Homeopathy Remedy Berberis

Fingers-Stitches on dorsum of first phalanx of index; in flexor surface of first joint of I. index; in flexor surface of first part of index; in tips of index and ring F., at times involving other finger’s in ball of first joint of I. little; in ball of r. thumb in inner surface of r. thumb, sometimes from pressure; inward in middle of flexor surface of first phalanx of I. index. Twitching-cutting stitch extending across from first joint of little F., into palm. Burning stitches on outer side of second joint of I. index; on inner side of third joint of I. in joint of I. index; on inner side of third joint of I. index; in second and third joints of I. little. Biting sticking in ulnar side of second phalanx of r. middle. Itching stitches in region of first joints of I. index, on inner side. Pulse like stitches in tip of r. index. Bubbling stitches in inner side of tip of r. thumb, under nail, as if shooting out from one. Tearing in joints; in tips, especially of index; in dorsum, now here, now there, chiefly in joints; in second and third joints of r. index; in inner side of joint of I. index of inner surface of first joint of r. index; in balls of thumbs; along inner surface of r. thumb; especially on dorsum, often with stiffness, especially in index and ring F., often changing to stitches outward in tips of F., in outer side of I. thumb, as deep as the bone, (<) pressure, with Pulse like stitches inward near joint; from second joint of r. middle, along tendons of wrist; inward under I. thumb-nail; on inside of r. index, as if the flesh were torn from the bone, so that of r. middle, chief.; in the first joint, (<) motion and touch, with swelling about the joints, mostly on dorsum and insides, and in pharynx itself, with cracking of joints on motion; drawing, in second joint of r. index and near it, on the back; tingling, in I. thumb, volar surface of first joint of r. thumb; smarting, in outer surface of I. index, (<) rubbing, and changing to a burning pain. smarting on dorsa. Pain in second joint of I. index, (<) bending, with stiffness; in second joint of r. middle, in morning on waking, (<) at first by pressure, with stiffness; in bone in region of first joint of I. thumb, extending into second joint. Suppurating pain in tip of I. index, (<) rubbing, most severe under nail, where it seems as if the flesh would be torn loose, with hot sensation and with pain in second joint. Burning pain on dorsum of I. index; in inner side of dorsal; surface of i. index; in fist joint of I. index, (<) rubbing, afterwards red pimples; gnawing, as from nettles, in first joint of I. middle, (<) rubbing; jerking, in outer surface of r. middle, from second joint into nail, as if in bone. tingling pain in outer side of third phalanx of r. thumb.

Clinical Neuralgia under finger-nails, with swelling of finger-joints.

Lower Extremities

      Bruised pain, so that he cannot rise from a seat without assistance of his hands, with paralyzed feeling in knees, suffering especially along posterior surface from loins and downward, and bruised feeling in calves, the pain (<) pressure, motion and stooping, at last the pain extends into feet. Drawing-tensive sensation, (<) rising after prolonged sitting, with superficial tearings and a heavy or stiff paralyzed feeling. Feeling as if becoming emaciated, which really seemed to be the case. Weakness, with bruised sensation, sometimes with stiffness and paralyzed feeling as after a long march, or as if strained, as if muscles were too thick, usually in soft parts, with pain easily excited by motion. Weakness while walking, so that he scarcely felt them, as if numb. Heaviness, (<) ascending stairs, especially in thighs, with bruised feeling and lassitude.

Nates-Sticking in I. when standing, extending deep into muscles. Tearing; in r. or I. when walking, extending deep into ischium. Burning pain in I.

Thigh-Tensive contractions of muscles, especially in posterior surface and in calves, (<) when walking. Stitches inward in middle of posterior or side of I. six inches above knee; long-drawn-out S. inward in inner posterior and middle part, in flesh, when walking; long-drawn, in inner posterior side of middle of I. when walking; pulsating inward, in muscles of posterior part of I. when walking and sitting; outward through I., in forepart above middle; externally in middle of I., extending upward; in forepart of I. five inches above knee, extending into flesh, afterwards S. near knee; on inner side of r. above knee, extending obliquely downward to opposite side, (<) stepping, when sitting at rest paroxysmal, less sensitive S. Biting stitch in lower and inner part of I. Bubbling stitches above I. knee; in middle of posterior part of I., whereby he thinks he feels a throbbing with the fingers touch causes continued pain. Burning stitches anteriorly above I. knee; in outer upper side of r.; in outer anterior part of r., below the middle; pulselike, extending downward from r. trochanter, deep in wardly; pulselike, in posterior lower part of r., with pulsation perceptible to finger; tearing, in outer middle region of r., penetrating deep into bone Tearing in hip-bones of one side near spine; below I. trochanter; on inner side; in thick flesh of I., in forepart and downward over knee; in from trochanter to knee when sitting aggravated by paroxysms; in lower external and anterior part of r. or I. when walking, at last changing to tension; in lower outer side of r. extending across knee into lower part of leg and calf; intermittent, in outer side, sometimes spreading over thigh, (<) after motion; biting, in inner, upper and anterior part of. I. when walking; on outer or inner side, motion, or tearing sticking, or drawing tearing. Pinching in muscles, especially in flexors and in calves; in muscles on violent motion. Pinching grasping in upper anterior part of r. when standing and walking. Smarting in outer side of r., then in middle of forepart. Gnawing on outer upper part of I; on posterior surface of I. above hollow of knee; on outer lower part of r., walking and rubbing; biting, in outer side of I. above knee. Gnawing biting on outer anterior side of I., about middle. Burning pain in region of I. trochanter; in inner anterior side of upper part of.; on inner side of lower part of I., (<) touch. Sore pain in bends; in outer anterior side of r. Tension in muscles in upper and anterior part when walking, often changing into pain; T. in thighs and nates from hips downward, with numbness and at times heat; drawing, in posterior muscles. Tensive pain as if muscles were too short, and in calves and knees; in one or other bend when walking, was if tendons were too short; drawing, in tendons when walking, extending over knee-cap; drawing, in muscles of outer side of r.; outward and backward, as if cramp would come on. Drawing pain in region of r. trochanter; extending from region of trochanter into thigh; in muscles of r., above knee. Drawing on inner side or drawing tensive sensation or pain. Bubbling anteriorly above r. knee; below nates, slowly working and digging; in muscles of forepart of r., moving here and there, as from something loving; anteriorly in r., evening in bed, extending along thigh, as if a stream of water or blood forced its way through the flesh; painless, in lower part of r., as if a stream of air or a worm as large as a finger forced itself through the flesh. Working like crawling or drawings or drawings on out side of I. at night on falling asleep, extending over knee, then cramp in calf, with tingling in it and in the outstretched foot.

Knee-Swelling of veins near, and in outer posterior upper part of calves. Cramp in I. popliteal space when stepping or stamping, extending into middle of calf and into thigh while standing, when she does not step hard it is less, with tingling and heaviness, as if the parts were enlarged. Stitches through in I. at night; above patella; above margin. of patella on ascending stairs; below margin of I. patella when walking, then burning pain, extending into joint; now in one place, now in another, especially on inner side; backward through r., beneath patella, when walking; in inner aside of r. extending outward into tendons; just above patella, deep inwardly, as from a nail, when descending stairs in morning, afterwards a pressure; inward, as from a nail; near lower margin of r. patella on motion, with heaviness in calves; drawing, in motion, with heaviness in calves; drawing, in hollow of I., extending into upper part of leg. the same pain superficially in inner side of r.; bubbling long drawn, in tendons of outer side of I. popliteal space when walking an standing. Pain as if inflamed or swollen on inner side of I., near patella, shooting backward into knee, from 4 till 11 A.M., when bending knee, (>) during rest in an extended position, and through joint beneath patella. Tearing; in. patella from motion, and in ligament beneath it; in tendons when walking and standing, especially in posterior muscles; superficial, extending down outer side of I. calf; most frequent in inner side, often extending into neighboring parts, or tearing sticking. Pinching in r. popliteal space and in calf when sitting down in evening and when lying, after a moderate walk. Gnawing on outer side of I. knee-pan. Smarting in forepart near patella.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.