Homeopathy Remedy Colchicum

Clinical It has been used for discharge from ears after measles.


      Pinching in upper part. Sore pain in r. nostril, in septum, (<) touched and on moving nose. Pressing in bones; and facial bones; in nostrils, with tearing. Weight in bones. Sensation in mucous membrane as in beginning coryza. Nostrils dry and blackish. Crawling; in tip; with sneezing; with warmth, as in nosebleed. Sneezing. Bleeding in evening. Coryza; fluent; with discharge of much tough mucus. Catarrh, and in fauces. Smell very acute; the odor of a freshly-poached egg makes him almost faint. Smell as of smoked ham.

Clinical Extremely acute smell, especially for the odors of cooking, the smell of food being prepared causes nausea and disgust for food, indeed all strong odors are oppressive; this symptom occurs in the course of many disease, gout, dysentery, etc.


      Red. Cheeks red; and hot. Cheeks, lips, and eyelids purple; cheeks, lips, r. eyelids purple. Bluish. Hippocratic Bluish- white. Pale; and sunken; cheeks and chin alternately pale and red. Sunken; about mouth and in front of ears. Drawn; and pinched, the lips, nose and lobes of ears blue. Anxious; and haggard. Suffering expression. Sticking in l. cheek. Tearing in l. side extending to ear and head, with tension. Pain near r. temple; near r. articulation of jaw, or twinges in ear. Bruised pain in l. cheek. Jerking-drawing pain in muscles extending into bones. Sensation in cheeks as if drawn asunder; sensation in bones as if widely drawn asunder, with drawing jerking in them.

Lips cracked. Lips appeared as if they had been seared with a hot iron. Round ulcer on vermilion margin of lips. Hydroa on upper lip. Lips pale; and tender, and cracking of lower on motion of mouth. Lips bluish; and dry, also tongue. Cutting tearing in vermilion border of l. upper lip. Sudden sticking in l. lower jaw; sticking pressure beneath l. lower jaw. Tearing in r. jaws, with sensation as if teeth were too long. Pinching in r, articulation of jaw. Drawing in r. upper jaw, extending to margin of orbit. alternating with irritation in throat. Tension in articulation of jaw, so that he must lay aside the cigar. Masseter muscles seem increased in breadth, allowing him to open the mouth only a little, and pain.


      Teeth. Sordes. Grinding. Sticking in r. Tearing in roots of l. lower. Pain in l. lower back; (in decayed T. when chewing). Drawing pain on taking anything cold after something warm; D. in lower incisors, with cold sensation in them. Soreness from pain; S. so that he could not bit on them. Grumbling in upper back. Seem too long. Blunt feeling, with pain, especially drawing extending from tips of upper teeth into jaw-bone. Follicular inflammation of gum about a r. incisor. Follicular ulcer in commissure of upper lip and gum, with burning pain. Tearing in r. lower gum; in gum of l. lower incisors; in r.; in the gap of a r. upper tooth. Pain in gums.

Tongue.-White. Pale blue and cold. Yellow. Red covered with mucus, bright red, coated only at root. Coated; in morning; white; white patches on under part; white, with velvety sensation; yellow; brown. Dry; on dorsum, and brownish; and brown in centre, red along edges. Sticking in middle; S. and burning. Tearing posteriorly in l. side. Sharp pain about root on moving it and on swallowing. Burning; prickling, on margin. Enlarged feeling, as if stretched out across teeth. Biting, and in throat. Cold; and breath. Heavy; then stiff, then insensible; and difficult to find the right word and to articulate it when found. Speech difficult.

Working her mouth and spitting, as if trying to spit out a hair. Mucous membranes secrete a viscid substance. Greenish mucus involuntarily thrown out when sneezing. Scraping in mouth, with pasty taste and great hunger. Scraping crawling in posterior part of palate as in coryza. Agreeable prickling as after champagne, with salivation. Dryness. Heat. Blunted sensibility, especially of root of tongue. Salivation; of agreeable taste; watery; watery, with nausea, fulness and discomfort in abdomen; watery, with dryness in throat; bad-tasting; flat-tasting, causing nausea. Saliva salt, piquant-tasting. Taste bitter; and flat; pasty; pasty in morning; like vinegar; improper to water. Strongly-tasting food causes a sensation as if chewing old linen.


      Perceptible pulsation in carotids. Drawing in external half of r. side. Much greenish mucus. Frequent hawking of scanty mucus. Inflammation. Tearing far back, (<) l. side. Pinching posteriorly as in beginning angina, with dryness in throat and impeded swallowing. Uvula painful and red. Scraping. Rawness in morning and hoarseness. Constriction; of pharynx. Crawling provoking cough and hawking of mucus; C., with loosening of thin mucus, which must be frequently expectorated; biting C. in back. Fulness at night disturbing sleep. Burning in pharynx; and along oesophagus; in uvula, then profuse pale urine. Dryness; with redness of uvula and arches of palate; posteriorly, very painful on swallowing, as in beginning of quinsy; scraping; scraping with tickling cough. Swallowing difficult; with pain along oesophagus; S. painful. Sensation at beginning of oesophagus on swallowing as of a round swelling.


      Great appetite (China); at noon; in afternoon; evening; for dinner; gnawing, almost a throbbing in stomach; A for different things, but as soon as he sees them, or still more smells them (Nux-v.) he shudders from nausea and cannot eat. A diminished; for breakfast, but great at noon. A lost; lost for breakfast; lost at noon. Aversion to food and drink. Thirst; in afternoon; unquenchable; for cold drinks; with pain in stomach and bowels.

Eructations; with burning in stomach; empty; empty in forenoon; of water. Hiccough. Nausea; in morning on waking, with rumbling in abdomen, painful contractions, gripings and urging and sensation of loose bowels; at times during dinner; after dinner, at which he could eat but little; after eating; if he swallows the saliva; on becoming erect; on motion of head, with faintness; (<) raising oneself in bed, and vomiting of bitter bilious fluid; (>) small swallows of cold water which she desires constantly; in throat caused by pressure below; in throat as after vomiting. Retching; long, then violent vomiting of a large mass of yellowish, bitter mucus, leaving a bitter bilious taste in throat.

Vomiting; with watery diarrhoea (Verat-a.); symptoms of cholera morbus; attack similar to cholera, with constant rice-water vomiting and similar stools, which were forcible and accompanied by tenesmus. Violent, unless he bent himself up and lay still; violent, with trembling and cramps; with diarrhoea; violent. of all food eaten three hours before; violent, of a brown substance; violent of greenish water, then of contents of stomach; of yellowish-green fluid, so violent that he could not retain the slightest food or drink. Frightful on motion, (>) lying on r. side; F. of food mingled with a bitter brown powder, then of water, partly bitter partly, flat-tasting mucus. Constant. Frequent, but scanty; F. of colorless and inodorous fluid; F. of bile, with griping in abdomen, then bitterness in mouth and throat. Copious and easy, then appetite. Of food immediately; of the breakfast; of food and pale greenish mucus; of undigested food and a yellow liquid, then diarrhoea; of food eaten the night before, then of much thick yellow bile then thinner and less yellow, at last of pale straw color containing many white shreds. Of drinks tinged with bile. Of bile; then like rice-water; of tenacious bile. Of everything taken into stomach. Thin and slimy. Of profuse yellow fluid. Of much yellowish-green water. Of green fluid. Of whitish- gray fluid. Of a quart of thick whitish substance in morning, of tenacious greenish matter at 11 A.M., soon repeated, V. of brandy and water at 3 P.M. Of viscid, tasteless fluid. Of mucus.

Spasmodic contraction on touch. Rumbling and moving. Gastritis. Gastralgia. Tearing on beginning to vomit and purge. Cramp; and in abdomen and legs. Pinching in epigastrium. Pain; in morning; in evening when walking; after a light meal; in epigastrium; in epigastric region, with swollen feeling in stomach without real swelling, with intolerance of pressure; extending into l. side of abdomen; in region, extending over abdomen, with tenderness; in region, gradually extending over abdomen, with nausea and vomiting; and in abdomen, causing her to bend double. Soreness. Sensitiveness of epigastrium region to pressure. Constriction; in epigastric region. Oppression in pit; with pressure; in epigastric region. Fulness; in epigastric region, (<) when walking, with pressure and oppression; as if sensitive to pressure of clothes. Desire to hiccough. Disordered feeling, with eructations tasting of undigested food. Tension. Burning in epigastrium; with drawing; in stomach, with pain; before stool; in epigastric region, with fulness; in S., with heaviness; warmth in S. at night; B. extending upward along sternum. Heartburn. Coldness (Verat). Uneasiness Discomfort; extending to spine; in epigastric region. Crawling; on becoming erect, as in vomiting. Weakness in pit, with oppression. Faintness, even after breakfast.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.