
Carduus-mar [Card-m]

GASTRIC AILMENTS FROM ABUSE OF ALCOHOLIC DRINKS AND ESPECIALLY OF BEER;gastric catarrh with loss of appetite, frequent eructations, flatulency; burning in stomach, as from acidity; bitter taste, intense nausea, painful retching and vomiting of for, greenish fluid; pressure in stomach with eructations of air, at night on awakening, lasting all day; hepatic region sensitive to pressure; pasty diarrhoea. “Bergsucht,” phthisis of miners, a complex of symptoms of stomach, spleen and kidneys with insomnia, inappetency, mental irritability, languor and general weakness.

Causticum [Caust]

Dyspepsia of arthritic, rheumatic, haemorrhoidal patients. phlegm in throat, but inability to hawk it up; sensation lime being burned in stomach, with rising of air, dryness of mouth, with desire to be constantly swallowing; gums sensitive and easily bleeding;paroxysmal violent pains in pit of stomach, extending into the lower abdomen and radiating into the chest, back, bones of the pelvis; food immediately causes heaviness and cramps; abdomen soft, only bloated by gas; constipation; vertigo when going to stool, which is hard, brown, scanty or glairy; white diarrhoea at night, with tenesmus; swollen painful haemorrhoids, with pruritus ani, relieved by cold water and pressure; worse from eating fresh meat, pruritus ani, relieved by cold water and pressure;worse formatting fresh meat, smoked meat agree bead cause pressure in stomach, fat food causes offensive belching, acids cause in convenience; watery vomiting; (>) when stomach is empty and by lying down.

Cedron [Cedr]

Bitter eructations before rising in the morning, with a dull pain in temples; sensation as of a stone in stomach, of heat and fulness in stomach; distension and disposition to nausea, (<) by rest, (>) by walking and eating; great sensitiveness of precordial region; pulse small and hard, dryness of mouth and fauces; depressed spirits and restlessness RELIEVED BY FOOD AND DRINK.

Chamomilla [Cham]

Great thirst, with dry red tongue; bitterness of mouth, with rising of bile and acrid eructations aggravating all pains;fulness after a meal, and afterwards nausea, vomiting of bitter green masses; heat and heat and pain in head, red face;sensation of burning in eyes; agitated sleep, with great irritation; bloated abdomen, colic, with green diarrhoeic stools; embarrassed respiration.

Chelidonium [Chel]

Tongue dry and while, sometimes streaky, of narrow and pointed shape; great longing for wine, which does not cause congestion or heat him head as formerly; aching gnawing pain in stomach, with a sense of constriction, aggravated by pressure,. but RELIEVED BY EATING or during the early hours of distention; great desire for milk, which when in health caused flatus, now similarities all her symptoms when drinking it; PREFERENCE FOR HOT DRINKS AND FOR HOT FOOD; gurgling in abdomen, colic, retraction of navel, with nausea; incisive intestinal pains; constipation; icterus; morose disposition; constant pains in lower inner angle of right scapula, extending up into chest and down to liver.

China [Chin]

Dyspepsia from loss of animal fluids, from noxious miasmata; face pale or sallow, tongue foul, white or yellow; continual sensation of satiety, of coldness in stomach, and desire for pungent, spiced, sour, refreshing things, for coffee-beans and for stimulants; extreme slowness of digestion; pressure and cramps of stomach after eating; malaise. drowsiness, fullness, distension; eructations, tasting after the food, and even vomiting the ingesta; desire to lie down; sense of sinking at the epigastrium, relieved by eating, but speedily returning; aggravation from farinaceous food; obstructed respiration; liquid lienteria stools immediately; ill -humor and indisposition to do anything; fruits from belching, DIARRHOEA WITH GOOD, or even increasing appetite, especially after meals (Antim crud., diarrhoea with total inappetency); aversion to fat,. to warm food and drinks, which disagree with the stomach (<) every other night.

Chininum-sulph [Chin-s]

EXCESSIVE REPUGNANCE TO ALL FOOD; selling and sensitiveness of epigastrium; oppression after eating, nausea, desire to sleep; visceral obstructions, especially enlargement of sleep; loss of appetite and food nauseates; hot, bitter, assure eructations, setting teeth on edge; stomach feels weak and empty, (>) by eating; foul flatus.

Cina [Cina]

Desires many and different things; great hunger soon after eating; on drinking with she shudders as though it were vinegar; hiccough during sleep; gnawing sensation in stomach, as from hunger; pressure in stomach at night, causing restlessness;diarrhoea after drinking vomiting of mucus, with weak, hollow, empty feeling in head; grinding of teeth.

Cocculus [Cocc]

Chronic dyspepsia, from abuse of stimulants or from too long studies;confused feeling in head after eating or drinking. Nausea, with vertigo and efflux of saliva, morning nausea and vomiting of food and mucus, especially at night, with sleeplessness, headache and constipation; absolute loss of appetite; burning in oesophagus extending into the fauces, with taste of sulphur in mouth; acid taste in mouth, with aversion t aces; after eating, pains of confusion, of pressure of grinding and squeezing in the pit of stomach;lower extremities seem nearly paralyzed; EXTREME AVERSION TO FOOD, EVEN THE SMELL OF FOOD SICKENS, ALTHOUGH HE FEELS HUNGRY.

Colchicum [Colch]

Appetite for different things, but as soon as he sees them or still more smells them, he shudders from nausea and is unable to eat anything (Cocc., extreme aversion to food, even the smell of food nauseates, although feeling hungry); the smell of fish, eggs of fat meat makes right position qualmishness in stomach and inclination to vomit;violent retching, followed by copious and forcible vomiting of food and then or bile, renewed by every motion; burning sensation in stomach, more frequently than an

icy coldness, accompanied by great pains and debility. (Retrocession of gout).

Collinsonia [Coll]

Haemorrhoidal dyspepsia and headache; tongue yellow along centre of base, with bitter taste; cramplike pains in stomach, with nausea; flatulence and spasms of stomach; chronic constipation, with much flatulence and haemorrhoids.

Colocynthis [Coloc]

Violent cutting-tearing pains which, from different parts of chest and abdomen, concentrate in pit of stomach; better from hard pressure and bending double; A BROUGHT ON BY VEXATION AND INDIGNATION:bitter taste of food or drink; scalded sensation of tongue;vomiting of bitter-tasting yellow fluid; diarrhoea after the least food or drunk.

Conium [Con]

Violent pains in stomach always TWO OR THREE HOURS AFTER EATING, abut also at night; better in knee-elbow position; violent vomiting of BLACK MASSES LIKE COFFEE-GROUNDS, sour and acrid; sour rising from stomach after eating; swelling in region of pylorus; pressing, burning, squeezing pain, extending from pit of stomach into the neck and shoulders (Bism); hypochondriasis.

Cornus-circ [Corn]

Nausea, with bitter taste and aversion to all kinds of food; empty feeling in stomach, with tasteless eructations;desire for sour drinks; startling and burning in mouth, throat and stomach, with desire for stool; sensation of faintness in stomach and abdomen.

Cuprum [Cupr]

Deathly feeling, with pain behind the ensiform cartilage; expression of prostration in face; sweet or coppery taste; tongue dry and rough. papillae enlarged; loss of appetite; GREAT DESIRE FROM COOLING DRINKS; a swallow of cold water relieves cough and vomiting; hiccough; constant eructations; nausea and VOMITING WITH BRAIN AFFECTIONS, from suppression of menses; sanction as if clothing were lying too hard on put of stomach.

Cyclamen [Cycl]

Complete inappetency, feeling of satiety after a few mouthfuls of food; great pains in pit of stomach, (>) after throwing up the food; disgust for meat; or disagrees; aversion to coffee and desire for inedible things; sleepiness; hiccough during and after eating; rumbling in bowels; chlorosis, with great dread of fresh air.

Cypripedium [Cypr]

Dyspepsia, the result of mental over exertion, anxiety or grief.

Digitalis [Dig]

AFter eating a weakness in stomach as if the stomach were sinking away or as if life would vanish; deathly nausea, not (>) by vomiting, appetite for food, but as soon as he eats HE COMMENCE TO SPIT IT UP BY MOUTHFULS, SOURER THAN ANY VINEGAR; after stomach is emptied, terrible pain and uneasiness for one or two hours; discomfort after eating even a small quantity of light food; extreme lassitude and trembling; quick’ intermitting or very slow pulse; bowels confined; urine dark and scanty, feeling of great emptiness o stomach just before going to sleep; uneasy and unrefreshing surface and extremities cold and blue.

Dioscorea [Dios]

Pain and spasm arise from the umbilical region and radiate all over abdomen, extending into stomach, pelvic organs and even extremities; sharp cramping pains in pit of stomach, followed by raising, belching and sharp cramping pains in pit of stomach, followed by hiccough and discharge of flatus downward, with sensation as if both temples were in a vise; must unfasten clothing; dull, heavy, weary pain in stomach, worse after eating, relieved by copious eructations of air; burning-jerking pains in stomach, with faintness; haemorrhoids.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.