Homeopathy Remedy Colchicum

Clinical Dyspnoea, with oedema of extremities, chronic troubles with the kidneys and heart.


      Twitching of. r. pectoral muscles. Increase of carbonic acid from lungs. Sticking in r., near r. arm; in r. lower side, in lung; beneath l. clavicle, in l. upper part; in l., near eighth rib in l. in morning in bed on and after exertion; in l. on coughing and on inspiration; in muscles on moving chest; deep in l. side on complete expiration, not on inspiration, afterwards only on inspiration; here and there, not affecting respiration; (<) breathing, with cutting; from anterior wall to posterior wall; S.outward in r.; burning, externally on r. Sticking rheumatic pain in r. wall.

Tearing near r. axilla, becoming soreness, even on touch and motion; sticking, deep in r., where it is difficult to say whether it is more in the back, whence it extends, or more in chest; cutting, across. Cutting in l., not affecting respiration; C. in l. lower forepart, on blowing nose; in r., almost taking away the breath, then in chest, not deep and not affecting the less sensitive parts; pinching, here and there, in l. anterior and lower part. Pinching. Boring in l. (<) 10 P.M. with difficult breathing and anxiety; drawing B. from middle of sternum to l. nipple, (>) deep inspiration, the pain less severe in r. side of chest, it afterwards extended over whole chest and caused constriction as from a weight.

Pain; around r. side, preventing writing; on sitting a long time, extending to scapulae. Intermittent pressure in r., now upper, now lower. Sore pain deep in a spot in region of l. nipple, (<) inspiration, (>) rising from bed. Anxiety, (<) 1. Sternum and spine feel as if screwed together, the pressure beginning on sternum Oppression; when walking; alternating; anxious. Constriction; with necessity to breathe deeply; with sticking and boring through chest, (<) beneath l. nipple; sudden C. in r., causing starting. Spasmodic compression of l. with difficult respiration. Tension. Fulness; with pulsations in abdomen. Orgasm, (<) evening after eating, with sensation as if something alive were working in it.


      Trembling in praecordial region, with sticking. Sticking; in praecordial region, with sticking. Sticking; in praecordial region. Tearing in P. region Pressure in P. region; in afternoon; after coffee, (>) walking, with oppression and sensation as if he would have apoplexy. Anxiety in P. region, provoking sighing. Oppression; extending into l. side of chest, obliging deep inspiration; in P. region; in P. region with trembling of heart. Fulness at night when lying on l. side, with oppression, as from stagnation of blood. Sensitiveness of P. region to pressure. Palpitation; in afternoon; at night; on waking; on going to sleep; periodic, with oppression of heart. Dull, irregular, suppressed beats, with indescribable sensation in chest. Scarcely perceptible beat, with perceptible pulsation in abdomen. Impulse not felt, and even heard with difficulty, a blowing sound, like a heart heard at a great distance, or through a stone wall, both sounds lapsing into one.

Clinical Chronic or subacute pericarditis, with exudation of water in pericardium, with severe pain about heart, oppression and dyspnoea as if the chest were squeezed with a tight band (Cact.); in these cases the heart’s action is weak and indistinct, the pulse may even be threadlike; in many cases there is chronic feeling of icy coldness at pit of stomach.


      Rapid; and small; and weak; weak; and irregular; and weak, thready; and contracted, spasmodic; and large, hard, full; and strong. Slow; during the nausea, and weak; and thready; and weak, afterwards rapid. Weak, irritable, at times rapid, at times slow. Weak, small and irregular. Intermittent; scarcely perceptible. Small; and tense. Imperceptible, then thready and tremulous.


      Visible throbbing of arteries, (<) sitting still. Pain in nape; beneath ear, near joint of jaw, with soreness to touch; in neck and occiput, and stiffness; drawing P. from nape across occiput to ears; tensive P. in r. muscles externally and on swallowing Rheumatism in nape, (<) r. trapezius, (<) wrong movement of neck. Stiffness of nape and occiput, and pain, (<) moving head. Paralysis of muscles, so that when the child was raised the head fell backward, with the mouth wide open.


      Sticking in dorsal muscles; S. between and beneath scapulae; on superior l. angle of r. scapula. Tearing to l. of spine; behind r. axilla. Pain; acute along back and to heels; between shoulders; tensive, in tip of l. scapula, towards spine, (<) motion of arm. Rheumatic pain in l. scapula and in nape, mostly tensive and pressive, (<) turning neck to l. or far backward; periodic R. pain, more in scapulae than in nape.

Lumbar Region.-Sticking; and in coccyx; burning, in sacrum. Sticking tearing. Pinching and in urinary passages, with constant desire to urinate. Pain; on both side of vertebrae; deep in sacrum in afternoon; in sacrum, waking frequently at night; in a spot in sacrum, as if suppurating, (<) touch; bruised, in morning. Drawing pain; when lying quietly, (>) by moving. Drawing on waking; D., (<) motion. Tension in region of kidneys. Heaviness, with sensation as if rectum were stuffed.


      L. elbow and knee swollen, hot, painful, while r. side was partially paralyzed and almost insensible. Twitching. Toes and fingers painfully flexed. Trembling increasing to convulsive movements, a similar attack afterwards ending in two attacks of vomiting; T., becoming convulsive, with flow of whitish froth from mouth, becoming similar to opisthotonos, repeated after a quiet sleep from 11 to 2 at night. Drawing, now sticking, now jerking, (<) morning, now in muscles of shoulder, now in r.hip. Pain; in joints of fingers, toes, wrists and ankles; in shoulder joints and knees during rest, with uneasiness; rheumatic, in hands and feet, so that she could not bear to have her finger- joints pressed or extended from their semi-flexed condition. Uneasiness at night. Weariness; of arms and legs; in morning. Numbness of hands and feet, then prickling as if they had been asleep. Paralysis of r. foot and l. arm. Joints stiff and feverish.

Clinical Gouty diathesis, soreness of the flesh, of the joints, extreme irritability, intolerance of touch, with gastric symptoms. Articular rheumatism, with tearing jerking pains, cardiac complications, gastric symptoms. Shifting rheumatism, pains (<) towards night, the patient is very irritable, etc. It is generally indicated when the smaller joints are affected; the pains are violent, often paralytic, so that the patient can hold nothing in the hands, or when the feet are affected they become swollen, oedematous, it is difficult to lift the feet. Rheumatism or gout in heel, which is extremely sore, with tearing pains. Inflammation of the joint of great toe, with acute pain as from sharp sticking cannot bear to have it touched or to have any one come near him (Arnica).

Upper Extremities

      Tearing, now in r. axilla, now in l. Pain as after a blow in a spot beneath and almost in r. axilla. Bubbling sensation in l. axilla, even perceptible externally. Sticking in r,. shoulder. Tearing in r. shoulder and forearm; in r. shoulder-joint; anteriorly in l. shoulder-joint. Pinching on l. shoulder. Pain in shoulder-joint; in l. shoulder, (<) lying on l. side.

Arm.-Tearing, with paralyzed sensation; cutting T. in l. Pain. Paralytic pain so that he cannot hold the lightest thing firmly. Weakness of r. at noon. L. felt lame and weak. Heaviness. Numbness; with pain and at times sensation as if she had no hands, hands and feet warm, legs and arms cold. Paralyzed feeling in l. Paralysis of r. arm and hand, with thumb drawn inward and the fingers spasmodically closed over it. Pressure above l. elbow, (<) moving and raising it, preventing his putting on his coat alone, (>) rest and at night. Burning pain on inner side, near l. axilla. Bubbling sensation on outer side of l. upper arm.

Forearm.-Tearing near wrist; in r. forearm, (<) on outer side of muscles; on outer side of l., as if in fascia; in flexor surface of l., extending to elbow; in extensor surface of l., extending into some of the fingers; on extensor surface, extending into fingers, as from electric shocks; intermittent, on extensor surface, as if some nerves were torn. Pain; with sensitiveness to touch. Numbness.

Elbow and Wrist.-Sticking at night; S. in l. elbow; in l. elbow, then sensitiveness to touch. Tearing on inner side of elbows, extending to upper arms; jerklike, from r., elbow into wrist, then from r. elbow into wrist, then from wrist into fingers. Sticking on volar side of wrist, with heat, l. then r. Tearing in r,. wrist. Pain in r. wrist.

Hand.-Spasmodic contraction so that the fingers were stretched out and the ball of thumb turned into palm. Trembling; of r., almost preventing writing. Tearing in metacarpal bones of r. middle and ring fingers; on back of r. hand; in r. and beneath last phalanx of little finger; sticking, in lower part of r. Pain in L. metacarpus, (<) between third and fourth fingers, on motion, (<) flexion of hand. Drawing extending into fingers. Weakness.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.