Medorrhinum – Medicine

Pharynx inflamed and feels very stiff and sore; swallowing painful.

Great dryness of throat, with swollen glands.

Back part of throat constantly filling with mucus from posterior nares.

Sore throat and cold in head amel. by salt water bathing.

Soreness of throat, hurts to swallow; sensation of lump in larynx; deglutition painful; raw, irritated, as if scraped.

Expectoration greenish yellow, catarrhal cold of the head with burning of septum of the nose to bronchi, complete loss of taste and smell – cannot taste tobacco.

Appetite, Thirst, Desires, Aversions

      Appetite increased; ravenous hunger immediately after eating.

Absolute loss of appetite; thirst.

Enormously thirsty; even dreams that she is drinking.

Insatiate craving for liquor, when before she hated it.

Great craving for salt.

Craving for sweets; hard, green fruit; ice; sour things; oranges; ale.

Appetite poor. Can digest but a limited amount of food.

Belching, hiccough, nausea and vomiting. Hiccough.

Nausea; with frontal headache; after drinking water; after dinner; always after eating; before eating.

Vomiting of thick mucus and bile, without nausea.

Violent retching and vomiting for forty-eight hours; first glairy mucus, then frothy and watery, and lastly coffee grounds; accompanied by intense headache, with great despondency and sensation of impending death; during paroxysm was continually praying.

Vomiting black bile without nausea, tasting bitter and sour, with considerable mucus; no odor.

Scrobiculum and Stomach

      Sensation in pit of stomach as of a paper of pins that seemed to force themselves through flesh, causing her to rise and double up and scream, pins seem to come from each side. Abscess of liver.

A sick or gnawing feeling, not relieved by eating or drinking.

Trembling at pit of stomach.

Sometimes a burning (like a flame) in pit of stomach, as if heart palpitated there.

Dull pain in epigastric region, deep in.

Feeling of a lump in stomach after eating.

Throbbing in sides of stomach.

Clawing in stomach, agg. drawing up knees.

Cramps in stomach as from wind.

Intense pain in stomach and upper abdomen, with a sensation of tightness.

Sensation of sinking and agonizing sickness at stomach, with a desire to tear something away.

Sensation of nausea from using eyes or when weary.

After a hearty meal, sensation as though stomach pressed upon a sore spot at left side.

Hypochondria. Terrible pains in liver, thought she would die, they were so acute.

Bilious colic with frequent vomiting and nausea; diarrheic stools, chilliness and perspiration on face and neck.

Congestion of liver.

Grasping pain in liver and spleen.

Burning heat around the back, like a coal of fire. Abscess of liver.

Severe pain from abscess extending to right shoulder and down elbow.

Throbbing and thumping in region of suprarenal capsule, seeming to come from abscess or sore spot just below fifth rib, right side; creeping chills in region of right kidney, throbbing, contracting, drawing and relaxing as if caused by icy cold insects with claws.


      Intense agonizing pain in solar plexus; surface cold; eructations tasting of sulfuretted hydrogen and, after eating, of ingesta, applied right hand to pit of stomach and left to lumbar region.

Pressure in lower abdomen as of a heavy weight.

A feeling as of a tumor in right side of abdomen.

Tensive pain in right side of abdomen, as of a hard, biconvex body; with heat and gnawing aching pain, continued a short time; it was between spine of ilium and recti muscles.

Darting pain from center of right ovarian region to lower edge of liver.

Ascites; abdomen greatly distended; palpitation showed water; urine very scanty and high colored.

Beating as of a pulse in abdomen vertically.

Left inguinal glands sensitive and slightly swollen.

Cutting in right lower abdomen running into right spermatic cord; right testis very tender.

Bearing-down sensation in abdomen and pelvis upon standing or walking, and after movement of bowels.

Sensation of want of power in rectum. Accumulation of fecal matter at times which seems impossible to pass.

Stool And Rectum

      Bilious diarrhoea, verging on dysentery, with mucous stools.

Pains of most intense kind (threatening cramps) in upper abdomen (darting and tearing pains) coming on at stool; stool diarrheic, thin and hot, but not copious; after stool, profound weakness and mild cramp in left calf.

Profuse bloody discharges from rectum, sometimes in large clotted masses, followed by shivering.

Black stool.

White diarrhoea.

Stools tenacious, clay like, sluggish, cannot be forced, from a sensation of prolapsus of rectum.

Can only pass stool by leaning very far back; very painful, as if there was a lump on posterior surface of sphincter; so painful as to cause tears.

Constriction and inertia of bowels with ball-like stools.

Child, age 15 months, brought on a pillow to clinic, apparently dead; eyes glassy, set; could not find pulse, but felt heart beat; running from anus greenish yellow, thin, horribly offensive stool.

Baby, age 7 months, after summer complaint, great emaciation, diarrhoea green, watery, slimy, yellow, curdled, like boiled potatoes chopped up with greens, thin, cream colored watery, smelling like rotten eggs; stools pass involuntarily; apparently lifeless, except that it rotates head on pillow.

Cholera infantum with opisthotonos, vomiting and watery diarrhoea; profuse discharge of blood and pus.

Sharp, needle like pains in rectum.

Painful attacks of piles, not bleeding, hot swelling of left side of anus; pin worms.

Oozing of moisture from anus, fetid like fish brine.

Sycosis of the rectum, seven cases, three in women and four in men, thin ichorous discharge from rectum, producing very intense itching and burning, which prevents sleep, worse the first part of the night, one case in a man had to use Opium suppositories in order to sleep. The rectal discharge in one case produced blisters on healthy flesh where it touched; there is also a full, stuffed feeling in the rectum.

Patient suffering with infantile diarrhoea which persistently relapsed despite most careful prescribing. Remembering the father’s history whom he had treated for gonorrhea a year and a half before the patient was born, Medorrhinum was given with a perfect cure.

Urinary organs

      Intense renal colic; severe pain in ureters, with sensation as of passage of calculus; during kidney attack, great craving for ice.

Dull pinching pain in region of suprarenal capsules at 11 A.M.; fingers cold at same time; great pressure in bladder, greater than amount of urine warrants; urine scanty and high colored.

Pain in renal region, profuse urination relieves.

Very distinct bubbling sensation in right kidney; sensation of three bubbles in right renal region, moving like bubbling in water, causing faintness; deathly feeling in kidneys, with great depression of spirits, similar to effect of cold settling in renal region; prostration after urination.

Urine high colored.

A child, severe attack of cystitis, with light colored urine filled with mucus; extreme pain in urethra on urinating; end of penis inflamed; analysis gave albumen, phosphates and triple phosphates.

Urine watery, colorless.

After urinating, great coldness and shivering.

Burning on urination, like incipient gonorrhea.

Strong smelling urine.

Urine covered with a thick greasy pellicle.

Nocturnal urination entirely ceased, the chamber empty in morning, a thing unknown for years.

Painful tenesmus of bladder and bowels when urinating.

Passes an enormous quantity of high colored, strong smelling urine in bed every night, thinks it is in after- part of night, as he is always wet in the morning; overwork and too much heat, or being in cold, aggravates this condition.

Debility after prolonged or complete urination.

Syncope after urination.

Intensely yellow urine.

In urinating very slow stream, with sharp, cutting pains transversely across root of penis; once flow intermitted; no burning; pains come on just as last drops are voided.

Diabetic condition; profuse and frequent urination.

Almost constant desire to urinate, if there be any delay, an intensely nervous sensation, with sometimes burning and sometimes chilliness all over body. Urine dark and scanty.

Frequent urination with slight burning at the meatus; dull heavy ache in the region of the prostate, marked in two cases; very sore in perineum extending to rectum; frenum red and swollen in three cases. Red vesicles on the glans penis that have a burning itching sensation, very irritable.

Urinates every half hour; urgent, can’t wait a moment; worse at or during the menstrual period.

Sycotic warts cured by one dose, after nine months careful treatment had failed. He contracted sycotic gonorrhea December, 1886; was nearly cured. In May, 1887, another sycotic attack, with chancroids. The ulcers were all over prepuce, and as they improved the warts began to grow all over glans, back of corona, inside of prepuce and frenum; enormous seed warts; the head of penis was two or three times natural size; the warts were very moist, and secreted a yellowish, stinking fluid, and bled very easily, and the odor was very perceptible in a room with him; but his general health was much improved. From May 26th he had Merc- sol., nitricum acidum, Sulphur, Corallium, Cinnab., Silica., Thuja, Phosphorus acid, Sabin., Staphis. – all in high potencies, but got no better. March 7th, 1888, Dr. W. P. Wesselhoeft advised Medorrhinum, gave cm. In a week he was bitter, discharge and odor gone. In two weeks warts were about one-third their size on March 7th, and in six weeks were entirely gone.

Male Sexual Organs

      Nocturnal emissions, followed by great weakness and miserable feeling all day.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.