Homeopathy Remedy Colchicum

Clinical One of the most characteristic indications for Colchicum is craving for various things, but when they are brought to him, especially if he smells them, he is seized with extreme aversion and become nauseated, and may even vomit. It is indicated in the most violent attacks of gastralgia, with retching and vomiting of food and bile, from the repression of gout.


      Bile increased. Sunken. Doughy and painful on slightest pressure. Distention; after supper; after eating, (>) copious thin stool; and tension and hardness; and in rectum; as if she had eaten too much, (<) light food. Tympanitis. Rumbling; then soft stool; after stool; then hunger; with urging to stool. Movings as before diarrhoea. Emission of flatus; offensive, forcible; much offensive; offensive in evening; of odorless. Painful flatulence. Cramps in muscles and in flexors of limbs.

Sticking transversely through; S., (<) r. side, beneath liver, inguinal region and in pit of stomach. Cutting. Enteritis. Pinching, then soft stool. Tormina. Griping; with unsatisfactory stool; then pasty stool. Gnawing. Pain; at night, and frequent vomiting; after rising, with diarrhoea; before thin stool; (>) rubbing then tasteless eructations and passage of flatus; temporarily (>) watery stools; (<) colon, with lumbar pain and pressure about pelvis, stools at first of usual appearance, then soft, yellowish, of pitchlike stickiness, fetid, causing heat of anus, then pain, then tenesmus, later they diminish in frequency, become watery and colorless; with vomiting and diarrhoea; extending to chest, with anxiety and heat, (<) head; as from incarcerated flatus. Spasmodic constriction before vomiting. Tenderness, with intermittent pain, in peritonitis. Soreness and discomfort. Drawing as before colic. Uneasiness; with movings and urging to stool. Burning here and there becoming griping. Chilliness, (<) stomach, with pain and weakness. Pulsation in morning, and in chest, like a great rush of blood to chest. Weal sensation becoming hunger. Paralysis of intestines and change of inflammation to gangrene.

Upper.-Sticking in r. hypochondrium; in spleen in evening. Tearing in l. hypochondrium; cutting in hepatic region, cutting in r. upper. Cutting cramplike pain in evening, extending to navel. Pinching in l., extending to region of hip, (>) eructations. Pain in morning on waking; on pressure; as from incarcerated flatus anteriorly beneath r. short ribs; in spleen on pressure, as from the pressure of a fold, preventing sleep on account of inability to lie on l. side according to custom. Pressing out pain beneath pit of stomach, (>) eructations. Tension, extending to r. hypochondrium; T. transversely across hypochondria. Warmth in middle, and fulness; when walking.

Sticking in umbilical region; here and there below U. region. Pinching in l. side of A. and near r. hip. Sharp pressing-outward pain above and to l. of navel. Pressure in thin intestines, on l. side of navel; in l. side of navel as from incarcerated flatus, with sensitiveness to pressure. Pain in umbilical region before and at beginning of noon meal, with flatulence. Internal soreness between l. hip and ribs, even on touch. Burning below umbilicus, with dragging towards small of back.

Lower.-Rumbling in transverse colon. Sticking in l. part of transverse colon. Tearing to l. of r. hip cutting in r., then in upper l. side, but not in intestines. Sudden pain, with slimy, watery, almost involuntary stools. Pressure in ilium to l. of navel; in region of transverse colon, with discomfort. Dragging in descending colon, with moving. Irritation of pelvic organs; I. as from diarrhoea, and in anus, and urging to stool, with aching in abdomen. Warmth just above anus, with sensation of a live worm there, itching and burning on the corresponding spot on skin, sensitiveness to slight touch, but not to hard touch, (>) scratching, with redness.

Clinical In typhlitis; in extreme distention of abdomen, with icy coldness in stomach, colic, occasional attacks of nausea and vomiting. Ascites with the characteristic gastric symptoms.


      Prolapsus. Throbbing. Throbbing smarting. Sensation of diarrhoea, preceded by cutting, without thin stool. Tenesmus; with only a little faeces at first, then transparent bilious, membranous mucus, with relief of colic; (>) frequent passage of flatus; urging to stool, which is unsatisfactory; after stool; with passage of flatus; with scanty faeces; urging, then painful stool, as if sphincter would be torn asunder; then difficult, soft stool, then pain in small of back; sudden urging, with copious stool and griping, afterwards much motion in colon, then six copious, watery, yellow stools; frequent urging, with hard stool or none, with pain in anus. Ineffectual urging; though the faeces were felt in rectum; frequent, preceded by colic.


      Spasms of sphincter, with chilliness running up back, then urging to stool, and insufficient stool. Sticking and anteriorly in urethra and in l. hip. Sticking tearing. Pain; in sphincter, as if it would be torn, with hard stool. Sensation as in diarrhoea, copious, not thin stools, then in rectum sensation of diarrhoea and sore biting in anus. Crawling and jerking. Sudden itching. Burning; intermittent; with prickling.


      Contained many white shreds. Dysentery. stools slimy and bloody, with tenesmus. Watery; and frequent; and frequent, without sensation; and frequent, with griping; and frequent and large, with griping at each discharge; and frequent, copious, colored with bile; and painless; and copious yellowish; and offensive, containing pieces of white membrane; and frequent, offensive, orange-yellow, slimy, with bright yellow flakes, without faeces; like rice-water copious, frothy, slimy, compared to clean soapsuds; and frothy, painless; and slimy, brownish-black, of a turpentine look, putrid, as if mixed with fresh bile or blood; and slimy, greenish-black, smelling like fresh bile or fresh blood that has stood some minutes in a water-bath. Thin, profuse, dark brown; T., yellow and bloody; T., yellow, copious, preceded and followed by pain, rumbling and motions in abdomen, then ineffectual tenesmus; T., yellow; T., yellow, forcible, with discomfort, almost pain in abdomen during and after stool. Soft, difficult, partly returning into anus. Pasty; and profuse; after dinner, with flatulence, then emission of offensive flatus. Slimy, with tenesmus.

Constipation; with full sensation in rectum; then scanty stool. Hard stool; scanty and sluggish. Copious; and offensive. Scanty, difficult, not hard. Difficult, but not hard. Easy. Involuntary; at night; and black, offensive; and involuntary micturition. Bloody. Frequent; at night; alternating with vomiting. Offensive, containing lumps looking like sponge.

Clinical Dysentery, great tenesmus, discharges jelly like or bloody, mucous or changeable in character, but with great tenesmus, with or without stool, with tympanitis, colic, inability to stretch out the legs; at times the dysenteric discharges are reddish, mucous, like scrapings of intestines, sometimes there is even protrusion of the lower bowels (Podophyllum). Especially indicated in autumnal dysentery (compare Aloes and Mercurius).

Urinary Organs

      Strangury. Urging to urinate. Symptoms as from Cantharides, often muddy sediment, consisting of epithelium of vesical mucous membrane. Frequent micturition; day and night; every half hour, of diabetic urine; of deep yellow, copious urine. Retention of urine. Cutting in urethra on micturition; C. in forepart. Drawing pain in urethra. Drawing in urethra; posteriorly; with tearing. Tickling in navicular fossa after urinating. Burning in urethra; then profuse discharge of pale urine; B. on urinating, with contraction of neck of bladder; B. as if sore, on urinating; crawling B. in morning after urinating, with sensation as if more urine would pass, and burning when passing a few drops.

Urine-Copious; with urging; and hot; and pale; and dark; and golden clear, then with white floating clouds, and turbid. Sandy; and red and burning. Dark; dark-brown. Bloody, with strangury. Turbid, then clear and yellow; T., mucous. Like lime-water, the turbidity caused by urate of ammonia.

Clinical Nephritis with extreme pain in the region of the kidneys, in some cases (<) stretching out legs, as from pressure on the kidneys, in the abdominal cavity, urine bloody or dark albuminous; in some cases there are symptoms of inflammation of the neck of bladder, with terrible pain after urinating (Cantharis). Inflamed kidneys, with pain in back and sacrum, hot, burning urine, constant chilliness and cold extremities, with coldness in stomach.

Sexual Organs

      Tearing in glans; in l. spermatic cord. Erections and exhausting emissions. Pain in l. testicle as if crushed, when stepping on l. foot. Great desire; at night; after eating. Menses too early; M. that had just appeared disappeared.

Respiratory Organs

      Pain in larynx, with croupous expectoration from it; in muscles somewhat to l., internally and externally above larynx. Scraping in larynx. Tickling in larynx. Crawling in trachea and chest, with cough. Hoarse; and husky voice, with pain in speaking. Voice hollow and deep. Voice lost, as in cholera. Cough and deep respiration; severe C. at regular intervals; almost voluntary coughing up of starchlike lumps of mucus; (C. alternating with coryza.). Bloody sputa. Difficult breathing; and short; and anxiety.. Dyspnoea; and contraction of chest. Rapid breathing; and heavy, almost stertorous. Desire to take frequent deep inspirations. Respiration irregular; intermittent. Moaning and clutching at heart.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.