
Mezereum [Mez]

CANINE HUNGER NOON AND EVENING burning and uneasiness in stomach, relieved by eating; wants ham, fat, coffee and wine; beer tastes bitter and causes vomiting; abdomen distended by flatulence, the food is obstructed in its passage through the oesophagus by the flatulence; the blood seems to leave her extremity sand make her feel weak and giddy, with inability to speak; abundant foetid flatus before stool, consisting of dark- brown, hard balls.

Momordica-balsam [Mom-b]

When flatus becomes incarcerated in the splenic flexure of colon, and Lycopodium fails to give relief.

Moschus [Mosch]

Persistent troubles of digestive functions in in susceptible hysterical persons, with palpitation of heart, dyspnoea and prostration, is afraid to lie down for fear of death.

Muriatic-acid [Mur-ac]

HABITUAL DIFFICULT DIGESTION;EVERYTHING TASTES SWEET; acrid and putrid taste like rotten eggs, with ptyalism; excessive hunger and thirst, morbid longing for alcoholic drinks, aversion to meat; bitter, putrid eructations; vomiting, with belching, coughing; involuntary swallowing, gulping of contents of stomach into oesophagus, which sometimes go down again; empty sensation in stomach, extending through the whole abdomen; weak feeling in stomach, but no hunger; stool difficult, as from inactivity of bowels; prostration and drowsiness all day, wants to lie about; peevishness.

Natrum-carb [Nat-c]

HYPOCHONDRIASIS DURING DIGESTION; dyspepsia (>) by eating soda biscuits; tongue red, mucous surface smooth and shining; burning pain and tension from pit of stomach through to between scapulae;sense of contraction of the pit of stomach, often with colicky pain soon after eating, with mucous oesophagus and stomach, with nothing coming up, but copious salivation stitches in liver and spleen; abundant expulsion of foetid Flatus; constipation alternating with soft or liquid stools; vegetable and starchy food is badly digested ( Magn.carb): weariness of life.

Natrum-mur [Nat-m]

Disgust for food, especially for what he formerly preferred; only fluids can be swallowed, solids reach a certain point and are then violently ejected; sensation as of a foreign body sticking in cardiac orifice (Ignatia, Zincum met.); distress in pit of stomach, BETTER BY TIGHTENING CLOTHING (Acidum fluoricum).feeling of great hunger, as if the stomach were empty, but no desire for food and, if taken, has no taste; sensation of coldness in stomach, chilliness all over; farinaceous food disagrees, craving for oysters, fish, salty food or for bitter things;dryness of mouth, irritable mucous membrane, often with sore tongue and slight ulcerations acid eructations and malaise or heartburn after eating; obstinate constipation, with great straining;general lassitude and sensation of soreness all over;the mind of patient varies with the degree of constipation; somnolence in day-time, unrefreshing sleep at night; intermittent palpitations with anguish and faintishness.

Natrum-sulph [Nat-s]

Thick, tenacious white mucus constantly in the mouth, welling up from the stomach; belching up mucus which is always foul and slimy;distention of and weight in the stomach with vomiting of bitter or sour mucus; great flatulence and cutting pains in abdomen, cannot bear clothing tight around waist; burning pinching in stomach and bowels, difficult breathing evening in bed; cough with all-gone empty, sensation in chest;, no urging to stool, but difficult expulsion even of a soft stool: in protracted damp, cloudy weather, diarrhoea every morning, after rising and moving about, accompanied by discharge of much foetid flatus.

Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]

Intestinal dyspepsia based upon mercurial or syphilitic cachexia;cadaverous smell from mouth; ulcers on tongue, with tongue, ropy mucus; saliva foetid, acrid, corroding lips; longing for fat, hearings, chalk, lime, aversion to meat and drink; milk disagrees; nausea better from moving about or carriage-riding, bitter and sour vomiting, with much eructation; pain in cardiac orifice on swallowing food; abdomen distended with flatulence, very tender; painless constipation for several days, stool hard, preceded by great pressure and followed by mucous discharges; LANCINATING PAINS IN RECTUM AFTER STOOL, following even a soft stool; painful haemorrhoids, prolapsing with every stool, with loss of blood.

Nux-moschata [Nux-m]

Dyspepsia of hysterical women, given to sleepiness fainting or laughing hysteria, with feeling as though the food formed itself into small hard lumps, with hard surfaces and angles, which produce soreness of stomach; dyspeptic symptoms come on at once, while patient is still at the table; she eats with appetite, but a few mouthfuls satisfy her; turning in stomach with some nausea; mouth and throat, with tough mucus of somewhat bitter or sour taste (Nux v); immediately after eating or while person is still at table there is enormous abdominal distention with sensation condition of stomach and abdomen, with sensation of warmth no only after a meal, but also from least contradiction, showing its nervous character; retrocession of gout to stomach, (<) from cool moisture, (>) by external warmth; syncope from nervous weakness.

Nux-vomica [Nux-v]

ATONY OF THE GANGLIONIC SYSTEM OF NERVES; first half of tongue is nearly clean, sometimes red and shining, but the posterior

half is coated with a deep fur; food and drink have their normal taste, but immediately after eating ever so little fulness and swelling of epigastrium, which is sensitive to pressure; pyrosis, acid eructations, borborygmi, squeezing around the waist, lassitude, nausea, with or without vomiting; head dull and painful, confusion of ideas; after a meal, pain in epigastrium, with sensation as if he had stones in stomach, pain limited to small spot; vomiting of food and bile; vomiting of glairy mucus; taste insipid, sour, bitter, especially mornings, with little or no appetite; bread, acids, milk disagree, but all food aggravates;taste in the morning sour, bitter or putrid after raising mucus from throat; marked aggravation two hours after eating (duodenal digestion? ) Mental and physical. over impressionability; constipation with frequent and useless desire to defaecate, with sensation as if and were closed. Gourmands et gourmets! Abuse of alcoholic drinks.

Oleander [Olnd]

EXTREME DEBILITY OF DIGESTIVE POWER-vomiting of food just as taken many hours after a meal, food has a weak, insipid taste; ravenous hunger, with trembling of hands, and hasty eating, without appetite; violent empty eructations while eating;vomiting of food and bitter greenish water; after vomiting ravenous hunger and thirst; sudden sinking in pit of stomach, with nausea or vomiting;wants brandy, which relieves; pulsation in pit of stomach as if beats of heart were felt through whole throat; pulsation in pit of stomach as if beats of heart were felt through whole throat;lienteria, burning at anus before and after stool.

Pepsin [Pep]

Dyspepsia of infants and convalescents, especially where they lost a great deal of blood and have been otherwise weakened; lienteria; pot belliedness of children (Calcareac).

Petroleum [Petr]

DYSPEPSIA ALWAYS RELIEVED BY TAKING FOOD (Chel); ATONIC DYSPEPSIA, with tendency to Diarrhoea and vomiting; pain and tenderness in epigastrium; occasional pyrosis; chilly cold abdomen; severe pains in stomach, radiating to chest with sweat and nausea; aversion to meat, fat and to all warm, cooked food; violent thirst for beer; after eating, gastralgia, better, but food causes giddiness, heat in face and cutting in abdomen; diarrhoea during daytime, never at night, with colic before defaecation and hunger immediately after stool.

Phosphorus [Phos]

RUMINATION; acute end chronic dyspepsia; great weakness cardiac anguish at night with nausea and a peculiar craving for food, relieved by eating; very weak, empty, gone feeling felt in the whole abdominal cavity, often accompanied by a sensation of heat in back between shoulder-blades; burning in stomach, with desire for very cold wait which relieves momentarily, but is soon thrown up again as it gets warm in the stomach;dryness of throat at night, it fairly glistens; desire for cold water which relieves momentarily, but is soon thrown u again as it gets warm in the stomach; dryness of throat at night, it fairly glistens; desire for cold food and drink, ice-cream; aversion to sweets and to met; REGURGITATION OF FOOD BY MOUTHFULS, WITHOUT NAUSEA; food scarcely swallowed comes up again from spasm of oesophagus at cardiac end; tympanitis, especially in caecum and colon transversum; loud borborygmi, tiring one out by their noise; momentary relief by passing flatus sensation of coldness in abdomen; soft, watery, painless stools; beating of heart; congestion to head; hectic fever; night sweats.

Phosphoric-acid [Ph-ac]

Excessive moral and somatic debility, frequently from old inward affections, or from loss of appetite, the little food taken comes up with acid eructations, half an hour after eating with crampy distress in stomach; desire for warm food, for something refreshing and juicy, for beer and milk, aversion to coffee or spirits; pressing in stomach as from a heavy loud; sensation as if the stomach were being balanced up and down; watery diarrhoea, with borborygmi; lienteria; milky urine; copious sweating, mornings.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.