
Dulcamara [Dulc]

Flat, soapy taste with loss of appetite;natural taste, with good appetite but soon satiated;frequent pinching and distension of abdomen; copious eructations with scraping in oesophagus and heartburn; qualmishness and nausea; vomiting of tenacious mucus with warm raising in oesophagus in the morning; pressive pain in epigastrium, as from a blow, (>) on pressure; sensation of soreness in spinal cord and occiput; indigestion with chilliness, (<) every cool change of weather.

Elaps-coral [Elaps]

STOMACH INTOLERANT OF ANYTHING COLD fruits, ice-cream and other cold things lie like cold lumps of ice on the stomach and cause cold feeling in chest; acidity of stomach with nausea and faint feeling; (>) by lying on abdomen; desire for sweetened buttermilk; sudden pain in stomach as if she would sink down, (<) while sitting, (>) walking about.

Eupatorium-perf [Eup-per]

Insipid taste; disgust for food desire for ice-cream; ANOREXIA OF DRUNKARDS; belching of tasteless wind, with a feeling of obstruction at the pit of stomach; shuddering proceeding from stomach; qualmishness from odors, smell of food, cooking, etc. Fel bovis-Dry tongue, eructations; borborygmi in epigastrium and abdomen; flatulent dyspepsia; incomplete digestion of food; constipation of soft stool, when nearly done he can still press out some faecal lumps; DYSPEPSIA OF CONVALESCENTS FROM SEVERE ACUTE DISEASES (Kreos).

Fel vulpis-Dyspepsia, based on al;lassitude of the whole intestinal canal, hence flatulence, constipation; foul Lienteria stool from decomposition of food.

Ferrum-met [Ferr]

Increased of the watery elements of the blood and decrease of solids; relaxation and debility after an excitation which might decreases of solids;relaxation and debility after an excitation which might be mistaken for exuberance of life; unbearable taste of blood, of rotten eggs; loathing for sour things; of meat, which disagrees, of hot things (Calcareacarb); solid food is dry and insipid while masticating; appetite good and bad alternately; nausea, with headache; nightly diarrhoea; VOMITING IMMEDIATELY AFTER EATING; heavy pressure on pit of stomach after every meal;painless and involuntary diarrhoea, with undigested food, of constipation from intestinal atony. Wind dyspepsia.

Ferrum-phos [Ferr-p]

Anorexia, aversion to milk, (<) from meat and sour things;nausea and vomiting after eating; vomited matter so sour that it sets teeth on edge; hammering pains in forehead and temples chronic diarrhoea or costiveness; sleep restless and dreamy, great depression in the morning.

Fluoric-acid [Fl-ac]

Chronic irritation of mucous membranes; disagreeable mood; dull, heavy headache; hunger and thirst, especially for wine; complaints worse from, sweets; bilious vomiting after slight errors in diet, with increased alvine discharges, preceded by tormina; feeling of weight in stomach between meals;fulness and pressure in epigastrium; bilious diarrhoea soon after drinking, especially warm drinks.

Graphites [Graph]

Salty, sour, foul taste in mouth; aversion to food; especially to meat and salt food; unpleasant sensations before eating; during a meal immediate unpleasant effects, especially abdominal distension, borborygmi;after eating burning, sticking, cramps, singultus, nausea, must loosen the clothing; rotten odor from mouth and gums, especially after rising, lessened by washing out the mouth; canine hunger with acidity of stomach or none with fulness of stomach; SWEET THINGS ARE DISGUSTING AND NAUSEOUS; HOT THINGS DISAGREE;rancid heartburn, particularly after eating; excessive discharge of foul flatus downward; obstinate constipation with very hard stools,, expelled only after great efforts, or pappy, half-digested, brown stool; of a most atrocious odor; large protruding haemorrhoidal tumours; humid or crusty eruptions unhealthy rough and harsh skin; breath smell; like urine; flabby obesity; (<) morning sand from cold; suffocative spells arousing from sleep, must jump out of bed and eat something.

Gratiola [Grat]

Great distension of abdomen after meals pressure at the pit of stomach as from a stone rolling from side to side with cramp like drawing which mounts into the chest, frequent urging to eructate and to vomit; treat lassitude and somnolence after meals; APPETITE FOR NOTHING to vomit; great lassitude and somnolence after meals; APPETITE FOR NOTHING BUT BREAD; aversion to smoking; cold feeling in stomach as if full of water; cramps in stomach.

Helonias [Helon]

Great prostration of nervous system; anaemia; pulse small and feeble;paleness and icteric color of skin; loss of appetite, bitter taste; constricting, pressing pain in stomach; empty eructations; vomiting, borborygmi and sensation as if diarrhoea would set in, but stools are regular;tongue red at tip and borders, white in centre albuminuria, diabetes, sorrowfulness and melancholy patient excitable and wishes to be let alone; renal and uterine troubles.

Hepar-sulph [Hep]

ATONIC DYSPEPSIA; Hunger, a gnawing, empty feeling in stomach during forenoon, relieved by eating, but food causes feeling of fulness, he cannot bear and pressure upon epigastrium; desire for acid food and drinks, for condiments and wine; flatulence, but without much soreness burning sensation in scrobiculo cordis; considerable epigastric swelling, even after eating but little; LIABILITY TO DERANGEMENT OF STOMACH IN SPITE OF THE MOST CAREFUL DIET; foetid eructations, with sensations of burning in throat; nausea mornings, perhaps with sour, bilious or slimy vomiting; accumulation of mucus in throat; nausea in throat; aversion to fat; great thirst; constipation with ineffectual urging to stool, faeces hot being hard; slightly colored or white diarrhoea; Antidotes mercurial abuse.

Hydrastis [Hydr]

ATONIC DYSPEPSIA; cancerous DIATHESIS. GReat lassitude, debility, exhaustion; obstinate constipation, and its attendant dull headache in the forehead; urging to urinate, and sensation as if bowels would move, but only wind passes; large, flabby, slimy-looking tongue; sour eructations; cannot digest bread and vegetables; empty ACHING, GONE FEELING IN STOMACH, aggravated by eating; WEAKNESS OF DIGESTION, WITH HEAVY, DULL, HEAD, THUMPING FULNESS OF CHEST AND DYSPNOEA, palpitation of heart; even light pressure of head reveals strong pulsations in pit of stomach; faintings from exhaustion; eructations of a bitter fluid pyrosis; burning pain in umbilical region, with stitches in epigastrium, extending to testicles. appearing after stool and accompanied by great weakness; constipation, faeces hard, knotty, stool followed by pain and weakness; haemorrhoids; sympathetic sore throat; chronic mucous discharges; Like Nux.v., after abuse of drugs.

Hydrocyanic-acid [Hydr-ac]

Vomiting, acidity, waterbrash ( pancreatic digestion at fault) pain immediately above at the navel, two or three hours after eating, with sensitiveness of pressure at that spot, it feels as if some resisting body lay there; vomiting, especially in the evening and at night, bilious or of the ingesta; burning pain above the navel, extending upward to oesophagus; loss of appetite; colicky attacks; white coated tongue, emaciation; (<) evening and at night; dyspepsia dependent upon chronic inflammations of stomach and bowels.

Ignatia [Ign]

DYSPEPSIA WITH GREAT NERVOUS PROSTRATION, caused by mental depression excessive sweat a meal; copious salivation;feeling of weakness and sinking at the epigastrium, (>) momentarily by eating but soon returning; mouth full of mucus, taste flat;food has a bitter, repulsive taste; fanciful aversion to special articles of food, or craving for a particular article, and after a small portion has been enjoyed, sudden and great aversion to it; frequent regurgitation to food and of bitter liquid; EMPTY RETCHING RELIEVED BY EATING; painful bloating after a meal, with hiccough after eating and drinking; great emptiness with qualmishness and weakness in region of stomach, patient vomits at night the food taken in the evening with flat taste in mouth; periodical paroxysms of cramps in stomach;stitching and lancinating in the sides of abdomen; flatulent colic; especially at night hard stools, he tries often, but in vain, to defaecate prolapsus recti while defaecating; pruritus and tingling in ano;difficult respiration as if the chest were compressed; at night palpitations; aversion to tobacco, meat, warm food and spirituous drinks.

Iodum [Iod]

Fasting causes pain in chest and heartburn after heavy food aching pain in forehead, followed by canine hunger, and this by discharge of thin faeces; tension in stomach and bowels, renewed by eating, intense thirst, (<) from milk; headaches after dinner; large, full pulse and cerebral congestions.

Ipecacuanha [Ip]

Gastric symptoms from and after indulgence in rich mixed food, as pastry, pork, fruits, sweets, ice-cream; bursting headaches with deathly nausea, tongue clear or only slightly coated; stools green, yellow, liquid and covered with mucus and blood stomach feels relaxed, as if hanging down; attacks of clutching pains going from left to right, as from hanging down; attacks of clutching pains going from left to right, as from a hand, each finger seemingly pressing sharply into intestines, (>) during rest,

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.