Homeopathy Remedy Pulsatilla


      Distention; after eating, with intermittent colic and rumbling; flatulent, after eating (Lycopodium); hard, with tense pain and sensation as of abdomen would burst (with swelling of backs of feet). Rumbling; and gurgling; in evening, or colic; (<) evening in bed, with gurgling, griping and moving of flatus from one part of intestines to another; with griping pinching and frequent diarrhoea; with working and pinching, then uprisings into throat. Offensive flatus after eating.

Shooting into penis. Cutting in morning, with emission of flatus; when she moves; every other day, (<) evening; as from flatus in evening before eating. Griping; with shooting into penis, frequent thin stools and thirst for “braunbier”; with sensation of fasting and bubbling, as from fermentation (Pinching in morning, with chills and heat.) Drawing tensive pains like labor-pains. Tormina, (>) loose stool.

Pain; in evening after drinking; after drinking; after stool; on touch; on touch after purging, with thirst; when walking; in muscles when sitting and on coughing; with diarrhoea; in A. and lower chest, forcing her to bend forward; sharp, (>) loose stool; as if diarrhoea would ensue, but stool normal; (spasmodic and almost burning, during menses.) Flatulent pain in morning after waking, flatus rumbled and moved about painfully, (<) upper A.; F. pain in evening after a meal; here and there after midnight, not (>) emission of Flatus, with general heat, without thirst; after supper, with painful rumbling. (<) upper A.; after supper, with pressure in stomach, then nausea; after stool; moving about, in evening in bed.

Heaviness like a stone just before menses; during menses, and in sacrum, with inclination of lower limbs to fall asleep when sitting, and with ineffectual desire for stool. Chilliness extending around to lower part of back. Tension as if everything were too full, hard and immovable, as if he could pass neither stool nor flatus, through a slow, not hard stool passed and flatus continued to pass with difficulty in small quantities. Feeling of diarrhoea. Constant desire (in remote intestines) for stool, without straining in rectum or anus, without sufficient stool. Sensation as if eviscerated.

Drawing and drawing tensive pains in upper a., extending through spermatic cords into testicles, which hang low down. Griping sticking in upper A. in morning, with flatulent colic. Pain in upper, with sensation of tense distention. Jerking in hypochondrium, extending into sacrum, with sticking as from an ulcer. Drawing tensive pain in hypochondria. Sticking in side as form incarcerated flatus. Cutting above umbilicus as before diarrhoea. Tense, prominent, painful ring about umbilicus when walking.

Hypogastrium – Painful lumps in groins; (swelling of inguinal glands and of a bubo on disappearance of a venereal ulcer). Cutting low down in abdomen, penetrating into pelvis (Cham), (<) retracting walls of abdomen, with urging to stool; C., extending round to loins, with dragging making her faint; low down in A., as if one would vomit, towards 5 P.M., after supper, (>) stooping, disappeared about 9 P.M., when lying curled up. Colic more cutting than griping, with soft stool. Griping low down in l. side of A., necessity to bind up A. Bruised pain in parietes when yawning. Constriction as from a stone extending to bladder.

Clinical Intestinal catarrh; in children colic and diarrhoea; colic about navel, with chilliness, nausea and vomiting, worse in the evening; colic from taking cold, with diarrhoea, or from fruit, ice-cream, pastry, etc.; flatulent colic in the evening or at night; colic during pregnancy or from suppressed menstruation. Intestinal catarrh, with much burning in the bowels, stools covered with mucus. Menstrual colic.

Rectum – Sticking as from incarcerated flatus. Burning during stool. Feeling as of piles. Desire as if diarrhoea would occur. Pressure after stool.

Anus – Haemorrhoids, with itching stitches. Blind haemorrhoids; with itching; in evening, with itching; in morning, preceded by pain in small of back; in evening till 9 P.M., with sore pain in anus, (<) motion; with sore pain; and painful, protruding. Bleeding; during stool; haemorrhoidal (with relief of chronic sacral pain). Frequent evacuations of only mucus, with colic, before every stool, also after forty-eight hours. Acrid discharges with the stools. Sore pain after stool. (Tearing extending into anus when sitting.)

Clinical Haemorrhoids; they usually bleed easily, especially after the stools; frequently associated with gastric derangements.


      As soon as she drinks. Watery at night. Diarrhoea (in morning); D. of green mucus (Mercurius dulc.); as green as bile, once or twice at night, with movements in intestines before every stool; at first green then slimy; not exhausting; without colic; slimy, every morning immediately after rising; involuntary, at night in sleep, and D. three or four times during the day; bloody, frequent, and on least movement, with pinching in abdomen, and with nausea and faintness before and at each stool, and with necessity to keep her bed. Soft, mixed with mucus, frequent; soft, acrid biting, in morning. Acrid, slimy, during watery micturition, with weakness in loins. (Thin in form and seem pressed out flat.)

Constipation. Hard (with pain in haemorrhoids). White Of only yellow-white mucus mixed with blood. Like chopped eggs, preceded and followed by cutting, (<) morning. Bloody. Difficult, with pain in back; D. in morning, then two soft ones during the day. Frequent, with grayish pale face (sickly expression) and faintness.

Clinical Diarrhoea from fright; from pastry or ice-cream; the evacuations greenish, mucous, generally worse from being in a warm room, preceded by colic and pain in the small of the back. Occasionally called for in dysentery, with pain in small of back, constant desire for fresh air, stools mucous and bloody. Dysentery, stools bloody and mucous at night, with burning like fire in the anus. Alternate constipation and diarrhoea.

Urinary Organs

      Bladder. Sticking in neck, as from incarcerated flatus. Pain in region on touch. Sharp (almost cutting) pressure upon neck, as from flatulence, when walking in open air, without desire to urinate. Pressure before urinating; constant P. in evening and night, without compelling micturition; only when lying on back. and he is soon obliged to urinate; as from incarcerated flatus, towards morning. Tenesmus. Frequent desire; and almost ineffectual, with acrid urine and cutting when urinate. Burning in neck, as if it would compel micturition in evening before lying down.

Micturition involuntary at night in bed (Ferrum); I. when coughing or emitting flatus; dribbling when sitting or walking. Frequent M. (Strangury.) Gonorrhoea of the color and consistency of semen, (<) after urinating, with burning. (Dropping of blood in gonorrhoea, from which he had already suffered.). (Discharge of offensive liquid, gonorrhoea?) Urethra, sharp pressure as with a finger-nail, after urinating; crawling pain in orifice after urinating; drawing pain when not urinating; burning in orifice during and after micturition in a thin stream. Urine profuse. Haematuria. Urine brown; brownish-red; red; dark red; colorless; with red sediment; with brick-colored sediment (Lycopodium); with violet-red sediment; (gelatinous sediment); with violet ring of froth above the sandy sediment.

Clinical Incontinence of urine, at night; also during the day when coughing or when walking. Catarrh of the bladder, with spasmodic pains extending to the hips and thighs. Catarrh of the bladder, with incontinence of urine, profuse sediment, etc. Vesical catarrh after exposure to cold, urine very turbid. Vesical catarrh, particularly during pregnancy. Frequently called for in acute symptoms of the bladder and urethra, with enlarged prostate, the faeces are flattened. Haematuria. Sometimes called for when the urine is loaded with urate of ammonia, especially in young children. Suppressed gonorrhoea, with vesical catarrh. Gonorrhoea, with profuse, slimy discharge.

Sexual Organs

      (Sticking near.) Glans, constrictive pain behind; pressure after urinating, with crawling; agreeable tickling, then discharge like prostatic fluid. Erections day and night; in morning for a long time after waking, not without desire; frequent, with discharge of prostatic fluid. Prepuce, itching biting on inner and upper part; sticking itching in evening when sitting and lying; sticking itching beneath P.; biting itching under P. Drawing pain in spermatic cords. R. side of scrotum swollen. Itching of scrotum morning and evening.

Testicles swollen; T. hang low down; l. hands low down, while r. is drawn up and swollen, and spermatic cord swollen, with tensive pain; tearing; soreness, so that trousers seem too tight, unpleasant when sitting. Itching in region of seminal vesicles in morning in bed, causing inclination for an emission, almost without amorous thoughts. Desire in morning on waking. Emission at night, without dreams, at night, with amorous dreams; twice in one night, next day lassitude and heaviness of limbs.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.