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Pulsatilla Pratensis – Homeopathy Remedy

Homeopathy medicine Pulsatilla Pratensis from Nash’s Testimony of the Clinic, comprising the characteristic symptoms of homeopathic remedies from his clinical experience, published in 1911….


CC Rheumatism. CC

(26) Case. – I was called to see a man with rheumatism. He had been confined to his bed and arm chair for many months, and had suffered greatly from the disease and many doctors. Had not tried homoeopathy, for there was “nothing in it.” I found joints swollen (hands, feet, knees, body). The affection had continued all the time to move from joint to joint since he was attacked.

Heat did not (>)but(<).

Tongue coated white, poor appetite, no thirst.

Very greatly discouraged, depressed.

Temperament, fair; mild disposition.

There were other symptoms, but these were leading. He received Pulsatilla c. m. (Fincke.) He improved promptly, but in a few days sent for me. He showed me a discharge from the urethra that looked gonorrhoeal in character. That was in the days of long ago, when we did not know so much about bacteriology. He said that his wife had given it to him, for he had, as everybody knew, not been able to get away from home. The wife indignantly denied the imputation. Both looked to me for a solution of the mystery. I said to him – did you ever have clap before? He hesitated under the scrutiny of the flashing eyes of his wife. Then said: Yes, I did when I was a young man, before I was married. I said your rheumatism is improving since this discharge appeared. Yes. How were you cured of the scalp? By an injection. Well then, I said neither you nor your wife are guilty of inconstancy towards each other. This rheumatism from which you are now suffering is the result of that suppressed gonorrhoea of twenty years ago, and you will get well of both under the action of appropriate medication. But no more local injections, please.

He recovered rapidly. I have seen other cases similar from such suppressions and am careful not to resort to them. I did not know of the history of gonorrhoea in the case, but treated it on the symptomatic indications. (Nash.)

CC Neuralgia. CC

(27) Case. – Mrs. G., age 35, a farmer’s wife, called to get some medicine for neuralgia, stating that the whole right side of the head was involved. The pains would come and go gradually at very irregular periods, shoot into the ear along the side of the neck and under the eye, and were always made worse by putting anything cold in the mouth. To the question if the pain was relieved by putting anything warm in the mouth, she answered; “Oh, no; that makes it a great deal worse.” The pains, although mostly confined to the right side of the face, were moving about frequently, often after leaving the head appearing in the left leg or heel; she was always chilly, easily moved to tears, and felt decidedly better in the open air. I gave her Pulsatilla 30, two powders, to dissolve one in four teaspoonfuls of water, and take one every two hours. The neuralgia was cured with the first powder and remained so; she had no need of the second. (F. H. Lutze.)

CC Neuralgia CC

(28) Case. – Mr. M., aged 35, dark skin, black hair, bilious temperament. Had an attack of la grippe, followed by what his physicians (of whom he had five, four allopaths and one eclectic) called cerebro – spinal meningitis, with its complications. For six weeks they had been bombarding the enemy without relief. He told me his drug bill aside from his doctors bill was 35 dollars.

By some mysterious Providence he was moved to call me.

Symptoms. Pain in the base of the brain continuous, but much worse every evening, so that convulsions and insensibility were the result occasionally. The only relief was from tight bandaging and cold application. He would cry and could not help it when the pains were greatest. Diagnosis, neuralgia; prescription, Pulsatilla 200, three doses, three hours apart; relieved him in twenty – four hours, and he made a good recovery without any more medicine. (J. Emmons.)

This case shows that if the symptoms are there the temperament of the patient will not interfere with the action of the indicated remedy. Yet it must be remembered that such indications are much more apt to occur in the Pulsatilla temperament. (N.)

CC Rheumatism. CC

(29) Case – I was called to a case at 1 o’clock in the morning. Had just come in from a hard day’s work, and refused to go until I got some rest. Father, who came after me, said that his body, about 14 years of age, had rheumatism terribly bad; had not been able to sleep for the great pain for many nights. I sent some. Aconite to take until I came in the morning. Next morning met the father on the way again after me. Boy had not slept at all, and was in great pain. I found the pain, swelling and suffering in the right hip. It had traveled there from the feet, where it had moved to the knees, then the hip. Now the parts first attacked were free from pain or swelling. Covering or warm applications did not relieve, and he was crying with the pain. A year before he had had a six weeks’ run of the same disease under regular treatment; had discharged his doctor and cured (?) himself with “Angel’s rheumatic gun,” hit the mark.

Now, after having tried it for a week, Pulsatilla 4th was prescribed in solution, a teaspoonful once in 2 hours, until relieved, and I passed on to see other patients, promising to call on my return. Three hours after, as I drew up in front of the house, I found the grandfather walking back and forth in the front yard in a brown study. Did you give that boy morphine? said he, with blood in his eye. No, I answered. Why? He went to sleep in half an hour after the first dose and has not awakened yet.

This was true, and in three days he was around and went on to a rapid and perfect cure. (Nash.)

I could fill this book with cases cured with this remedy, but “enough is as good as a feast.”

I want here to call attention to the fact that this remedy of wide range is not one that is chosen from its positive power to cause pathological lesions, and yet if you look over either “Clarkes Dictionary” or “Hering’s Guiding Symptoms” under the head of clinics you would think that there was no disease to which flesh was heir where it might not be useful. Now when we refer to our resume of seven leaders:

1. Mild, gentle, yielding disposition, sad and despondent, weeps easily, sandy hair, blue eyes, pale face, muscles soft and flabby.

2. Changeable remedy, pains and swelling travel from joint to joint. Haemorrhages flow and stop, then flow again; no two stools, no two chills alike, etc.

3. Bad taste in the mouth, (<) morning, with great dryness, but no thirst.

4. Stomach easily disturbed, especially by cakes, pastry or rich, fat food.

5. Thick bland discharges from all mucous membranes.

6. Catamenia too late, scanty or suppressed, particularly by wetting the feet.

7. Modalities, (<) in warm room, warm applications, abuse of iron, chilliness with the pains. (>) by cool open air, walking slowly around; cold food or drink. Tying up tightly relieves the headache. I say when we refer to these it is hard to understand why this remedy should be so widely useful except from a homoeopathic standpoint. And so we come again to the inevitable conclusion as Chas. S. Raue used to say: “The symptoms indicating the remedy may lie outside the symptoms which go to make the pathology of the case.” It is well for us not to lose sight of this great cardinal truth. It must be so else routinism would be the result. So long as disease attacks different indifferent individuals of different temperaments and different degrees of susceptibility and resistance, and especially with different complications, such as psora, syphilis and sycosis, so long must individualism as to choice of remedy be necessary. Homoeopathy is wide enough in its scope to cover all these possible conditions, and it cannot be squeezed into any pathological livery. This is the great advantage of our system over that of the old school.

With them it is name the disease first, then prescribe, and often they cannot name it at all, what then? Of course, do something or fire in the dark. With us if the symptoms of the patient, pathological or symptomatological, one or both, correspond in its symptoms to the remedy, we are ready to act and to good purpose, too. Similia similibus curantur can never be wiped out. (N.).

Dr. E.B. Nash 1838- 1917, was considered one of our finest homeopaths and teachers. He was Prof. of Materia Medica at the N.Y. Homoeopathic Medical College and President of International Hahnemannian Assoc. His book Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics is a classic. This article is from: :The Medical Advance - A monthly magazine of homoeopathic medicine - edited and published by H.C. Allen, M. D.