Homeopathy Remedy Belladonna

Vision dim; (>) strong effort of will, (<) afterwards, sometimes with double vision and undulating motion of objects. Distinct only for distant objects and completely parallel rays, as those of a start in the heaviness. Weaker while walking in open air and in bright light. Photophobia. Blindness; in morning in I. eye the lid of which is drooping, inflamed and painful when touched; for near objects, double V,. for distinct ones. Amaurosis. Diplopia. and objects appear far off; and objects appear to revolve and run backward. vision of r. eye became clearer, I. more impaired, upper lid more tumefied and prolapsed, conjunctiva more vascular and raise above margin of the transparent cornea, which in a few days became opaque and a little puriform fluid accumulated in anterior chamber. Vision of sparks. Of halo around candle-light, partly colored, the red predominating, at times the light seemed broken into rays. Of occasional flashes of light. Of and the air seems like a mist. Chromotopsia. Letters swim while reading. Lines jumped hither and thigh when reading by lamp-light. Saw nothing when reading but the white margin which surrounded the black letters transformed into rings. All objects seemed bordered with yellow. Objects appeared white; during the delirium. All colores appeared reversed. Vision of a large white star in the ceiling and across if from I. to r. silvery clouds seem passing. of black points and stripes at 10.30 A.M., on going out. Letters seemed larger than usual, and vision sharper in I. eye than in r. On seeing himself in the glass he assert that he squinted badly, and that both eyeballs were turned towards nose. Faces looked large, broad and out of proportion, an speak as large as a fly and the head of a nail appeared like a spider with its pegs in constant motion, and for months afterwards the was a sort of glimmer upon all objects, like the motion of heated air rising from the roof or sides of a building, and the figure on a carpet seemed to blend.

Clinical Great congestion of eyes, but not often useful in inflammatory affections of the external parts of the eye. Neuritis of optic nerve, haemorrhage from the retina and suppressed eruptions. Pains of acute glaucoma. (Bell must be given only bidden. it brings on aggravation of acute glaucoma, though it will not cure the chronic disorder). Ciliary neuralgia, with great heat and throbbing pain. Spasms of the lids and muscles. Squinting. Exophthalmic goitre.


      Purulent exudation. Shootings to chin; in external meatus in middle during eructation tasting of the ingesta; in middle, with hard hearing on that side. Thrusts in middle, with pinching; t,. through mastoid process below ear. Tearing downward in middle and external; T. behind r.; lower half of r. cartilage; in posterior side of I. cartilage; in r. external and in r. side of face downward; from before backward externally in r; feeling in r. as if it would be torn out of head pain in ears and temples as if alternately torn out and pressed in, alternating with a similar pain in orbits. Cutting behind ears. Pinching after hiccough, r. then I. Boring close to r. Pain; I.; drawing, extending into nape. Pressure on mastoid process below ear; on muscles behind I. and on muscles of forehead; on external meatus; in meatus as if one bored in with a finger. tingling.

Sensitiveness to loud tons (Sil). Noises. Ringing. Roaring; with flickering before eyes, (<) I., and twitching of I. upper lid. singing. In as of trumpets and drums and a roaring, then a humming and buzzing, (<) sitting, (>) standing and lying, still better when walking. What was said to him sounded like a humming. Fluttering and bubbling before ears in morning after waking. Hard hearing. Deafness as if a skin were drawn over ears. Hearing lost.

Clinical Acute inflammation of the ears, terrific pain, rolling of the head, screaming, loss of hearing. Acute inflammation of the parotid gland, erysipelatous swelling.


      Sudden redness of tip, with burning; r. of Schneiderian membrane. Ulcers in nostrils; painful, on side of nostrils where they unite with lip. Stitches in tip in evening and night; S. below nose. Cramp at root. Pain in I. nostril in morning and stoppage by matter; pressing P. in bones; bruised internally above wings on external touch. Painful drawing over I. half. Crawling on tip, (>) rubbing. They frequently bored into their noses. Dryness; with redness; of Schneiderian membrane, also of eyes, with burning in them and in lids; of nostrils, with frontal headache. Sneezing; frequent dry, with tickling, especially in I. nostril; prolonged fits.

Catarrh or cough, with coryza. Blowing out of mucus mixed with blood. Watery mucus. Mucus dries to crusts. Fluent coryza from one nostril only. Coryza, with smell in nose as of herring- picked, (<) when blowing nose. Moisture in I. nostril, then sneezing and collection of mucus in nose, throat and air passes. Stuffing alternating with flow of water (Nux v). Stoppage of r. nostril, then sneezing, then coryza. Bleeding; in morning; at night. Smell sensitive, the smell of tobacco and soot is intolerable; S of camphor is loathsome; of rotten eggs before nose; bread smells and tastes sour; loss of smell.

Clinical Acute inflammation internally and eternally. Haemorrhage from nose. Nose swollen, red and hot.


      Swelling; of cheek, with burning pain; and redness; and r. especially about eyes. Redness and heat (Bryonia, Stramonium, Veratrumv); without sweat; and heat, with swelling of face, neck and chest; glowing, with headache and neck, then desquamation; with general warmth and restlessness, then pallor and lassitude; with heat of face and coldness of limbs; r. of cheeks. Bluish redness. Dirty redness. Purple redness of cheeks. Red irregular spots, (<) 1. cheek, with heat. Bluish-red spot on 1. cheek in morning on waking, increasing until it occupies the whole cheek, with burning and ticking in the spot and boring and throbbing in whole cheek, (<) movement, afterwards swelling of other cheek. Pale; and cold. Sunken and covered and vacant; vacant; alternately anxious and joyful; joyful and astonished; stupid: E of stupid astonishment.

Spasms; with ridiculous motions of all parts; with grinding of teeth and at times stretching and extension of limbs convulsive motion of muscles of I. side, especially of I. canthus; remarkable mobility of muscles. distortion. disfigured and on expiration the boy puffed as if hot. Risus sardonicus. shootings in chin. Tearing below r. zygoma, with drawing. Pinching on I. zygoma. sharp pains in cheek. Pressing below r. zygoma. Swollen feeling. Nestling, spasmodic sensation in chin. Numbness.

Lips-Swelling of upper, with stiff feeling on opening mouth. Redness and swelling (Bryonia, Apis); dark r., and of tongue and gum, with dryness of throat and difficult swallowing. Crack in middle, (<) upper, on sneezing and coughing. desquamation. Pimple beneath externally and to the side, with biting corroding pain: P. on upper, with creeping while untouched, but itching shooting when touched; pale-red P. in corners; on margin, changing ate an ulcer covered with a scab and paining as if inflamed; on upper, near r. wing of nose, covered with a scab, another beneath margin of lower lip and on inner skin of lower lip, both with biting pain, as from salt water. Pustules on borders, with red edges and corrosive itching, in corner. U. in corner, also with tearing. Sore feeling at corner., as if they would ulcerate. Burning pain at lower outer edge, with vesicles. Drawing in upper, then red swelling. Heat; and of mucous membrane of mouth, fauces and nose, with dryness. Dryness, and of tongue, skin of cheeks and throat, with constriction of pharynx, difficult speech, incomplete phrases.

Jaws-Trismus. Tetanic closure on attempting to pour down liquid, and regurgitation of liquid. spasms. Twitching. convulsive chewing with foam from mouth. Shooting in socket; on lower margin of r. lower; from upper into internal ear; in direction of ears, with tension; in r. joint on chewing, extending into ear, then twitching. Tearing on inner surface of corner I. shooting inward. Lower, (<) during deglutition, and in and behind I. tonsil. Pain (a jerking drawing?) in lower (in glands?), shooting inward. Lower feels as if drawn backward, with pain on advancing it and on biting. Clucking along under edge of lower.

Clinical Erysipelas of the face. Facial neuralgia, with flushed face, etc. Lockjaw.


      Teeth. Grinding. Bleeding of hollow on sucking them. Shooting in a upper hollow molar, then swelling of cheek. Tearing (?), waking after midnight: T. in a hollow lower T. and in an adjoining sound molar, (<) contact with air or food. Feeling as if they would be forced out. (Digging). Drawing in r. upper all night, with swelling, burning pain, external heat, sometimes painful jerking; D. in r. upper anterior molars Pain drawing from ear to upper hollow teeth, where the pain becomes a boring, (>) whole eating, (<) afterwards, (<) at night, becoming after drinking coffee jerking and boring. Pain rather drawing than shooting. Toothache in a child. Pain running through upper middle incisors. Toothache after eating, increasing gradually and as gradually diminishing. T., with drawing in ear. Painful jerkings in nerves of fangs, or throbbing. Pain when biting anything, as if roots were ulcerated and would break. Pain in roots in evening after lying down and during mental occupation, like the pain of expiration, and when worse like a cutting; like a soreness, on admission of open air. Incisors feel too long.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.