Homeopathy Remedy Berberis

Aching in hollow of I., extending through joint to patella, (<) bending and extending knee with feeling as if knee were stiff and swollen and swollen and as if tendons were too short. Drawing pain in patella, extending into anterior upper part of leg, (<) walking. Tensive pain in r. patella after walking, and in ligaments and tendons behind it.. Tension, (<) motion and stretching, no in side, now in forepart, especially in region of patella, mow posteriorly, chiefly in tendons, as if too short, often with sensation of heaviness or paralysis. Drawing burning pain in hollow of r. Weakness during and after walking and on rising after long sitting, with bruised and paralyzed feeling.

Leg-Sticking near lower part of r. tibia when walking; below r. knee when walking, shooting obliquely upward beneath patella; biting, in middle of outer apart of r., (<) walking and standing; burning inward externally near T. tibia, a few inches above ankle intermittent burning, on out side near middle of I. tibia; tearing;, on side between; tibia and fibula in extensor muscles, especially in tendons, above joint, extending into external malleolus and outer side of back of foot. Tearing along whole out side of r., into external malleolus and over outer side of dorsum of foot, then upward along outer side of thigh; intermittent tensive, in outer part of I., a few in chest above external malleolus, between tibia and fibula. Corrosive pain on outer side of I.

Tibia-Stitches in r.; in inner side of I. about middle; inward when waking and standing, seldom when sitting, especially in middle; corrosive, in middle of crest; burning in lower part of I. in skin on outer side, close to the ridge of the bone, as if it pierced the bone; sudden burning, inward in outer side of I. burning-itching, on outer side near middle of r.; tearing, outward near middle of I. tearing, in intermittent twinging jerks, in the middle, as if periosteum would be torn loose. Tearing; in sides; superficial, on side; in places, most frequent in middle, often extending into knee and ankle; down its inner surface when walking, standing and sitting, at times tearing sticking, with pressive, heavy, or bruised or burning sensation, as if the bone would be pressed asunder; tingling, in r., a few inches from joint, extending upward, (<) pressure. Burning gnawing on inner anterior side below r. knee when walking, (<) rubbing. Burning smarting in middle of r., (<) rubbing and motion, changing to sore pain. Tensive aching or pain, with burning of numb sensation, as if bone would be distended, with bruised and heavy sensation in leg, at times bubbling, at times alternating with tearing or sticking or associated with them, and at times on rubbing burning in skin of tibia. Tearing tensive pain in middle, extending to knee.

Calf-Stitches; now slight, now severe, chiefly in middle, often penetrating reply; outward above middle of r; cutting in outer part of r., near tibia; in upper inner part of I., changing to bubbling, as if a bloodvessels were throbbing under skin; drawing, outward to middle of r; burning, in middle of I; burning corrosive, on outer and posterior part of middle of r; tearing, especially in middle. Tearing in I., extending as far as bones; in places, especially in middle, sometimes extending into tendo- achillis or knee; tensive cramplike, in upper and lower part of r., (<) walking and standing. Cramplike pain in I. in evening when going to sleep; in upper part of I. evenings on ascending stairs; in r. when walking, with stitches; in I. when sitting, as if muscle were bruised. Biting on outer and anterior part of I. when walking. Smarting burning pain in upper apart of r., externally below knee, extending backward and downward over calf, with bruised sensation. Drawing or drawing pain, now here, now there, at times with a feeling when walking, (<) rising from a seat. Bruised pain. Bubbling deep in muscles of I; in route part of middle of I. in morning in bed. Tingling as from being asleep.

Tendo-achillis-Lymphatic swelling of I., dusky, pale red, then dusky red spots along tendons, at first violent pain on raising foot, less when stepping upon, it then returning periodically, with sensation as if a weight hung upon foot, (>) horizontal position, when stretching foot it extended into calf and hollow of knee, with bruised sensation, often with tensive pains cramp in sole if the foot changes down, at first flexion almost impossible on account of pain, with sometimes bubbling or tearing or itching, M. (<) rubbing, with burning in affected parts, desquamation of skin, chilliness in evening, selling of affected part of foot after motion and swelling of heel, with burning in it and cramp in foot. Stitches; intermittent, in I. when sitting and hanging foot; paroxysmal, in I. when walking, more posteriorly; burning, in Tearing, sometimes extending into food; sometimes extending into calf, when standing walking and sitting; sticking, in one or other. Smarting on inner side while sitting, extending to calf. Pain as if strained. Drawing pain or drawing tearing, when standing and walking and afterwards, seldom when at rest. Tensive pain when standing and walking and afterwards, seldom when at rest.

Ankle-Stitches in anterior region of r. when driving; in inner side of I. on bending joint outward; in ward in r. when standing; sudden, in r. when running; burning, in outer anterior part of r., then itching. Tearing, in outer anterior part of r., then itching. Tearing extending now upward, now downward; T. in forepart of I., across to inner malleolus and down to sole; in outer anterior part of I., extending into legs and dorsum of foot; tensive, in forepart of I. gnawing on forepart of r. Smarting. Smarting itching pain in forepart and sides of I.

Malleolus-Bubbling twitches from I. internal, across over joint,. as from something living. Stitches in r. inner, (<) stepping; on r. external when walking, extending into joint; backward across r. internal; biting, on anterior and outer side of I; burning, below and in front of I. internal; burning, on I. external, changing to burning-sticking; pulselike inward in I. external, in morning when waking, then single stitches; bubbling, in I. internal;, preceded by simple sticking, at last changing to bruised numb pain, with hot sensation on inner side of leg. Tearing in I. external, extending upward into tendons; in I. internal, extending into heel; in I. external, in evening when going to sleep, extending into little toe, in I. internal, with sticking inward; in I. internal, changing to burning.; almost sticking, from I. upward into neighboring tendons; drawing, in I. external, extending forward and downward; or tearing tensive or sticking pain. Scraping at external, extending up inner side of r. tibia. Gnawing on r. external; in region above and behind I. external, with sticking. Aching in r. inner; below I. internal when walking, with swelling of ligaments and tendons of this region, extending to inner part of foot, as far as great toe; on touch, in tendons and neighboring parts of bone, in front and above, especially in I., (<) uncovering, (>) motion. Burning pain in I. external; above I. external.

Foot-Stitches in balls; in outer side of dorsum of r. when sitting, leaving pain; inward in middle of outer border of r., repeated on stepping; in middle and outer part of I., as if a nail were forced through; pulselike, in r. balls. Tearing in inner border of I.; in middle toes; in balls. Tearing in inner border of I.; in middle toes; dorsum of. when sitting, extending middle toes; in balls, mostly of great toe, (<) stepping; jerklike, in outer border of r., involving the whole metatarsal bone of little toe, while sitting after a walk, at one time drawing, at another tensive, at another sticking rearing on dorsum, drawing back and forth, at times more severe, often ending in a stitch into of toes, Pain in forepart of stretching it. Pain as from chilblains, especially in toes. Corrosive pain anteriorly on inner border of I.; on outer side of dorsum of I. Burning pain in outer side of dorsum of r; as from nettles on outer border Tensive pain on dorsum of r., across behind first joint of four outer toes in morning on rising, becoming a sticking on stepping. Sensation in hollow of I., as if tendons were too short, like a cramp, when walking and sitting. Bubbles on dorsum of I., extending towards little toe.

Heel-Stitches, especially in lower part; from anterior outer part of margin of I. when stepping after a surface, extending deep into bones, (<) motion and stepping; slow cutting through I; burning, in inner side of I.; pulselike, inward, especially in lower surface of heel. often changing to stitches; tearing, when walking, (<) stepping, extending deep into bones, (>) sitting tingling-tearing in r., extending deep into bones, as from sometimes alive. Tearing, (<) stepping. Suppurating sensation, (<) after long standIng.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.