
Arsenicum [Ars]

Dyspepsia, with heartburn, and belching up of acid burning fluid, which seems to excoriate the throat; red and irritated tongue, which feels heated and tough to patient, as if scalded; burning heat in stomach and abdomen; epigastric swelling, with painfulness to pressure and even top contact; sensation as if stomach were full of water; nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea specially after drinking cold or acidulated water; RELIEF FROM HOT DRINKS;sensation of emptiness in stomach so that he wants food, and still does not feel like eating when set before him; disgust from animal food; sensation of faintness, excessive sudden weakness, cold extremities cold skin. Dyspepsia from immoderate use of ice, vinegar, acid, or fermented liquors, from abuse of tobacco, from ice-cream or ice-water in hot weather.

Asafoetida [Asaf]

Enormous meteorisms of stomach, and great difficult of bringing up wind (Argentumnit); rancid eructations, flatus passing upward, none down; profuse salivation with greasy taste; burning in stomach and oesophagus; pulsations in pit of stomach, with faint feeling; pressing, cutting-stitching pains in spells, not regular four food, appetite for wine; watery offensive Diarrhoea or a obstinate constipation; physical and mental over sensitiveness; hysteria.

Aurum [Aur]

Hypochondriasis, with thoughts of suicide; immoderate appetite and thirst (Anac), with qualmishness in stomach;relishes his meal,, but appetite not appeased; aversion to meat, wants milk, wine, coffee, burning and pressure in stomach with hot rising; pressure in hypochondria as from flatulence, worse after food, drink and motion; eructations of gas relieve attacks of palpitation;l piles.

Baptisia [Bapt]

Great sinking at the epigastrium, with frequent fainting; irritation of stomach showing itself by violent pains at short intervals over the whole cardiac region, with anguish and a burning sensation; TONGUE BROWN IN CENTER AND RED AT EDGES; nausea, with want of appetite and constant desire for water; frequent small diarrhoeic stools, but excessively foetid; pain in liver. Excessive prostration os strength, after typhoid fever, with general debility, trembling; weak, soft pulse; atony of all functions and indefinable malaise.

Baryta-carb [Bar-c]

Nausea early in the morning;sourish eructations daily a few hours after dinner; pain and pressure at the stomach’s from a stone, relieved by eructations. even when fasting a soreness is felt at the stomach; gnawing pains in stomach not aggravated by pressure; the pressure of food into the stomach is painful, as if it passed over a sore spot; sensation of weakness in stomach disappearing after eating.

Belladonna [Bell]

Face flushed or very pale;eyes red; putrid taste in fauces also while eating and drinking, although food tastes natural; nausea in throat; painless throbbing and beating input of stomach; feeling of emptiness in stomach, hard pressure in stomach after eating.

Berberis [Berb]

Offensive metallic odor from mouth; mouth and fauces dry and sticky, especially in the morning relieved by eating, before dinner chilliness; after eating solids belching for hours, and soreness, continuing all night; heartburn; pressure in stomach as if it would burst, pit stomach puffed up (Calc); great thirst or aversion to drink,; (<)after alcoholic drinks.

Bismuth [Bism]

Headache alternating with or attended by gastralgia. Sweetish and metallic taste;copious and continuous section of a thick saliva, brown and of a metallic taste; sensation of excoriation in mouth; selling and sensitiveness of gums; burning he in throat, great thirst for cold beverages; HE VOMITS THE SMALLEST QUANTITY OF WATER, ALTHOUGH THE STOMACH RETAINS EVERYTHING ELSE; COUGH WHEN STOMACH IS EMPTY; soon after eating, burning and pressure in stomach, circumscribed on a narrow point and forcing patient to bend backward l; nausea; eructations of a bad odor;vomiturition and vomiting; loud borborygmi and flatulency; of a bad odor;vomiturition and vomiting; loud borborygmi and flatulency; malaise in lower abdomen;constipation, or watery, foul-smelling diarrhoea; urine abundant and limpid. Distress extends from stomach through to spine, with burning in spine opposite epigastrium.

Bovista [Bov]

Nausea in the morning vomiting of a watery fluid;l relieved by eating breakfast; SENSATION OF A LUMP OF ICE IN THE STOMACH; pressure and fulness in pit of stomach; tension in temples, mental anguish.

Bryonia [Bry]

DYSPEPTIC AILMENTS DURING SUMMER HEART, especially moist heat (Ant. cured_; acute, recent cases, caused by high living, or where fruits produce painful bloat in of stomach; dry mouth and throat; yellow coat on tongue; aphthae; empty or bitter belching; everything taste bitter, coat on tongue;l aphthae; empty or bitter belching;everything tastes bitter, coat on tongue; aphthae; empty or bitter belching; everything tastes bitter, coat on tongue; aphthae; empty or bitter belching; everything tastes bitter, hence desire for stimulants; GREAT SENSITIVENESS OF EPIGASTRIUM TO TOUCH; pressure of clothing produces pain, but not always oppression of breathing; nausea and faintness on rising from a recumbent position; distention distention in intestines rather than in stomach; after a meal, sensation of fulness in stomach or as if a stone lay there, (<) moving; waterbrash; icteric tint of the skin and eyes; congestive headaches; obstinate constipation, differing from Nux by the absence of desire, without result, intolerance of vegetable food, (<) in summer.

Cactus-grand [Cact]

CARDIAC DYSPEPSIA indigestion; constrictive feeling at scrobiculus cord’s extending to hypochondria, impending breathing; palpitations, felt even in temples, (<) ascending and walking; rumbling in stomach precedes palpitations.

Cadmium-sulph [Cadm-s]

Extreme tenderness of pit of stomach; spots or burning soreness in stomach and abdomen; saltish, rancid belching, cold sweat on face;cutting in stomach; nausea and vomiting of yellows or black matter.

Calcarea-carb [Calc]

Chronic dyspepsia, with sensation of pressure and contraction, worse during night and after sleeping; strumous dyspepsia, with

its difficulty of assimilating fats (Eryngium); DISGUST AND REPUGNANCE FOR MEAT AND TO WARM OR COOKED FOOD, DESIRE FOR COLD VICTUALS; no appetite, continual thirst, thirst at night for cold water, but it disagrees;;taste acid, bitter or putrid tongue covered with a thick whitish-yellow coating; salivation, which eases stomach;after a meal general heat, palpitation of heart, fulness and bloatedness of stomach, which is sensitive to touch; eructations, without amelioration; oppression, debility and somnolence; obstinate constipation, or scanty, hard, dry stool in lumps every three or four days, or diarrhoea in scrofulous persons; urine muddy and smarting when passing;hemicrania in the morning when waking up; damp cold feet; sweats easily and nearly always cold; ill-humor and anger.

Caladium [Calad]

Throbbing and beating in epigastrium, with debility and languor, obliging the patient to lie down, and fainting sensation when getting up; FLUTTERINGS FROM A BIRD in the stomach causes nausea; burning in stomach, not relieved, not relieved by drink; frequent eructations of very little wind, as if the stomach were full of dry food; acrid sour vomit, making teeth feel too long; version to cold drinks; wants only warm beverages (Ars); restless and starting in sleep.

Capsicum [Caps]

DIPSOMANIA; morning vomiting, sinking at stomach; stomach icy cold or burning in it;dyspepsia from torpor, particularly in old people flatulence and wind colic; heartburn, waterbrash food tastes sour, bitter flatulence and wind colic; heartburn, waterbrash; food tastes sour, bitter while eating worse afterwards; water causes shuddering; purging, tenesmus and thin stools; anxiety and fear of dying; peevish, irritable, angry, foul breath;haemorrhoids, lack of reaction; VERY OFFENSIVE BREATH WHEN COUGHING.

Carbo-veg [Carb-v]

PATIENT PHYSICALLY BELOW PART; dyspepsia after abuse of mercury, or from too high living (Nux v); EXCESSIVE FLATULENCY WITH TENDENCY TO DIARRHOEA; dyspeptic sufferings come on most severely after breakfast sensation as if he would burst open after eating or drinking; nausea every morning from 10 until 11; gastric troubles after drinking wine or ardent spirits to excess; sensation of trembling and weight in the stomach;the thought of taking food cause nausea and disgust; violent spasmodic contraction in epigastric region, better by eructations, which are rancid, sour or putrid, and flatus per anus offensive, moist and burning, worse in warm sultry weather, at night or by fright, chagrin, cold or taking food;GASTRALGIA OF NURSING WOMEN, the whole mouth seems bitter, bitter eructations; milk is insupportable, turns sour; repugnance to meat and especially to fat, to fish, oysters, vinegar; hiccough heaviness and dulness of head; cannot be and pressure around the waits; sensation of

pressure and fullness along the edges of the false ribs in both hypochondria, the diaphragm being pushed out of its place by the accumulated gas, with painful respiration; vertigo and faintness during and after meals; CHRONIC DYSPEPSIA OF OLD PEOPLE; incarcerated flatulence; (>) leaning back with a pillow under part complained of.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.