
(<) from motion.

Iris-vers [Iris]

Nausea and vomiting of watery and extremely sour fluid, especially during early morn; CONSTANT AND PROFUSE FLOW OF ROPY SALIVA, hanging in a string from the mouth to the vessel on the floor; great burning distress in epigastrium; shocks of pain from umbilical region up to epigastrium, before each spell of vomiting or purging; vomiting of food an hour after eating, of bile with great heat and sweat; yellow, watery, corrosive stool, with burning in rectum and anus after it.

Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]

ALTERNATION OF GASTRIC CATARRH WITH RHEUMATISM; supra-orbital neuralgia induced by gastric derangement; obscuration of sight followed by headache, (<) from light or noise, blindness diminishing as the headache increases; patient unable to digest any starchy food; immediately during or after a meal sensation as if digestion were impeded and the food rested in stomach like a heavy weight (not a pain); patient wakes at night with great uneasiness in stomach and soreness and tenderness in a small spot to of the xiphoid process; feeling of sinking in stomach before breakfast;feeling of emptiness in stomach, though he has no appetite and feels worse after eating; hot rising from stomach, especially after taking oily food, champagne, beer or malt liquors, flatulency; dislike to water and meat, which derange the stomach, (<) at night after lying down, with sensation of wind forming in stomach; coppery taste, with sour eructations; florid-red complexion blotchy appearance and heavy skin; mucous membrane of digestive and respiratory organs simultaneously affected, with excessive secretion of both. CHRONIC EFFECTS OF EXCESSIVE INDULGENCE IN BEER AND ALE.

Kali-brom [Kali-br]

Anorexia, foul breath, white tongue, involving the edges as well as the dorsum, and not necessarily furried, great languor; violent headache; loathing; vomiturition or vomiting of mucous, with saltish taste in mouth; vomiting of drunkards after a debauch; troublesome pressure at stomach after dinner.

Kali-carb [Kali-c]

DYSPEPSIA OF AGED PERSONS rather inclined to obesity, or after great loss of vitality; repugnance to all food; constant chilliness, cold hands and feet; no perspiration however great he that is; face pale, eyes sunken, oedema of upper eyelid, dryness of mouth, dull taste, tongue yellowish-white; lips dry, thirst; great desire for sugar and sweets, for acids; aversion to rye bread; epigastrium swollen, hard, sensitive to touch; painful sensation of emptiness in stomach, and, after eating, and rising from stomach to throat; great pain in the cul-de-sac of stomach, radiating to chest and spreading all over body to back and extremities; pulsation in epigastrium; nausea, eructations, vomiting of food and mucus; bloatedness of abdomen, which is painful to touch constipation, as from inertia of rectum; stools dry, rare, difficult to discharge, feels badly before stool, blood haemorrhoids; frequent desire to urinate during night pale-red, muddy urine passes slowly and burns; RIGHT EAR HOT, LEFT EAR PALE AND COLD;vertigo from least motion, especially riding in carriage respiration difficult, anxious sleepiness or restless sleep after 3 A.M. great irritability and sadness.

Kali-mur [Kali-m]

Violent hunger between regular period of eating, (>) after drinking water; white or grayish coating of tongue; pain in heavy feeling in hepatic region; fatty food disagrees; portal congestion; gagging and gulping white mucus vomiting of smile or blood at night;fruit ad acids easily cause diarrhoea; cannot bear the pressure of clothing around the waist.

Leptandra [Lept]

Nausea, with deathly faintness upon rising in the night; painful distress in stomach, with rising of food, very sour; canine hunger; sharp cutting pains in ate lower part of epigastrium and upper portion of umbilical region; weak sinking in pit of stomach; great distress in stomach and liver, worse from drinking water; stools black, tarry, bilious, undigested, followed by griping, but no straining.

Lithium-carb [Lith-c]

Pain in left temple; great lassitude and debility; gnawing in stomach the whole morning, going off after eating, but appetite is soon satisfied;after eating acidity and heaviness in stomach; great thirst without fever; fulness in pit of stomach, cannot endure the least pressure, he must loosen his clothing;diarrhoea after fruit and chocolate; the pain in head, which ceased while eating, returns, to be again relieved by eating. Constant desire to urinate., with some difficulty in urinating, and a pressing in cardiac region, (>) by urinating, though violent tenesmus afterwards, (<) at night; pain in sacrum and lower limbs.

Lobelia-infl [Lob]

Sense of weakness and oppression of epigastrium and simultaneous oppression of chest, with or without heartburn, constant dyspnoea, (<) from slightest exertion; pain in forehead from one temple to other; sensation of a lump in pit of throat, impending respiration and regulation; no appetite, fulness and pressure in epigastrium(<) after eating, difficulty of breathing from faintness and sinking at the stomach; acidity; heartburn; lateritious urine. After each vomiting sweat all over, followed by sensation as if lots of needless were piercing the skin from within outward; faintness at pit of stomach from abuse of tea or tobacco.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

Atonic dyspepsia of weakly persons; INTESTINAL FLATULENT DYSPEPSIA (CARB.V., GASTRIC), from heavy farinaceous food, from fresh vegetables or leguminosa. CONSTANT SLEEPINESS, BUT SLEEP DOES NOT REFRESH; desire for food (which has its natural flavor) for a sensation for weakness in stomach but appetite is quickly satisfied on account of pressure on the stomach, as soon as he begins to eat; sour taste, and in the morning bitter taste; epigastric pain not increased by external pressure, eructations relieve the sense of repletion, but not the feeling of illness;empty and sour eructations, with sour taste of everything, even sweets, (<) from cold drinks, (>) from warm drinks, AS HOT AS MOUTH AND THROAT CAN BEAR THEM; increased flatus, causing bloating and distention and asthmatic symptoms, with pains shooting across from right to let, (<) 4 to 8 P.M.; palpitation of heart during digestion; sensitiveness of gastric region to pressure only after a meal(Lach, all the time) CHRONIC CATARRH OF STOMACH FROM ENLARGED LIVER, jaundiced or sallow complexion, with oedema pedum; great mental depression; lithic acid gravel in urine; constipation or slow stool. the discharges always incomplete.

Magnesia-carb [Mag-c]

ACID DYSPEPSIA. Extreme bloatedness of stomach, without eructation or flatulence, or with sour eructations and pyrosis after having eaten CABBAGE, POTATOES AND OTHER GROSS FOOD; dryness of mouth; burning in throat and palate; frequent rising of mucus in the throat; violent thirst for water; nausea and vertigo while eating, followed by retching and vomiting of a bitter salt water; constrictive pain in stomach.

Magnesia-mur [Mag-m]

Continual rising of white froth into the mouth eructations tasting like onions; fainting nausea succeeded by coldness and weakness of stomach; and gulping up of water; hunger, but knows not for what, followed by nausea; violent thirst towards morning; throbbing in pit of stomach; eroding pains in stomach, going off after eating and coming on again at the end of digestion; stools in hard, large lumps, crumbling at the verge of the anus, knotty, like sheep’s dung, exhaustion after sea- bathing.

Mancinella [Manc]

Very bitter taste, with burning and prickling in mouth; whole mouth and tongue covered with small vesicles; offensive breath; heat in pharynx and down oesophagus, without thirst; can only take liquid food on account of soreness of mouth; thirst for cold water, nut is prevented room drinking by the choking sensation rising from stomach; excessive nausea; SOUR, GREASY VOMIT, with aversion to water; on the vomited matter floated a white mass like coagulated fat; sensation as of flames rising from stomach, or as if stomach grew together in a lump and then suddenly opened again;fulness in rectum, with a hollow feeling in stomach; diarrhoea; in alternation with constipation.

Mercurius-sol [Merc]

Foul, sweetish or bitter taste, especially early in the morning; loss of appetite, or voracious, with speedy repletion with eating; aversion to solid food, meat, warm food, with desire for refreshing things, pressure in epigastrium; eructations, heartburn, nausea, desire to vomit; painful sensitiveness, fulness, pressure, tension in gastric region; flatulence; constipation, often with ineffectual urging to stool and tenesmus;sadness, hypochondriasis, suspicious and vehement mood, patient cannot lie on right side.

Mercurius-cor [Merc-c]

REPUGNANCE TO HOT FOOD AND GREAT DESIRE FOR COLD FOOD putrid taste in morning, increased saliva, bad breath, bilious taint, the liver rises above the ribs; oppression after eating distention and painful sensitiveness of stomach, eructations, nausea; tendency to diarrhoea, with tenesmus; copious excessive perspiration, without relief.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.