Homeopathy Remedy Pulsatilla

Shivering on one side of face. Chilliness over upper abdomen and upper arms after dinner. Chilliness along back; with cold hands; shivering up B. all day, without thirst; shivering on B., extending into hypochondria and especially into anterior part of arms and thighs, about 4 P.M., with coldness of limbs and feeling as if they would fall asleep; sensation as if cold water were poured down B. Coldness in arms as if they would fall asleep. Shivering creeping over arms, with heat of cheeks, the room seems too warm. Coldness of hands and feet, they seem dead; C. of one hand, with heat of other; of hand and foot of one side in evening and night, with redness, the other side hot; (of hands and feet during rest, when sitting). Internal C. of lower part of body in afternoon, without external coldness, with warmth of upper part of body. Chilliness on thighs towards evening, with external coldness of them; on thighs and legs at 6 P.M., without thirst, with heat on chest and between scapulae; (of knee at night in bed); internal, in leg.


      In morning in bed, with sensation as if sweat would break out; for an hour in afternoon, at 7 P.M., with inclination to wrap up and thirst for beer; every evening, with red face; at night, without thirst; at night in bed, with uneasiness; at night, and on turning over in bed shivering; with desire to be covered, he licks his lips and does not drink, moans and groans; intolerance of external warmth, enlargement of veins; with thirst; then shivering; then chilliness; waking him; in flushes sudden, with sweat of face, trembling of limbs and faintlike obscuration of vision. Dry heat of body in evening, with distended veins and burning hands, that seek cool places; D. at night in bed; night and morning. Anxious H., as if dashed with hot water, with cold forehead; A. over whole body, hands mostly burning, with tearing in occiput. Internal H. without thirst; I. in afternoon, with thirst.

Heat of whole body except hands, which are cool, with headache above orbits and anxious lamentations. Heat in sinciput; in outer ear, with sweat on it; in face; in face in evening; sudden, in cheeks, (<) evening, with redness of them and warm sweat on forehead, during and after the heat of face shivering in back and over arms, boring outward headache, with stitches and with attacks of anxiety; running from shoulder down through arm at night; of hands and feet; feet; feet during rest, (<) walking; soles; near or above an ulcer on foot, in morning.

Sweat; inclination to during the day; in morning; in morning in sleep; at night; offensive, at night (in a case of chronic syphilitic ulceration and bone-pain); on r. side of body; on l. side of body; r. side of face; face and scalp; pouring down back all day; on hands in morning after rising; on feet every morning in bed (curative?), after cure of swelling of feet.

Clinical Occasionally useful in intermittent fever, chill without thirst, with distressing desire for fresh air, followed by fever and sweat; during the fever there are frequently heat of one part and coldness of another, perspiration usually profuse during the night. It is also said to be useful in ague without sweat. Usually in febrile disorders it is indicated by predominating chilliness.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.