Homeopathy Remedy Pulsatilla

Forehead – Boring in r. side. Stitches extending outward in evening. Tearing in l. side of bone in evening. Sharp pain. Pain; above orbits, involving whole head; in afternoon, with prostration, desire to yawn and fever; when walking; and in vertex; tensive drawing, above orbits, (<) raising eyes; crawling; throbbing in evening on stooping on mental exertion, (>) walking. Constriction above eyes, (<) looking intently.

Temples – Sticking. Jerking tearing, as if they would be born asunder. Pain; in l. Constriction.

Sides – Tearing in r.;in l. parietal bone; in side on which he is not lying. Stitches. Sharp thrusts or jerks in r. half of brain. Pain in one side as if brain would burst and eye fall out; pain in half of brain on which he was not lying, before midday nap.

Occiput – Sticking, (<) lying, (>) rising; S., extending through ears. Tearing in l. side; in morning. Pain, with frequent heat of body and constant sweat. Drawing pain above nape in morning. Rhythmical throbbing pain.

Scalp. – Swellings, with pain as from suppuration. Pustule in region of occiput, with tearing. Drawing pain on bursting hair. Pulsation on l. side of occiput. Biting itching.

Clinical Vertigo is a very frequent accompaniment of Pulsatilla symptoms. It is especially noticed on looking up, (<) while sitting and lying, usually associated with nausea and gastric disturbance or with suppressed menses. Headache, generally one-sided and usually involving the forepart of the head; supra-orbital neuralgia of r. side (Cedron). Headaches, like all other symptoms, (<) the evening, by mental effort or by warmth. Menstrual headache (>) open air.


      Puffy, and sensation as if squinting. Sticking in l. on shaking head, with lachrymation; S. in one or other, almost without inflammation of the white, with intolerance of candle-light, he can open lids but little; itching. (Tearing-boring cutting, in a case of chronic amaurosis, with improved vision). Pain in l.; P. as from sand, when reading; (as if scraped with a knife, in a case of syphilitic ophthalmia.). Burning and itching (Lycopodium). Burning pain, (<) morning and evening; B. pain as if a hair were in it. Dryness, and in morning sensation of a foreign body; D. of r. in evening, with sensation as if mucus were hanging before it (Euphras).

Lachrymation; in wind; in open air; in cold, open air; with deeply sunken eyes. Pupils contracted at first; dilated. Red (inflamed) spot on white, near cornea. Itching in ball, in external canthus in evening. Lids, stye, with inflammation of white of eye, now in one, now in other canthus, with drawing tensive pains in eyes on moving facial muscles and with ulcerated nostrils; inflammation of margin of lower in morning, with swelling and lachrymation; agglutination in morning; swelling, and redness; twitching; sticking in evening, and in canthi; itching (biting) in evening, with burning; dryness; dryness (<) sleepiness. Canthi, inner seems agglutinated in morning; sticking in r.; pain in inner; itching like the healing of an ulcer in inner, after sunset, and after rubbing there is sticking; biting in inner, with sore sensation.

Vision – Dimness; in morning on rising; on rising from a seat and walking; several times during the day, with flashing of fire, as from a slap in the face; transient; dizzy, after sitting, on rising and beginning to walk; blackness during menses, and she felt worse on entering a warm room. Photophobia and asthenopia. Double. (Flickering.). Starry halo around candle-light. Fiery circles, becoming larger towards noon, (>) towards evening.

Clinical Conjunctivitis, with thick, yellow, bland discharge; after measles; form taking cold, etc. The thick discharge tends to collect over the cornea and may be removed by wiping (Euphrasia). Catarrh of the eyes and nose, discharges always profuse, thick and bland. Ophthalmia of infants, following well after Argentum nitr. Granular lids. This drug affects rather the lower lid than the upper. General tendency to styes. Asthenopia. Ulceration of the cornea. Inflammation of the lachrymal apparatus, with profuse muco-purulent discharge and fistula lachrymalis. Various forms of blepharitis and blepharadenitis always the cool, open air. Tumors of the lid (Staphys). Pustular conjunctivitis. Episcleritis. Iritis (occasionally). Hyperaemia of the choroid. Retinitis. Progressive cataract.


      Redness of outer, with swelling and heat. Discharge of matter from l. Sticking; in r.; deep in l.; itching, on middle. Pain as from something forcing outward. Pressure in bone above r. Jerking; in outer, then heat in it; tearing, through ears. Itching deep in; in r. in afternoon and in evening. Air penetrates on blowing nose, as if ear were distended thereby, with sticking extending to eye. Rush of blood. Stopped sensation, with distant roaring; frequent stoppage of r.

Hearing difficult, as if ears were stopped; every other hour, with trembling and sweat on back. Words seem too loud on waking, they vibrate shrilly. Ringing; in r. then in l., with agreeable tickling in region of drum; tremulous tingling, as from the beating of an iron bar. Cracking on moving head or body. Whistling in r., with diminished hearing as if air were forced outward. Twittering as from a cricket in morning in bed. Humming. Buzzing. Sound of wind or rushing of water after 4 P.M. Noise like a bursting. Roaring disappearing by an electric shock that extended from head down across chest, with sensation before eyes as of the bursting of a soap-bubble. Murmuring rhythmical with pulse.

Clinical Inflammation and swelling of the external ear, the concha is swollen and red, frequently with profuse discharge of thick pus, with pains worse at night. Earache relieved by cold applications, pain darting and tearing, involving sometimes the face and teeth and even extending to the throat and preventing swallowing. Otorrhoea; the discharge is purulent, sometimes bloody, generally not excoriating. Deafness following scarlet fever. Deafness, with feeling as though the ears were stopped, or sometimes with pulsation in the ear as from a pulse. Catarrhal inflammation in the ear from a suppressed cold in the nose.


      Pain in root; P. in bones as if they would be forced asunder; jerking; (as from an ulcer in root on stooping). Sensation of an ulcer in l. nostril. Tickling. Stoppage in evening on going to bed, and blowing out of thick, yellow, opaque mucus in morning (Kali-bi.). Sneezing; in morning in bed; in evening in sleep. Offensive mucus, as in old catarrh. Green, offensive discharge. Purulent discharge from r. nostril. Coryza; with loss of smell and taste (Natrum mur.); Occasional. Stopped; stopped, with ulcerated nostrils. Bleeding; with stopped catarrh; blowing out of blood in morning. Smell as in old catarrh; in morning. He smells tobacco and coffee, even in open air.

Clinical Nasal catarrh; it is one of our most frequent remedies for an ordinary cold in the nose. There is usually more or less soreness of the nose, which is sometimes swollen; the discharge is profuse, and does not excoriate the nostrils, it is generally thick but sometimes thin, usually with loss of smell, rarely loss of taste; occasionally indicated when the discharge alternates with a dry stoppage of the nose, especially when it is stopped in the evening. A form of ozaena, with offensive discharges. Catarrh of the antrum, with orange-colored discharge, especially from r. nostril discharge of a urinous odor. Occasionally called for in chronic catarrh, with yellow discharge, especially worse evenings. Catarrh with loss of smell and taste, occasionally indicates this drug, but if the aggravation be in the forenoon, Nat. mur. is indicated.


      A painful gland between tragus and joint of jaw. Pale. Redness; every evening, with heat; and heat, then immediately pallor; sudden, with shivering on feet and anxious trembling. Twitching of cheeks. Sticking in parotid gland. Boring in l. malar-bone. Aching; in bones of r. side. Feeling as if mumps were coming on, with sense of threatening deafness. Tearing (Drawing) pain in lower jaw. Constrictive pain in jaws as from an acid, with shivering and cold sweat on face. Lips fissured; swelling of lower, which is cracked in the middle, with tensive pain; peeling down to the raw flesh, on outer margin; twitching of lower.

Clinical Neuralgia of the face involving the whole left side, worse in warm room and bed. Pain usually associated with chilliness. Erysipelas of the face (occasionally). Infraorbital neuralgia of the left side, with profuse secretion from the left nostril.


      Teeth. Loose in morning. Sticking, (>) vinegar; S. in last molar from 2 till P.M., (<) opening mouth. Sticking digging in lower, then in upper, beginning at 2 A.M., changing from root of one T. to another, so that he could not lay his head in a cool place in bed, returning at noon when eating. (Sticking throbbing about 4 or 5 P.M. (<) cold water.) Tearing. Aching as soon as anything warm is taken into mouth (Graphites); A. on chewing and biting; (<) wind; as if they would be forced out. Jerking pain from picking them, (<) morning, (>) when cold water taken into mouth becomes warm; J. from 6 till 11 P.M., preceded by heat in head and followed by sweat; in molars, with swelling on gums; drawing, (<) cold drinks.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.