, solid gloom amel. by torrents of tears.

Is always anticipating; feels most matters sensitively before they occur and generally correctly.

Anticipates death.

Dread of saying the wrong thing when she has headache.

Everything startles her, news coming to her seems to touch her heart before she hears it.

Woke at an early hour with a frightened sensation, as if something dreadful had happened; heavy weight and great heat in head; could not rest in bed; felt as if she must do something to rid her mind of this torture.

Fear of the dark.

Feeling as if he had committed the unpardonable sin and was going to hell.

A word or look of seeming harshness puts her in despondency for hours.

Indisposed to work or make mental efforts; desire for rest and dread of change; noise, confusion, disorderliness of surroundings distressing; depression and much anxiety, especially after sleep; irritable if the room is not light enough to make everything distinct; craving for stimulants, but cannot endure the effects, for they cause a wild, crazy feeling in brain after the first sleep; same effects from using eyes.

Usually depressed; easily tired; disinclined to any exertion, and yet often unable to keep still; forgetful; unable to think connectedly; mind wanders from subject, even in reading; cannot think at all if hurried.

Always wakens tired in the morning; hates to do anything that must be done, even nice things; gets nervous and excited about riding and driving as soon as the time is fixed.

Constant state of anguish. Always a feeling of impending danger, but knows not what. There is no cause for such feelings, as she is not obliged to do anything when disinclined; is so situated that nothing need cause her trouble.

Inability to think continuously, to talk or to listen to talking when weary; vacant feeling in head.

Forgetful, cannot remember the least thing any length of time, writes everything down of any importance, cannot trust herself to remember it; great irritability and disgust with life.

The impatience, excitement, wild feelings; the unreal dazed condition; the gloom and fear in the dark; the difficulty of speaking without tears, are marked evidence of functional derangement of the nervous system.

Medorrhinum is forgetful of names, words, etc. but instead of forgetting occurrences, during certain periods of time, like Syphilinum, it forgets what it is reading, even to the last line read; it cannot concentrate its attention; thinks words spelled wrong and have no meaning, etc.

Medorrhinum develops a peculiar sensitivity especially in relation to occurrences affecting itself.

It feels the evil coming to it, and the bad news before it arrives, of course it is selfish, and it is easily hurt by a harsh word.

It is also introspective, self-accusative, remorseful. Time moves slowly to it, therefore it is hurried.

We find a dazed condition from the loss of the thread of thought, which annoys and causes a dread of saying the wrong thing, and a difficulty in stating symptoms.

It is always anticipating, fearing evil will happen, loss of reason or suicide.

It fears it has committed the unpardonable sin, and cares little for the result, because of the seething, restless, uneasy, unbalanced nerves.

Feeling of desperation; did not care if he went to heaven or hell.

Cross through day, exhilarated at night, wants to play.

Irritated at little things.

Nerve trembling, with worry.

Very impatient.

Reading and writing make her nervous and enrage her.

Great selfishness.

Time moves so slowly that things done an hour ago appear to have occurred a year since; asked the time of day, and in five minutes insisted that half an hour had elapsed and could not believe it had not till she had seen the watch.


      Vertigo: when stooping; several times during day sudden attacks, seemingly in vertex, with danger of falling; things did not seem to go round, but there was a sensation and fear of falling, only slightly amel. lying down; agg. on movement; always woke with it; as if intoxicated; walks zigzag; in occiput extending to vertex, with sensation of enlargement of occiput.

Head light, not exactly dizzy.

Sensation of tightening in head, causing intense vertigo.

Tensive pains in head, with a wild sensation as if she would go crazy, with a sensation as if she would do something desperate in spite of herself; afraid to be alone.

Intense itching of scalp.

Great quantities of dandruff.

Hair lusterless, dry and crispy.

Dryness and electrical condition of hair; it will not remain brushed.

Great deal of fugitive itching in scalp.

Sharp itching of scalp, whiskers and eyebrows.

Severe pain at the base of the brain, running to the vertex, in two cases suffering from retroflexion.

Frontal headache; with nausea; feeling of a tight band across forehead, agg. leaning head forward; as if front half of brain would come through forehead; as if skin was drawn tight; with fluent coryza, with pressure back of eyes, as if they would be forced out; extending over brain to neck.

Brain seems weary; slightest sound annoys and fatigues her.

Neuralgia first in left temple and parietal bone, then in right, next day in left eye.

Wakes with headache over eyes and in temples; agg. from sunlight.

Headache in right temple; a good deal of aching over left eye. Nocturnal enuresis.

Neuralgic headache in left temple and around middle part of cranium, at times terribly severe, with sensation of great weight and pressure in vertex; has lasted twenty-four hours and is gradually increasing in violence.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.