Homeopathy Remedy Pulsatilla

Gums – Sticking gnawing, towards evening and by warmth of bed, (>) uncovering, a draught of cold, open air, (>) evening nap. Pain as if sore; as if inside were eroded. Throbbing rhythmical with pulse, (<) warmth of stove. Feeling swollen posteriorly but it is not, and on taking anything cold or warm into mouth there is burning.

Tongue. – Covered with a tenacious mucus as with a membrane. Painful blister on side of tip. Sticking. Tearing, then heat. Sensation in middle as if it had been burnt and were insensible at night and in morning. Edge feels sore as if scalded. Biting in tip. Dryness in morning; on waking, and in palate and lips, then much tenacious mucus. Sense of “gathering” under it. Seems broader than natural.

Mouth and pharynx dry in morning and covered with insipid mucus, with offensive breath that is not perceptible to himself. Much mucus; covered with offensive mucus in morning on waking. Sensation as if roof of palate were covered with tenacious mucus and were swollen. Pain in side of palate in morning when touched on talking, as from a blister or pimple, with dilated pupils. Acrid sensation in palate as if raw on swallowing. Salivation; sweet; with scraping extending low down in throat and into oesophagus, and heat in stomach; tenacious; discharge of watery saliva, also like water brash. Offensive odor in morning; in evening after lying down; at night.

Taste – Bitter bilious, after eating and smoking. Bitter; in morning, (>) eating; in morning fasting, continuing even when smoking; at 6 P.M.; in evening after beer; after eating and good appetite; after vomiting; after coffee, (<) morning; (<) morning and after eating and drinking, though food has a natural taste; with desire for citric acid; to food; to food, then chilliness and cold sweat; to bread, rolls and meat; to bread, with aversion to bread; to black bread, which disgusts him; to beer in morning, afterwards a sour taste; to wine; (and slimy; in morning, with nausea; and sweetish. Foul, clammy, insipid. As of a bad meat, with nausea; as of bad meat on hawking, (<) morning. Disgusting in morning, with white tongue; D. sweetish to bitter beer. nauseous from smoking tobacco; N., as of a fasting, as if one had risen too early, in morning. Filthy, and tongue coated, appetite lost. Burnt (empyreumatic). Bad to fresh meat. Purulent at times, (<) morning. Sour after eating; to bread, and it seems too dry. Herby posteriorly in throat. Flat, as if he had eaten earthy things. Too salt to all food (except black bread) and after eating a scraping salt taste constantly rises into throat. Diminished to all food. Little or none to bread, butter and beer (only plum marmalade has a perfectly good taste), with some appetite. Lost to meat; to milk in morning; when smoking tobacco in morning.

Clinical Neuralgic toothache, ceasing entirely in the open air, (<) in a warm room, always relieved when walking about. Toothache in pregnancy, temporary (>) holding cold water in the mouth, always (<) the evening until midnight.


      Submaxillary glands, boring; pain; drawing tensive pains. Covered with tenacious mucus in morning. Sticking; posteriorly, (>) swallowing. Cutting. Pain as if raw posteriorly with drawing pain in cervical muscles. Rawness and scraping, with dryness of mouth. Pain on swallowing as if submaxillary glands projected into throat and as if they were sore and raw. Pressure on swallowing, with tension. Constriction. Fulness. Sensation as from sulphur fumes when coughing. Soreness, with Dysphagia, feeling as if she would be choked. Dryness in morning; in morning, with rawness and soreness when not swallowing; after midnight; (>) swallowing, with clawing, scraping and rawness, as after violent vomiting; with scraping, causing paroxysms of cough; extending as far as tip of tongue (without visible dryness), with thirst, he can drink but little, because it distresses him and causes nausea.

Swollen sensation on swallowing, with rawness in trachea; S. sensation posteriorly on swallowing, with constriction; in uvula on swallowing. Swallowing difficult, as from paralysis of pharyngeal muscles. OEsophagus, sensation of a worm creeping up; attacks of constrictive or retching pain, as if one had swallowed too large a morsel of fresh breath; burning after swallowing; swollen sensation, at times in upper, at times in lower part.

Clinical Pharyngeal catarrh, with varicose condition of the mucous membrane, sometimes with stinging in the throat.


      Appetite at an unusual time; increased in evening; ravenous; but he knows not for what, also he relishes nothing; (desires no warm food, only bread, butter fruit); lost; lost on account of tastelessness of food and fulness in stomach. Aversion to smoking; to meat and stale bread; to butter, it tastes bitter; to milk in morning, though he immediately relished it.

Thirst in evening as soon as he lies down in bed, sweat between 2 and 5 A.M., with thirst, drinking always increases the sweat; for water in evening; (at midnight); during the heat; (<) morning, especially for beer, which however has an unpleasant taste; lost.

Eructations tasting of food (Lycopodium, Phosphorus); then nausea; of gas; bilious, in evening; bitter, at night; of a bitter fluid; tasting of rancid tallow after eating cakes; as of bad meat after dinner, the taste remains, with nausea; loud; sour in morning; of sour liquid after coffee; ineffectual. Hiccough when smoking; at night in sleep; inclination to, after drinking.

Nausea; in morning after milk; in morning., with slimy, mouth, changing to an acid taste; in morning, with pressure in pit of stomach; towards evening after walking in open air, with salt or sour vomiting; at night during menses, with retching and waterbrash; during suppression of menses, with good appetite; when he wishes to eat; when eating, so that food was repulsive; from solid food, bread, meat; from the accustomed smoking; when sleeping, with persistent appetite, even for black bread; in epigastric region, (<) eating and drinking; only in throat, swallowing; with water brash and disagreeable risings; with heartburn; with rumbling and gurgling in hypochondria; with chilliness; with obscuration of vision and pallor; with peculiar aching in stomach; with salivation; with fear to eat lest she should vomit; rising into throat; rising into mouth; as from drinking oil; as from heat of body.

Vomiting at night, with sticking drawing pain in back extending towards scapulae; (a little before midnight, almost without nausea); of food that had been eaten long before (Ferrum); of food in evening, then bitter taste and teeth on edge; short bilious; violent, of green, slimy, watery substance, of sour odor, burning the oesophagus, evenings after eating, when lying down to sleep.

Distention (Lycopodium); hard, with flatulence. Jerking extending to larynx, (>) eating, with tensive pain in throat, anxiety and internal heat. Sticking in pit on a false step. Sensation in pit as if something were torn loose, then pressure, with rising of a liquid into mouth. Cutting at 5 P.M. Griping in pit; in epigastrium. Pain; an hour after eating; in pit on inspiration; sudden; extending to umbilical region and pelvis, then jumping to l. side beneath ribs, pains (<) retracting walls of abdomen; in pit, at first pressive, then jerking; drawing, in pit in morning, changing into sticking in side of chest, at last into tearing in back. Pinching or choking pain in pit, impeding respiration in afternoon. Constriction and pinching in epigastric and hypochondriac region, (<) eating, then changing into chest and impeding breathing.

Scraping like heartburn, and in oesophagus. Cardialgia during menses. Gnawing like ravenous hunger. Clawing in morning on rising, as from long fasting, (>) eating. Tension in region in forenoon, (>) moving about; in region of S. and pit, extending into breasts. Anxiety in epigastric region. Pulsation in pit; P., perceptible on laying hand on it. Sensation as if one had eaten too much, food rises into mouth as if one would vomit. Seemed to turn over on coughing and as if he would vomit, the cough presses tears from eyes. Heaviness as from a stone in morning on waking. Symptoms as if disordered.

Clinical Very frequently called for in disorder of digestion; with pain between the shoulders and heavily furred tongue. Great distention of the abdomen, not relieved by warmth; dyspepsia characterized by regurgitation of food, more or less nausea and vomiting. With the dyspepsia there are usually loss of appetite and thirst, bitter taste, vertigo on rising up, chilliness, and, above all, constant aggravation from eating fat substances (Cyclamen). Gastric catarrh, with thickly white coated tongue, dry mouth, nausea, especially when the distress or regurgitation of food takes place at long time after a meal; distress in the oesophagus, as a if food were lying there (Abies, China, Bryonia); dyspepsia from ice- cream or from too much ice-water; indigestion from buckwheat cakes. Atonic dyspepsia, digestion very slow, the food is tasted or regurgitated a long time after eating. In a general way the distress of this drug comes on only an hour or more after a meal. Gastralgia with profuse sweat of the face, nausea and vomiting. Vomiting of pregnancy, especially vomiting of food in the evening or at night. General craving for acids and aversion to meat and fat or rich food.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.