Homeopathy Remedy Pulsatilla

Female. Burning (sticking?) in vagina and labiae. Cutting in orifice of uterus. Drawing pain extending towards uterus towards morning, with nausea. Contractive pain in l. side of uterus like labor-pains, forcing her to bend double. Leucorrhoea, with burning pain; painless, thickish, of the color of milk, (<) lying down; milky, with swelling of pudenda, thin, acrid; milky, painless, like cream, painless.

Menses suppressed; delayed, with coldness of body and chilliness and trembling of feet; only during the day when she walks, very little or none at night; thick, black, discharged paroxysmally, only two or three times a day; too early; appearance of the delayed; (increased, profuse, in a case of chronic ophthalmia, with formation of matter in eyes); flow like M. in a girl of four years, with pain in back and thighs.

Clinical Orchitis. An extremely valuable and frequently indicated remedy for epididymitis; the inflammation and swelling extend from the testicle upward, pains not (>) warm applications, generally associated with pains in the small of the back, chilliness, nausea, etc. Neuralgic of the testicles. Hydrocele. A remedy very frequently indicated in disorder of women. Dysmenorrhoea, menses too late and scanty and too short, with colic. Dysmenorrhoea from getting the feet wet. Amenorrhoea at puberty, with numerous concomitant symptoms, especially with nosebleed (Bryonia), headache, colic, backache, gastric catarrh, tearful melancholia, general chilliness, vomiting of food. Leucorrhoea, from delayed menses, discharge thick, bland, with swollen pudenda, rarely thin and acrid, when concomitant symptoms demand Pulsatilla Prolapsus of the uterus, (<) lying down and heat, (>) walking in open air, with weeping mood. Irregular labor-pains, it not infrequently restores a harmonious contraction of the uterus and determines a natural presentation of the child, testimony on this point is so strong that is power to rectify abnormal presentations seems undoubted. Uterine inertia, especially with palpitation, suffocation, must have fresh air (compare Causticum). Phantom tumor, even the breasts contained milk. Disorders of pregnancy, of various sorts, nearly always with desire for fresh air, aversion to meat and fats, nausea, etc.

Respiratory Organs

      Tickling and scraping in larynx, causing lachrymation and dry cough. Scraping in epiglottis, as in hoarseness. Tickling in region of thyroid cartilage, causing short cough. Hoarseness, inability to speak a loud word. Constriction of trachea in evening, when standing, so that he could not get his breath.


      From dryness in trachea; caused by itching from pit of stomach to epiglottis; from scraping in trachea; from constriction in larynx, (<) after eating, with vomiting and nosebleed; (after eating a morsel); with oppression of chest, without expectoration; with pain in chest; (in a child), then much hacking; efforts to C. caused by inspiration. Constant, in evening after lying down. At night, causing dryness of throat, at night, preventing sleep and causing exhaustion; at night, causing stitches in side; at night, causing stitches in shoulder. Hard, towards evening. Sticking the child very much. Dry, at night, (>) sitting up, returning on lying down; D., with difficult expectoration; with scraping and rawness in larynx; at first, later C. with easy expectoration of much mucus from anterior part of trachea. Cough, with expectoration; of yellow mucus; in morning after rising, with oppression of chest; bitter E.; bitter, bilious-tasting mucus; mucus of a biting, burnt taste, almost like the taste of crab’s broth, or the juice of an old pipe; black clotted blood till evening; (salt, nauseous, in morning); violent C., with difficult, scanty E. of tenacious mucus. Expectoration of blood.

Respiration. Dyspnoea; in lower part of chest in morning; in evening; then slumber, then waking with a paroxysm of suffocation, hacking cough, tearing in forehead extending through eyes, crawling on tongue, cold feet, cold sweat on face and eructations; when lying outstretched on back, with vertigo and weakness of head. Difficult in morning from anxiety in chest. (Asthma on smoking as usual). Short after dinner. Want of, on attempting to breathe through nose. Spasmodic inspiration and expiration, changing to suffocation.

Clinical Aphonia, reflex, rarely catarrhal. Bronchitis, (>) open air, (<) warmth of bed and drinking cold water, the cough is frequently dry, (>) sitting up in bed, or there may be thick yellow expectoration, sometimes streaked with blood. Night-cough, with feeling as though something were torn loose in the chest. Asthma, dry at night, loose during the day (Calc-c). Catarrhal pneumonia. Whooping cough, occasionally indicated by itching in the chest and attacks of suffocation, with intense desire for fresh air. Threatening tuberculosis, with soreness under the clavicles, especially (<) lying on the painful side, involving also the muscles about the shoulders. Haemorrhages from the lungs, suffocation in the chest, hacking cough, with soreness of the lungs, (>) morning in open air.


      Swelling of breasts, with tensive pain as if milk rushed into them and caused pressure, while nursing. (Lungs ulcerated, eroded, with hectic fever and bloody and purulent expectoration, when given in fever with cough, rawness in throat, acrid catarrh and stitches in side.) Sticking beneath ribs; in sternum and l. wall; in l. side in evening after lying down; in middle pectoral muscles from towards evening till morning, on raising arm; on moving body; in side on lying down; on breathing during menses; before and during menses; on moving arm, breathing and talking loud, so that arm felt paralyzed; in side, with tearing; sudden, through C.; sudden, in l. wall when sitting; l. beneath margin of ribs, extending to l. wall of chest.

Cutting here and there; compressive C., almost like a stitch, in a lower rib when lying on r. side, (>) stretching or lying on painful side. Cramplike sensation through C.; C. pain in r., then l. side, then in C. Spasmodic pain across. Pain in side when coughing and on rising; in side during menses, (>) sweat; in l. wall, preventing respiration; in a spot in region of sternum as if the breath pressed against it; in sternum, as from an internal ulcer, before midnight, with pain in forehead; jerking, in l. side; weary, in region of short ribs, as from a long-continued cough, from slight cough. Drawing, tensive pain in sternum; in one or other side, (<) breathing. Spasmodic tension in lower part. (Drawing in region of sternum, extending to region of stomach, with burning and clawing.)

Constriction; spasmodic, in r., with orgasm of blood and internal warmth; cramplike, at times, preventing breathing. Pressure and soreness; P. on middle; above and upon clavicle. Soreness under clavicles; (S. of ribs when grasped). Anxiety, with rapid pulse. Jerking sensation in pectoral muscles, (<) morning after waking. Rush of blood to C. and heart at night, with anxious dreams (for example, of being immured), starting up and anxious cries. Painful stiffness of pectoral muscles in morning on deep breathing and on moving chest, after rising.


      Sticking in praecordial region, (>) walking, with pressure and anxiety impeding respiration. Catching pain, temporarily (>) pressure. Anxiety in evening, with impulse to commit suicide and with nausea in pit of stomach. Palpitation; from talking; after dinner; rapid, if she lies on l. side, with anxiety and want of breath; and anxiety, forcing him to throw off his clothes. Action feeble and irregular.

Clinical General sluggish circulation, with chilliness, soft pulse, palpitation, suffocative attacks and a tearful disposition. Phlebitis; in disease of the veins, especially of the lower extremity, the characteristic is coldness of the part, with chilliness, with the other symptoms of the drug; it is very frequently useful in varicose veins. Varicose ulcers, with smarting, stinging pain, (<)warmth, the leg sweats constantly.


      Swelling of glands; of nape as far as carotids and on touch pain as from an internal ulcer; on r. side, with sensation on moving and touching it as if torn and tense or as from an internal ulcer. Painless cracking in first vertebra on moving head. Sticking in nape; drawing, in nape, between scapulae and in back. Pain in l. muscles, with stiffness; P. in nape at night, as if he had, lain in an uncomfortable position; rheumatic, in nape, with weariness of feet; drawing tensive, in nape. Drawing-like rheumatism in nape in afternoon, he could only move it with difficulty.


      Sticking; and across chest; when coughing. Tearing. Sensation as if spine would come out. Pain extending up B. Drawing during stool, rarely at other times. Throbbing tickling. Painful stiff.

Scapulae. Cracking in morning on motion. Sticking at night; between S.; between S. on motion, impeding respiration. Pinching in r. when sitting. Pain between S.; (<) inspiration; as from heaviness; as on rising after long stooping, (>) walking.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.