Homeopathy Remedy Berberis

Poupart’s Ligament-Stitches at its origin at I. ilium, extending down it, then shooting outward into I. side of female urethral; dragging, above I., extending outward and upward; above middle of r., extending inward and becoming a twinging; tensive, above middle of r. Twinging in and especially above them, extending outward and into inguinal rings. Drawing pain above one or other, extending towards thigh.

Ilium-Sticking deep in one or other (Agar m,) an inch or an inch and a half from the spine, extending obliquely inward towards small of back, sometimes with bubbling, deeply penetrating stitches; dragging S. from anterior inferior spinous process of I. and above it, towards inguinal region and thigh; drawing or cutting, above anterior border of i., down Poupart’s ligament. Tearing-sticking above I. crest in morning on waking; in anterior region of one or other crest, extending up towards abdomen in crest to region of anterior spinous process and farther backward sometimes inward and upward into walls of abdomen, mostly towards Poupart’s ligament and region above it, at times into thigh; across from spine into crest, at times extending into pelvis or upward into muscle. Tearing posteriorly in crest, usually only on one side, extending into gluteal; muscles or into bones; from posterior border downward and inward; ticking, about middle of one posterior surface of I., deep in bone, extending inward, in morning on waking;dragging, anteriorly in crest, extending into one or other side of abdomen, Gnawing, tearing, ulcerative pain. Smarting in region of crest of r., extending into hip. Drawing pain in anterior region of pelvic bone, extending outward into muscles of thigh.

Clinical Very valuable for hepatic disease; with indigestion, eructations, salivation, heartburn, vomiting of food, etc., after eating. Soreness in the region of the liver. Bilious colic; colic from gall-stones, with jaundice.


      Long-continued sensation after stool, as if one had just been to stool or had just recovered from a pain in anus. Sensation of relief after stool, especially in colon, extending into small of back; after stool, also with perceptible movement in intestines; tensive in small of back and in anus.


      Hemorrhoids, with burning pain after stool (Sulph), the stool frequently hard and of a dirty blood color externally: H., with itching and burning. Stitches; burning, during, before and after stool (Sil). Tearing extending around A. Smarting. Pressing. Throbbing pain. Burning pain as if parts around it were sore (Silicea, sulph). Warmth in region. Fulness. Itching, Crawling as from ascarides. Crawling, burning, itching in and about it.


      Digging sticking, with jerking stitches, extending deep into I. side of uterus. Pain in front of anus.


      Diarrhoea; painless, watery, clay-colored, offensive, (<) daytime; frequent, pasty, yellowish, with rumbling, emission of flatus, at times nausea, thirst, heat in face and confusion of head, with increased appetite in evening; frequent, with cutting. Soft, profuse, also at an unusual time; soft, profuse, then pressive tensive sensation in small of back and in rectum. Copious, thick, pasty. Constipation. Hard stool; then soft; like sheep- dung, with much, frequently ineffectual, urging. Scanty, hard; S., thin-formed, not hard; and hard or soft, thin-formed, delayed. Painful, in morning, with pressure. Omitted.

Clinical Diarrhoea, painless, clay-colored, with burning and smarting in anus, sallow complexion, tenderness over region of liver and pain extending around back and abdomen.

Urinary Organs

      Bladder. Stitches in region (Clem., Sulph); drawing, in one or other side, extending into female urethra, often arising in lumbar region and extending along ureter; tearing, in region (<) I. side, just above symphysis and extending into it, then passing into I. side of penis or returning higher up; pulse like, above symphysis, becoming a slight sticking, returning next day when the bladder is not very full; compelling micturition. cuttings in I. side of region, extending into urethra, coming from I. kidney along ureter. cutting tensive pain deep in I. side, becoming a sticking obliquely in female urethra, as if in orifice. Cutting constriction. Pinching in one or other side of region, sometime on pressure upon it burning in whole urethra. Burning pains (Canth). sometimes when full, sometimes when empty, even after urinating and in morning before urinating. Burning-itching, biting-smarting in region. Aching in region when filled, when empty and after urinating. Sensation as if some urine remained after urinating. urging to urinate; (<) morning on rising.

Urethra-Stitches (Sulph); in female; female beginning in bladder, sometimes in the middle, sometimes on one side; extending into bladder; jerking, in female, with spasmodic constriction. Cutting; (<) one side. Smarting during coition, once pain during ejaculation of semen; S. in U. and glans, (<) towards forepart and on one side, or extending into bladder, the pains in urethra caused or (<) motion; extending to I. anterior part of penis. Smarting biting, often with soreness, (<) when not urinating, chiefly in forepart sometimes extending into bladder or rectum, often more pain on one side, Constriction posteriorly; smarting C. Pressure when urinating. Burning pain in female, during and after urinating (Sulph), but more at other times. Burning; especially anteriorly or sometimes more posteriorly, or along the whole length, more on one side, (<) when not urinating; smarting, in I. side, with intercurrent bubbling shocks. Bubbling posteriorly when sitting. Itching. crawling I. pain when not urinating, when bladder is not full. Crawling posteriorly in male.

Urine-Sometimes increased, sometimes diminished, when increased it is clear, light-colored, with slight mucous sediment, when scanty it usually has a sediment, this is the case in the beginning and during aggravations, the other during the reaction, but at times intercurrent conditions arise. Blood-red, soon becomes turbid and deposits a thick mucous and bright red mealy sediment (Sep), slowly becoming clear, with pain in bladder. Pale yellow, either with slight transparent gelatinous sediment, which does not deposit or mixed with white or whitish-gray and late a reddish mealy sediment (Agaricusm.). Clear, saturated, yellowish, thick,. flocculent, or like mealy water, depositing a copious mucus and mealy sediment, with white-grayish, white, or dirty reddish or red granular sediment, with yellowish-red crystals upon bottom or side so glass. Bright yellow, with profuse mucous sediment. Inflammatory red. Dirty wine-yellow, depositing a copious sediment or only gelatinous flakes. Greenish, turbid. Seems warmer than usual when urinating. the first passed in the morning cloudy. Sediment clear, mucous.

Clinical Renal calculi and renal colic, pain extending from kidneys along ureters to bladder, with burning in urethra, bladder, etc.

Genital Organs

      Most of the pains of external G. are caused and (<) by motion. Weakness in external male; W. after coition, Mons veneris, twinging-tearing; in one or other side; pinching constriction in region of mons veneris and bladder, sometimes only on one side, sometimes when full, sometimes after emptying bladder; pinching constriction extending along dorsum of penis; smarting itching pain; burning, itching or biting, also smarting.

Spermatic Cord-Soft pulpy swelling of I., especially of lower part, when walking, with at times drawing, burning or smarting, or tearing pain, at times when sitting, with pain extending into testicles (Clem r.), especially into epididymis (Senecio). Stitches. Twinging in one or other, only at abdominal ring, or extending to testicles. Drawing pain, extending into testicles (Pul) or into abdominal ring. smarting burning pain, now in one, now in other (Clem r.; berb.1), with stitches. Smarting pain in one or other, at one time in region of abdominal ring, at another behind it, at another behind it, often extending into testicles.

Penis-Shrivelling and retraction. Stitches; in forepart. Smarting in I. side, more externally, chiefly in forepart of mucous membrane and in part behind the spot, when walking and afterwards and after coition. Smarting burning in I. side; in r. upper part; on cornea glandis. smarting-burning itching pain in prepuce. Dryness of mucous membrane. Coldness of prepuce and glans, with numbness Frequent erections.

Scrotum-Sore pain, (<) sides, most often on I. Smarting constriction in I. lower part when walking. Itching, simple, or burning, or with stitches, at times smarting or crawling. Coldness in r. side, with tearings.

Testicles-Stitches; in one or other (Rhod); cutting; cutting in one. Pain; in one; constrictive, and in spermatic cord, with contraction of scrotum, as if it would be drawn up against abdomen, coldness and shrivelling of scrotum and pain in testicles and shrivelling of scrotum and pain in testicles. Drawing pain, sometimes extending up spermatic cord. Burning pain, as if they would swell. Crawling pain, usually in only one. Smarting or smarting-burning pain; in one.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.