Homeopathy Remedy Belladonna

Hoarseness; especially when crying; with dryness in larynx, with frequent cough, and frequent necessity for empty swallowing, and when swallowing pain in larynx extending to i. ear (lach); hoarse and weak voice. Aphonia; or confused sounds uttered with difficulty in speaking (Stram). Sharp and clear voice.

Cough beginning about 10 P.M., recurring every quarter of an hour or oftener, in three or four fits at a times; c., waking her at night from rawness and dryness in upper part of larynx; preceded by crying (Arn,.) (in a child) with bloody taste in mouth; with much straining and fretting (in a child) with prickings under I. ribs; in attacks which end in sneezing; croupy hollow and scraping; violent c. in sleep with grinding of teeth. Dry cough from scraping in larynx;’ D. at every inspiration; from tightness of chest like dry catarrh; short, in evening in bed, from itching tickling in back of larynx; violent, in forenoon, as if a foreign body had lodged in larynx, with coryza. Cough, with bloody expectation in morning; with expectoration of thick white mucus, preceded by angina, followed by rawness and dryness in upper part of larynx; c. as he had inhaled dust waking him at night, with mucous expectoration. coughing up substance resembling old catarrhal mucus, of purulent appearance, from upper part of trachea in morning.

Expectoration of mucus from air passages by coughing and hawking; E. of blackish thick mucus.

Respiration-Difficult. Short, ate coffee in afternoon. Anxious, with the brazen stridulous sound of croup. Violent, short, hurried, anxious. Groaning; every expiration; (<) morning; alternating with humping and dancing. Sighing. Moaning. Deep, at times yawning; D., as in crop. Jerking. Irregular. Intermittent; at night, inspiration and respiration together lasting only half as long as the pause before the next inspiration by starts and louder than inspiration, inspiration only a little longer than expiration. Rapid; and oppressed; and irregular; and sighing, shallow. Retarded., at times whistling. Stertorous; with rales in anterior part of chest. Vesicular murmur, without rattling. Appearance at times as if he had drawn his last breath.

Clinical Acute laryngitis, with great hoarseness or loss of voice, the larynx feels dry and is painfully sore or feels swollen, with suffocation. Spasmodic croup. Spasm of glottis. Whooping cough, with hot face and head, and nosebleed. Chronic laryngitis, with cough like the barking of a dog without fever and without soreness. catarrhal croup in the first stage, the child gasps for air and tosses about wildly (Aconite).


      Milk runs out of mamma, in a woman not pregnancy. Inflammation of the lungs. Stabs as with a knife below last two ribs, close to xiphoid cartilage and above false ribs. Stitches in I.; in mamma; (under I. ribs); here and the below skin of r. side; at 3 P.M., and just below r. axilla; under r. arm towards evening, hindering breathing in sternum when coughing and yawning; in i. side from sternum towards axilla, (<) motion; deeply penetrating, in r.; backward below clavicle when walking; in cartilage of I. ribs (<) respiration, when it changes into an almost burning sensation.

Intermittent cutting in r. shooting pinching on both sides of upper part of sternum. Gnawing beneath cartilages of last r. ribs. Squeezing in r. sides. Acute pain in sternum above xiphoid cartilage. Cramping pain below end of sternum, gradually extending to put of stomach and upward to sternum and over cardiac region. Pain, and between shoulders; when when sitting and walking, with short breath; at eternal end of fifth rib below r. nipple; eating, under sternum., above scrobiculus cordis Pressing in r. causing anxiety; P. outward in region of sixth true rib.

Oppression; in evening in bed, causing difficulty in breathing, as from mucus in windpipe, with burning in chest. Tightness. constriction as if pressed inward from both sides; spasmodic C., and in throat,. with sense of suffocation. Spasmodic tension, extending of Burning in in r. Inquietude and beating. Air seems to be collected beneath sternum, disappearing with rumbling in abdomen, whereupon the nausea is worse.

Clinical Pleurisy. Rarely, in inflammatory diseases of thoracic organs.


      Stitches. Pressure; arresting breath and causing anxiety. Anxiety. Violent beating. clucking on ascending stairs, a sort of palpitation. Palpitation; when exercising, with labored breathing; with pulsation in carotids and temporal arteries, heat and redness office, congestion to head and fever; (during rest, with feeling as if the concussion extended to throat, (<) movement, with difficult slow, respiration). Action feeble; but frequent. Action and pulse smaller and contracted. Trembling.


      Full, frequent, Increased in force and frequency (Aconite, etc.). Frequent and small: F., irregular and uneven; contracted, often intermitting; and feeble. sometimes frequent, sometimes slow. Strong, hard. Irregular one strong beat being followed by four or five weak ones Slow and full, and large; S. four or five weak ones. Slow and full, and large; S. and weak; and small; slow, radial artery full, hard, firm to touch, with insensibility, a vein in the arm being opened the blood, which flowed slowly, was dark and thick. small, intermittent. Feeble. Scarcely perceptible. Imperceptible


      Swelling of glands on side, with burning pain; S. of glands of nape, with cloudiness of head; of glands, with pain at night. Shootings in a gland at side; S. in region of second and third cervical vertebrae on carrying head erect. Pain in nape as if it would break, when coughing. sharp pain between last cervical and first dorsal vertebrae., Pain externally when bearing head backward and on touch; pressing, in nape close to occiput; drawing, in r. muscles. Drawing in muscles. Cramplike tension in I. muscles. Stiffness; so that he could not lay the head on the side of nape.

Clinical Stiff-neck from taking cold. Torticollis, muscles contacted. Acute inflammation of glands (compare Iodium, Calc-c., etc.).


      Cramplike tearing now here, now there, now in arms, during menses. Pain as if dislocated in r. side and in spinal column. pressive pain at I. of spine, under false ribs Stiffness of muscles of B. and lower limbs, preventing sitting up in bed or raising himself upright, if supported he can stand, but is unable to move his feet or to walk.

Spine- Stabbings inward in vertebrae. Shooting and gnawing. Gnawing, with cough. Cramplike pressive sensation in middle, becoming tensive if he attempts to straighten the back. Rigidity.

Scapula-Shootings in r.; electric, from I. to r. Darting pain at vertebral end of eighth rib. Drawing cutting behind r. Pain under I., more towards outside. Cramplike pain between r. and spinal column, almost like pinching. Strained pain between S. Drawing pressure between r. and spinal column. Drawing between r. and spinal column. Drawing between S,. in evening, extending down spine. Painful stiffness between S, and nape in morning when turning neck to and fro.

Lumbar Region-Cutting in r. and in lower end of sternum. Spasmodic sensation in I. Sharp pain in r., above ischium. Pain; in I. kidney; in kidney region in morning, (>) pressure. Sacrum and coccyx, cramplike pain, with ability to sit for only a short time, while sitting the becomes stiff and unable to rise again for pain, he cannot lie well, it often wakes him at night and he has to turn on to the other side, with violent pain, he cannot walking slowly, but he cannot walk fast.

Clinical Spinal irritability, pressure upon the dorsal vertebrae cause screams and distress in stomach, or violent cough and flushed face. Hyperaemia of spine, with difficult in walking loss of coordination when walking. Lumbago with pain in hips and thighs, cramps in legs. etc.


      Moved slowly upward, then with greater force thrown downward. Twitching. Convulsive movements. Convulsive extension on waking. Movements now simulating chorea, now-hysteria, then tetanus, changing to opisthotonus. Distortions alternating with immobility. Involuntary performance of the motion peculiar to the daily duties. Constant motion all night. Trembling; with inability to walk and if lifted they fell powerless.

Stitches in shoulder region and in feet. Tearing in flexor surface of I. forearm and in palm and sole; shooting T. though I. knee, with crawling on I. sole. tearing in volar side of I. hand and in upper third of metacarpal bone of little finger. gnawing as of metacarpal bone of little finger. Gnawing as of ants in bons of arm and thigh, creeping downward. Pain in all. Drawing pain. (Soreness in bends of joints.) Uneasiness. Weakness; in morning, with indisposition to work; paralytic, of all muscles. Numbness. Heaviness of hands and feet. Stiffness. Immobility.

Upper Extremities

      Affection as on chorea. Sense of stretching and twisting. Heaviness and paralytic feeling, especially in I. arm. Painful swelling of one of I. axillary glands. Tearing under and in r. axilla. Shooting pressure on top of I. shoulder. Stitches in region of shoulder and in region of I. false ribs.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.