Homeopathy Remedy Berberis

Sole-Stitch on inner side of r.; inward at first joint of r. middle toe when standing; in I. behind second toe, changing to bubbling; pulsating inward sleep in I., not far from heel; crawling, and on back of first joint of I. middle toes; burning inward in r., behind joint of first-toe. Tearing on outer border of r.; in I., and in metatarsal joints of toes; now here, now there, often with crawling motions and heat. Pain in a corn in r. Bruised pain in middle of I., rather externally. Sticking burning pain. Burning sore pain in inner side of 1.

Toes-Stitches in tips, especially of great; in a corn on I. great; in under surface of r. great, when walking; penetrating deeply first joint of I. fourth; on back of metatarsal joint of I. fourth while standing, extending into the toe; in ball of I. great, extending into toe. downward through metatarsal joint of little; inward as from a nail, in ball of r. great; inward and while at rest; in tips, chiefly of great toes, sometimes inward, sometimes outward. Crawling sticking in r. great. Burning stitches in I. great, extending from ball; or smarting as. on dorsum of second joint of r. tending along dorsum into foot. jerklike sticking in single; in metatarsal joint of r. great; inward in r. great, (<) when driving. Pulse like stitches upward in region of first joint of I. third, when sitting; at times inward, at times outward, in great toes. Tearings especially in joints; in all r. when sitting; in ball of r. fourth; in metatarsal joints of single; sticking, in r. great, from second joint to tip, while sitting after a walk; sometimes drawing, sometimes sticking, some burning, in joints on surface and in tips; jerking, in first joint of r. fourth; burning, in ball of little. Tearing-wrenching in r. third and fourth, sometimes with stitches. Digging in r. great, as if it would become inflamed; tearing sticking, in tip of r. great; tingling, in r. great. Suppurating pain in I. second. Intermittent, ulcerative or bruised pain in r. second and third. Bruised sensation in tips of great, a times on of pressure Sprained pain in metatarsal joints of r., extending into middle of foot, (<) talking hold of it, with swollen sensation. Tingling pain in r. great, as if it would swell. burning pain in tip of I. great. Burning, corrosive, or sore pain, especially in two last and great toes, even after a short, walk, (<) right boots, with redness, as after slight freezing, sometimes the outer border of foot suffers, skin between toes painful to touch, alternating with itching tearing between toes.


      Swelling of a cutaneous gland below and behind r. ear. Redness of tip of finger and of dorsum of two first phalanges, with itching, as after freezing. Red spots on sides of forehead; dusky, punctiform, mottled, on forepart of I. shoulder, at times smarting; dusky, on forepart of r. shoulder and when grasped pain as after a bruise or like “vibices,” dusky, near external condyle of I. humerus, at times burning and itching as if congested, in middle of a nettle-rash-like welt; dusky red petechial spots, at times itching (>) or burning on forearm, at times on dorsum of hand near wrist smarting, on inner side of I. thigh, the pain (<) rubbing; painful in r. cheek in afternoon, then cold sensation, the spot extending over whole face, with heat.

Semi-transparent warts in ball of r. hand; itching wart on outer surface of third phalanx of r. middle finger. Nettle- rash above I. elbow; on dorsum of I. hand, in forepart, between second and their metacarpal bones; on I. arm, just beneath shoulder then desquamation. Pimples on outer ears; on nose; chin; throat; chest, most on scapulae; nape, especially near hair; back; shoulders; dorsa of fingers; radial side of r. ring finger; nates; thigh; painful to touch in skin of I. external ear, near head; on tip of first elbow, much inflamed by rubbing; on dorsum of first phalanx of r. index, as if a wart would form. Pustules, sticking, red, burning-itching or sticking, or gnawing, sensitive to pressure, usually with a red areola, changing to liver spots.

Stitch on posterior, external and upper part of I. upper arm; in inner surface of anterior phalanx of I. index; sudden biting, in flexor surface of I. forearm, above wrist; biting-itching, in middle of flexor surface of r. forearm, on radius, becoming a biting-itching. Burning stitch to left of navel; then itching; in middle of r. thigh externally and posteriorly; burning itching S. on I. heel; itching, now here, now there, on limbs and trunk, waking at night. Raw feeling around anus, with burning, pain on touch and sensitiveness when sitting, then a thin scurf on border of anus. Soreness after a long walk. Gnawing, burning sore pain in r. popliteal space when walking. Pain in a spot in middle of outer and anterior side of r. thigh, then biting stitching. Burning pain in front above middle of r. upper arm; on and near metacarpal bone of I. middle finger; of r. thumb inward; sticking B. pain to right of umbilicus and above it.

Smarting here and there on chest; posteriorly on lower and outer side of r. thigh. Corrosive sensation in region of I. lower orbital margin. Gnawing in upper part of r. side of chest; in a spot above middle of forepart of I. thigh; in upper anterior part of r. thigh. in wrists, (<) rubbing in cleaves, (<) walking. Biting spot on inner and upper side of I. thigh. Biting itching pain on inner anterior part of I. tibia; smarting itching pain on r upper arm, in middle of outer part, (<) rubbing; burning, about middle of r. arm, anteriorly and externally. Crawling in first phalanges of four outer I. toes; on toes, with burning, sometimes with stitches.

Itching on chin; in region of one or other inguinal ring; in fossa above I. clavicle; on neck; externally above r. elbow; on flexor surface of I. forearm; on flexor surface, from r. elbow to middle of forearm; in heels; on external surface of lids and on temples and forehead; momentarily by scratching which causes forehead;’ momentarily (>) by scratching, which causes redness in region of eye; on knee and thigh in afternoon, (>) scratching, but returning; on wrists, or biting itching; in region of tendo- achillis, sometimes burning. Simple I. or biting or burning I. on face, forehead temples, cheeks, ears, lips and chin; on neck, (>) scratching but returning; on legs, rapidly changing places. Simple I. or biting, or burning or sticking I. in lumbar region; in calves; in soles; in and around elbow, more on outer side, in various places in thighs, (>) rubbing, but easily returning; on chest, now in front, now in sides or axillae, chiefly on scapulae, (>) scratching, but returning; in outer ears, with stitches and warm sensation, at times with pimples; in skin of nose, with fine burning or itching stitches and with pimples. Simple I. or burning or biting or crawling or sticking I. in region of shoulder, chiefly in anterior or posterior border of axilla, and in axilla, on dorsum of hand or in palms, (>) rubbing, soon returning in same or another place. Stitching itching on and behind I. external knuckle; in fingers, or burning sticking I. Biting I. in middle of r. leg externally, near crest of ilium, caused and (<) by walking; externally in region of elbow, especially above it, (>) (<) scratching, which causes redness of skin; or burning I. on flexor surface of I. forearm, not far from wrist. Burning itching in lower part of back; on knee, now in front, now behind, now on one side, or I., with stitches. Itching. burning or sticking or biting, on ankles and malleoli, sometimes extending to dorsa and sides of feet. Smarting burning I. on dorsum of I. foot in bed before sleep and during the day when sitting, (<) scratching, obliging her to seek cold places in the bed for the feet. Itching, either burning, or biting, or sticking, on small of back; on dorsa of feet; in eyebrows sometimes with burning or burning-itching stitches. Itching on toes, either burning, crawling, biting or burning, or with stitches Burning scraping I. or r. cheek, in front of ear, down to lower jaw.


      Yawning alternating with eructations. Sleepiness during the day, (<) morning and after dinner. Sleep unusually long, till after 7 A.M., with a weary and bruised sensation and with pain in head and small of back. Difficult waking in the morning, when she cannot collect her thoughts.

Sleeplessness till 2 A.M., Restless sleep, disturbed by dreams; disturbed by itching in an unusual position on I. side; frequent and easy W. about 2 to 4 A.M., with inability to sleep again although tired, or if he falls asleep he wakes again, with tension in head, rush of blood to it and excitement. Condition between sleep and waking at night, in which she is tormented by a system of education, which at times assumes the form of a tree, at another some other wonderful form, she tries in vain to get rid of the image, to rouse herself form slumber, to open the eyes, and is fretful about it.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.