Homeopathy Remedy Colchicum

Fingers.-Nails blue; and tips. Spasmodically flexed, but in constant motion. Third and fourth drawn inward. Cramps; (<) second. Sticking on volar surface of tips; in l. thumb; in metacarpal joint of r. thumb. Tearing in l. little; in joints of r. fingers; beneath nail of l. index; in middle phalanges of l. little and ring; sticking T. in ligaments of joints of r. little. Drawing from l. thumb up radial surface of forearm; in posterior part and ball of r. thumb; rheumatic, in metacarpal joint of l. thumb. Numbness under thumb-nails.

Lower Extremities

      Tottering gait, partly on account of weakness and partly on account of sudden sticking-tearing jerks through periosteum, with sensation of paralysis and actual paralysis. They seem to have lost their power on attempting to walk.

Thigh.-Abducted. Snapping in l. hip. Sticking in hips, (<) l.; tearing, from l. hip-joint to leg. Tearing in upper part of l.; high up on inner side of r.; in region of hip; in middle of l. in evening in bed; above l. knee in evening in bed; deep in nates towards anus; extending towards hip; in r. hip-joint, extending to knee; drawing, in ligament of l. hip, (<) night; jerking, in upper part of r. Pinching in l. like cramp, as if asleep; P on and above r. hip. Pain in hips and loins. Pressure upon femora, (<) in middle Drawing pain in hip-bone on moving about at night; in hip when sitting, (>) motion; in l. femur at times worse, as from fatigue or like growing pain; sudden sticking, beneath l. nates, extending into perineum. Drawing deep in muscles; in r., hip- joint; paralytic, in r. in evening in bed. Sensation as of something living in l. hip Stiffness of l., making walking difficult.

Knee.-Snapping on l. surface of r. Sticking; in l.; and in ankles. Tearing in l. Pain in l.; in inner side of r.; in r. in evening in bed, with lame sensation; in bend of r. during a long walk, extending down calf. Broken feeling (weariness) on ascending stairs. Weakness so that they give way, (<) by raising leg to step over a high object.

Leg.-Cramp; of calves. Tearing below patella; posteriorly beneath patella; in l. side of l.calf; in lower part of r. calf; pinching, at insertion of r. tendoachillis; tensive, on l. lower half of l. tibia. Pain; in calves and feet; in forepart, as from chilliness, (<) tibia, with coldness of legs, even in bed; in forepart of tibiae, like a chilliness in bones, not (>) warmth; in forepart of tibia, as if the bone were chilled or like growing pain. Drawing in lower part of r. calf; in both calves and in r. metatarsus. Heaviness extending into feet.

Tearing in l., tarsal joints. Pressure in r. external malleolus at 8 P.M., as from fatigue Cramp of feet; painful, (<) l; painful, in soles. Tearing through l. foot; on back of l.; in r. heel, near sole; in a spot in forepart of r. foot, near sole; in l. sole, in a spot in metatarsus; in l. sole, not far from toes; on inner curvature of r. foot, between ball of great toe and heel; on feet as if lame; drawing, in l. sole; drawing, on r. instep. Weariness of feet.

Toes.-Jerking in metatarsal joints. Sticking in l. big. Boring sticking across top of r. great. Tearing on innerside of metatarsal joints; sticking, in ball of r. great near its lower side. Sticking drawing in r. great. Drawing pain in l. great, then also in r., then in l. middle toes, (<) lower surfaces of toes. Pain in l. greatest if the nail would enter the flesh.


      Pale. Scarlet. Livid, dry and hot. Eruption. Wartlike pimples on nape.) Pityriasis on inner surface of l. thigh and on corresponding part of scrotum. Pustules on face and lower limbs, resembling poisoned wounds. Sticking, so that it jerks through the whole body; jerking S. as from flea-bites, (>) scratching. Crawling on inner surface of r. great, second and third toes, as if asleep. Itching over whole body; in various parts; on hands; on face, with eruption; on ulnar side of forearm, with redness; over whole body, as from nettles; sticking, here and there; burning. here and there, after scratching redness, and the itching changes to another place burning-sticking, here and there, driven to another part by scratching.

Clinical Generally indicated in sequelae of eruptive disease, scarlet fever, typhoid fever, etc. suppression of urine accumulation of water in thorax, abdomen and extremities.


      Yawning; after dinner, with rumbling in abdomen, then copious stool. Sleepiness; during the day; in afternoon; in evening; after supper; till midnight, then waking with oppression in stomach, then wide awake for two hours; with disinclination to work and confusion of head; soporous condition in a child, lying on its back, with half-open eyes and loud, rapid respiration. Deep sleep, with vivid dreams and grinding of teeth.

Sleeplessness; from sticking jerks, sometimes only in skin, sometimes deep in soft parts of head and face. Late falling asleep. Restless sleep; in afternoon, on the sofa, only slightly refreshing; and exhausting; with anxious dreams; with heavy dreams. Unrefreshing S. in afternoon. Frequent waking in fright, with the idea that there were mice in the bed. Many dreams; D in a half waking condition. Confused, always of the same objects. Heavy, full of solicitude. Of snakes. Anxious, and erections at night. Lascivious, towards morning, with erections.


      General coldness (Veratrum a.); all day, (>) at 7 P.M.; in afternoon; in afternoon, after dinner, in afternoon, in open air; in evening, with chattering of teeth on going to bed, (>) by lying still, but threatened to return on motion; at night, with heat of head; in the room; in the room, then vertigo; and pulseless at wrist, respiration slight, nose, feet and hands cold, stiff and blue, blue under eyes and about mouth, then unconsciousness. Alternating with heat. Progressive., Shivering; in back; down back; through limbs. Creeping chill in scalp. Cold forehead; nose, cheeks and soles; limbs; fingers; fingers, and numb; hands and feet; knees; feet in afternoon; feet, limbs, hands and arms while the rest of the body had a clammy feel, but was below the normal temperature; skin; skin of hands and legs, even in bed; whole body cold and clammy.

Heat at night; H., with gastric disturbances and soporous condition. Passing into headache. In flushes in afternoon. Orgasm of blood. Dry; at night. Hot skin; and dry; and dry and lead- colored H. in bed like rush of blood through skin of chest and head. In anterior part of head; in face; externally on r. side of nape; externally on r. side, near pit of stomach; in small of back, extending into rectum; on side, in small of back, when sitting, with throbbing; in palms. In flushes in head; in face; in hands and feet; up spine, in a warm room.

Sweat at night; towards morning; on waking after midnight. Easy on walking; E and profuse. Sour; at night. Clammy, with blue spots on skin, (<) along spine; C. and cold, as in cholera. On face; on neck. Cold on forehead; on arms and legs, with heat over abdomen. Clammy on forehead. Suppressed.

Clinical Occasionally indicated in typhoid fever, tympanitis, coldness in stomach, cold breath, nausea and vomiting, cold sweat albuminous urine. Effects of sudden suppression of perspiration in gastralgia, etc.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.