Homeopathy Remedy Berberis

Clinical Gouty concretions in the auricle, becoming very painful, with tearing stinging pains.


      Biting gnawing in tip. Crawling in nostrils, biting or itching;C. in I. nostril as before sneezing. Dryness of mucous membrane; with sensation as before catarrh, with sneezing. Moisture of N. and eyes as before coryza Fluent catarrh; of I. nostril;, involving frontal and maxillary sinuses, a yellow, burnt-smelling water, afterwards purulent, sometimes whitish, at times yellowish or greenish mucus,. of burnt smell and times yellowish or greenish mucus, of burnt smell and taste, was blown from nose and hawked up, (<) in morning. Bleeding from I. nostril in morning on rising; from I., at 6 A.M., preceded by pain in aIl temple extending to eye.


      Pale, dirty-grayish, sunken cheeks deeply-seated eyes, surrounded by bluish or blackish-gray circles, and sickly expression. Tearing sticking in cheek-bones. Burning stitch Inside of chin. Tearing in I. cheek, especially in malar fossa chilly, in a spot on I. cheek; posteriorly in I. cheek-bone, in jerks upward. Aching jerk in r. cheek, as from a box on ear. Sticking cold sensation in a spot on I. cheek.

Lips-Bluish-red color on inner side of lower. Red, bluish spots on inner side of owner, towards angle. Pimples. Painful inflamed, with deep suppurating points in center, on mucous membrane of L. and cheeks. Vesicles on r. inner side of lower. Epidermis becomes sticky and sales off, and a thin brownish flat scurf appears on its inner margin. Stitches in margins, sometimes itching, sometimes burning. Tearing in I. side of upper, with burning and tingling. Pinching in r. half of lower. Twitching bubbling in I. side of upper, as if some one were pricking it. Dryness. Painless throbbing in upper, just love r. corner of mouth. burning spots in upper; B. in outer margin, as from pepper or as if swollen; in upper, in r. corner, as from pepper, with bubbling and drawing-downward feeling. Cold sensation in I. corner. Sticky feeling on margin in morning after rising enduring the day. Formication on r. side of upper. Itching, (>) rubbing, but returning, sometimes biting or burning.

Jaws-Sticking, especially in lower, (<) nights jerking, in angle of I. lower, digging, biting, extending into lower and back teeth, as if the gum were loosened from the teeth, or as if they were raised; tearing, in r. shooting by jerks into temples. Tearing in. upper, extending from angle in front of ear into temple. Aching in I. upper, alternating with treating; A. as squeezed, on margin of horizontal, ramus of r. lower about middle; bruised, on touch in lower margin in I. lower, near and in front of angle.


      Teeth. Stitches in two anterior r. lower molars, then sensation as if too long; S. in r. lower as if carious, in afternoon and night, with sensation as if teeth were too large and on edge, with sensitiveness to cold air, especially with tearing and sticking in lower jaw. Tearing in I. upper back; in the second i. upper molar, extending to other parts of face; in I. upper canine, extending to superior maxillary bone. Scraping-gnawing in all I., lower molars, as if in roots or necks. Slow digging in root of r. upper canine, as if denuded from gum. Aching gin next too last I. upper molar as if too long. Drawing, bubbling pain pressing downward in first. I. upper hollow incisor, with sensitiveness to touch, as if too long and on egg, or as if something heavy hung upon it, afterwards a boil in gum over it.

Gum-Dirty red same on several upper incisors, less on lower jaw and on molars. White nodes on upper. Gumboils (pustules) becoming ulcers, above second I. upper back tooth. Bleaching.

Tongue-Red pimples on r. side of tip, with stinging, (<) touch, with stiffness and thickness of forepart of tongue. Painful white vesicle in r. side of tip. Stitches, (<) r. side. Sticking burning in spots on I. side, with pain of tongue on touch and motion.

Sticky feeling past and as if burnt, in mouth and throat, Smarting-burning on mouth and chin, sometimes like formication. Dryness and sticky sensation; D, still mode in fauces, (<) morning after rising, (>) eating and drinking, with sticky sensation, rawness of mucous membrane, white tongue, diminished saliva or a sticky frothy saliva with cotton, seldom with thirst and heat, taste lost or impaired nut sour after eating. Sticky saliva. Bad metallic smell.

Taste-Lost. Bloody, (<) morning and afternoon. Bitter; at 8 A.M.; after eating; and sour. Scraping burning in M. and throat, lie heartburn. Insipid, nauseous, rising from stomach like heartburn.


      Inflammation of arches of palate, uvula, tonsils and oesophagus. Sticking inside, passing behind jaw and shooting out of ear, (<) I. side; digging S. just below r. angle of jaw, extending in ear and out again. Pain in I. tonsil caused and (<) by speaking. and swallowing, with sensations as if the seed of fruit were sticking in throat, with redness and sensitiveness to pressure in I. arch of palate and sensitiveness of neighboring parts of throat on top motion. Pressure in back part of palate and pharynx, with dryness. Sorting, (<) r. side, (<) scratching, which causes a red, hot spot. Scraping; in morning; in morning on waking, (>) moistening; in evening, extending into stomach and traces; (>) drinking water; (<) mornings after rising, sometimes with pain in one side of it. obliging hawking and raising.


      Appetite increased in evening. Hunger without appetite. Appetite lost; with a bilious, bitter taste; lost with almost no taste for food. Thirst, (<) afternoons with dry mouth; T. waking her at night. Eructations; without bad taste or smell with griping in abdomen alternating with yawning; bilious. Hiccough. Nausea after dinner: N (>) after breakfast. Heartburn, extending into pharynx. Stitches in region. Pressure in region. Sensation in epigastric region. Pressure in region. Sensation in epigastric region as if it would burst, in evening after eating till 9 P.M. Writings in region. Chilliness in region.


      Rumbling. Fermentation, especially in region of colon, with motions. Movements, as before stool. Emission of flatus; seldom offensive, preceded by painless griping, at times with warmth in anus. Cutting sticking. Wandering tearing in muscle or tearing sticking. Sticking cutting. Cutting as before diarrhoea, in afternoon till next day, when there was diarrhoea in moving and afternoon, Griping. Twinging in walls, with constriction. WRithing. Pain; morning in bed; in region of I. descending colon; burning, in I. side, in a spot under skin and extending into it. Constriction. Drawing. Urging before stool, with moving.

Upper-Stitches extending across in region of stomach. Sticking tearing from 10.30 to 11.30 P.M., on going to sleep, extending into stomach and I. Hypochondrium,, mostly corresponding to the place in front of kidneys, Breathing, motion and touch, with short respiration, distention and hardness of abdomen, the pains returning next morning on rising and afterwards.

Hypochondria-Stitches in region of gall-bladder (<) pressure (Diosc); in I. hepatic region, near border of false ribs, about three inches from linea alba, pressure, extending into region of stomach, appearing when walking; tearing, in I., in front tearing, in I., extending through I. lower and outer part of chest towards back, and shooting back and forth; burning, on border of r. false ribs, about two inches and a half from linea alba. Drawing tearing below tips of false ribs in inspiration, with feeling as if something were torn loose. Twinging, constrictive sensation in I. upper part of abdomen, especially in I. H., across towards umbilicus. Pressure in hepatic region, on margin of false ribs, about three inches from linea alba; in forepart of r., extending inward into border of false ribs; in I., extending backward or downward. Bubbling sensation below tip of false ribs, in r. forepart.

Umbilicus-Stitches above to r; deep at I. of superficial tearing in I. side. Pain to side of, corresponding to a place in front of kidneys and rather to side, mostly sticking, or burning or gnawing, usually only on one side, generally in a mall spot, for the most part (<) only by deep pressure, often extending to lumbar region or to groins lower, spleen or stomach. Cutting drawing in I,. side, extending deep inward. Cutting jerking pain an inch above U., an inch and a half from linea alba. extending in slow drawings outward across I. lumbar region. Griping around U. (Diosc). Twisting pain in region (Aloes) Twinging around and above U. (Chel), in I. side of abdomen. Intermittent pain pressing outward, to I. of U., as from something living. Colic below U. (Diosc).

Inguinal Region-Varicose veins, near r. ring, extending to thigh, precede by pressing. Stitches in one or other, and above Poupart’s ligament; paroxysmal throbbing, in r., shooting suddenly into thigh; dragging, and above and in Poupart’s ligament, especially in ring, (<) walking and standing, with pulselike stitches, sometimes with painless bubbling, they extend into testicles and upper anterior part of thigh and upward in region of kidneys, at times beginning in this last place, with stitches in front of region which corresponds to kidneys posteriorly. Tearing extending to mons veneris. Cutting constriction in I. ring, extending inward as if it were going to deepen. Pain in ring; itching burning, in region of I. glands; in r. glands on touch, as if they would swell, with aching in region. Burning smarting in r. fold, with tension in motion. Dragging in I. Tension in one or other ring, as if a hernia would appear, (<) standing and walking. sensation above and to outer side of r. ring as if something would protrude, extending to thigh. Peculiar cold feeling in region of r. ring, becoming more like a burning.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.