Medorrhinum – Medicine

Cough: with aching across kidneys; causes painful shock at base of each lung; with a peculiar shrill, barking sound, some expectoration; on entering a warm room; after eating.

Cough, agg. on lying down, amel. lying on stomach.

Cough, agg. at night, causing retching.

Hawking of tenacious mucus.

Expectoration: yellow white, albuminous, or little green, bitter balls; ropy, difficult to raise; as if flecked with infinitesimal dark spots.

A young French Canadian of delicate constitution, after working in a factory all winter, began coughing in spring and running down in health. He returned home and came under my care in May. The cough persisted and prostration increased, in spite of carefully selected remedies, and the patient took to his bed. It was then observed by me that the cough and general condition was amel. from lying on the face. This, coupled with a knowledge of their being a syphilitic taint in the boy’s parentage, suggested Medorrhinum, which was given. The next day a profuse gonorrheal discharge appeared, and the cough and all threatening symptoms promptly disappeared. Exposure to contagion had occurred several weeks before, but from lack of vitality the disease could not find its usual expression and was endangering the patient’s life. – D. C. McLaren.

Girl of twenty years of age had a violent cough for many months, that nobody could (or did) cure, until I learned that her father had gonorrhea a year before her birth; then a few doses of Medorrhinum worked like magic.

Inner Chest and Lungs

      Oppression of chest: Agg. left side; with difficult breathing and a tendency to take a long breath; wakes gasping for breath.

Hoarseness seems to be in chest; feels like an accumulation in chest; as if it was painfully contracted.

Sharp pain in bottom of left lung.

Darting pain through lung, which makes her start.

Chest sore to touch, at times burning extends over chest; cold seems to increase it; a piece of ice cools it for an instant, then it is hotter; lung feels a if beaten or bruised.

Feels as if her breath was fanning a blistered sore in lung.

Singular sensation through chest; bounded by a line drawn across lower end of sternum and another about middle; as if there was a cavity extending from side to side, filled with burning air, which dilated in puffs in all directions and could be felt impinging on walls of cavity.

Heat like a furnace in chest, with itching of ears.

Pain in upper part of right lung when moving arm.

Pain in right shoulder as though it came from left straight through.

Chest feels sore throughout.

Darting pain from centre of right lung to lower edge of liver.

Cold pain in right lung and liver with coughing.

Very sharp stitching pain in bottom of right lung; also over surface of both lungs.

Aching in back part of left lung.

An old sore spot in top of left lung aroused.

Fatigue of left lung after talking, as if collapsed or paralyzed.

Walking in sun, left lung becomes excessively hot, right lung cold.

Pain in left upper chest through to shoulders; cough arising from chest; incessant, dry cough, agg. at night.

Aching in left lung under scapula, indescribable aching as if it was drawn up in hand and then let loose, agg. after walking; at same time aching in base of brain.

Sharp pain along right edge of sternum, changing to left edge, and afterwards into left lung.

Left lung very painful, feels drawn towards right side; left side of chest from top of lung to waist hot as fire; heart beat very fast and felt hot, too; heat spread over right side, but was very mild, only a warm feeling, while left side was consuming; face pale grey, nose pinched and deathlike.

Bottom of left lung sore to pressure (slight urging to cough from lower bronchia); afterwards slight pain in bottom of right lung.

Constricted sensation at bottom of both lungs; finally dull, heavy pain at top of left lung.

Intense boring pain in chest, but most below left scapula, a place, the size of a dollar, on outer edge extremely sensitive to touch; pain from upper lung to this spot.

Coughing gives great pain in chest, as if it was painfully contracted.

Sore spot size of silver dollar begins at top of left lung and like a red hot bolt extends through to lower part of back; chest sometimes feels as if something had grown to sore spot in front and was drawing back the chest; she feels for a cavity.

Pain in heart and lungs, especially at night.

Awful pains, in phthisis, in middle lobes.

Incipient consumption.

Takes cold at the slightest exposure, begins in the head and goes down on the lungs, severe burning in the base of the tongue extending down the bronchi as if he had inhaled hot steam; worse in the morning, a raw feeling extending from throat to lungs as if the mucous membrane was scraped with a knife; aggravated by breathing cold air, sensation as if the lungs were stuffed with cotton.

Deep, hollow, rattling amel. by lying on the abdomen and face.

During a maneuver in the army in 1885, Dr. V. got wet by a heavy rain coming into the tent during a whole night. From this he got a hacking cough, on rising in the morning and in the open air. It sounded as if he would call some one, and people would turn and look at him with angry eyes. His throat was thoroughly examined by a specialist, but nothing was found. In 1901, after 16 years of coughing he consulted Dr. Ide, one of our greatest Homoeopathic physicians. He ordered the doctor to take Medorrhinum one dose, and await the result. On reaching home he took the dose and next morning had no cough, nor did he cough afterwards, even in the open air. As an officer he had a gonorrhea, of which he could not get rid. From this he always had an unpleasant feeling and burning pain. All this vanished like magic.

Heart Pulse and Circulation

      Difficulty of breathing through oppression of heart.

Fluttering about heart.

Palpitation after slight exertion.

Heavy heart throbbing.

With heat in chest, heart felt very hot, beat very fast and felt large, accompanied by a bursting sensation.

Soreness in heart in morning after having slept on left side.

Feeling of a cavity where heart ought to be.

Pain in heart: acute, sharp, quick; dull, quick.

Sharp pains around heart, passing thence to head, preceded by nausea.

Sharp pain at apex of heart; agg. on movement.

Intense pain in heart, seemed to radiate in different parts of left side of chest; agg. from least movement.

Pain from sore spot below left scapula to heart, with violent palpitation.

Dull pain in heart, with pain in left arm and sensation as if hand was swollen.

Burning in heart, went through to back and down left arm.

Dull pain in left side of heart, with pain in left arm and a sensation as if the hand were swollen.

Great pain in cardiac plexus, extending to left arm and throat; pulse 64; next day no pain, pulse 100.

Outer Chest

      Pain and soreness through chest and mammae.

Sensation of an abscess on. left chest between pectoralis major and minor where they form anterior boundary of axillary space, hard and sensitive to touch, drawing pains in every direction, agg. motion of arm; great heat extending about three inches from spot and through to back of shoulder, no redness and very slight swelling.

Great soreness to pressure of muscles of lower left chest front and back, soreness when moving of left shoulder-blade.

Neck and Back

      Drawing in cords of neck, causing desire to throw head back.

Swelling of cords of neck, with aching pain in base of brain.

Spasms of neck muscles, notably sternomastoid, drawing chin firmly down to breast.

Sensation of an enlarged gland in right side of neck under upper part of sternocleidomastoid muscle, painful when moving head.

Pain in nape and between scapulae, running to either side, shoulder and down to lumbar region.

Contractive pain from superior angles of scapula, passing to seventh dorsal vertebra and extending straight down spine to ninth vertebra, drawing shoulders back tight as if bones would be crushed; agg. moving shoulders, neck or arms.

Pain in back between scapulae.

Intense burning heat, commencing in back of neck and extending gradually down spine, with a contractive stiffness extending into head and seeming to thicken the scalp.

Pain under right scapulae.

Pain straight through from left to right shoulder.

Burning glow in cerebellum and down spine.

Weak, stiff, aching back.

Heat in medulla and spine for a whole week.

Whole length of backbone sore to touch, also ribs of left side.

Tenderness of spinal column when stretching.

Aching across and in kidneys.

Occasional creeping sensation in region of left kidney.

When she stoops cannot rise again without violent pain in region of kidney.

Pain in region of left kidney, darting over left hip, especially when spine is pressed upon.

Throbbing and thumping in region of right suprarenal capsule seeming to come from abscess or sore spot just below fifth rib, right side, under breast; creeping chills in region of right kidney, throbbing, contracting, drawing and relaxing; as if caused by icy cold insects with claws. Abscess of liver.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.