Homeopathy Remedy Belladonna

Sweat $ Belladonna homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Belladonna …

      The entire fresh plant of Atropa Belladonna (Solanaceae) is used for a tincture.

General Action

      Action of on the heat is complex, stimulating the accelerator centres and paralyzing the pneumogastric; heart’s action paid, pulse full, peripheral vessels dilated; wild delirium; ending in stupor; convulsions, with dilated pupils. Suppresses secretion of lands, of mucous membrane and skin. Intense scarlet redness of skin. Urine first increased, then suppressed. Fever.

Affinities-Hyos, Stramonium, Veratrum vir., Duboisia, Hydrocy. ac., Sulphur.


      Falling down, without ability to raise himself. Lying on his belly, with head bent backward and chin resting on hand, not noticing what was said or done in the room. (Walking round and round in a circle). Swelling of whole body, with redness and heat. Distention of veins over whole body; of blood vessels of limbs, especially arteries of neck pulsate, so that when lower jaw is opened it strikes against the upper at every beat, amusing chattering of teeth, with internal and external warmth, (<) head.

Convulsions; when forced to swallow liquids; especially of flexor muscles; C. with gnashing of teeth; with ludicrous gestures, whistling, singing and crying all together; epileptic; epileptic, then epileptic condition; after a vexation, which compel him to run to the wall; of muscles of limbs, trunk and face. Subsultus tendinum; with carphology. Incessant movements, especially of arms. Movements as in chorea. Jerks, with loud raving. Constant motion of muscles, partly alternate contraction of single muscles, partly automatic motions, starting of limbs, biting motion, carphology. Jumping, and if alarmed, when touched. Intermittent cramps. Want of muscular coordination. Trembling; with of muscular coordination. Trembling; with convulsive shivering. Unsteadiness in all her motions. Haste in all motions.

Irritability and acuteness of sense, of taste, smell, touch, sight, hearing, and the mind is easily moved and thoughts are more active (Nux-vom). His senses deceive him. Stitch in affected part on every second or third step, extending to head. Tearing in a part of the muscles, especially in volar side of ulna, just above wrist. Gnawing in affected parts Boring in glands. Cramplike pain, (<) in sleep, in one side of chest, one side of abdomen and one loin, so that she bends the painful part inward. Pain in evening, preventing her from stretching. Pain disappeared suddenly when it had reached its height and instantly a pain arose in some other place. Pain in all joints, extending as far tip of fingers and toes, with a cold sensation.

(Tenderness to touch where the shootings had been). Bad feeling in whole system on turning in bed. Trembling sensation in all muscles. Pulsation of all arteries in morning on waking; p., like a pendulum, alternating between head and chest; perceptible through whole body. Restlessness; at night, with grinding of the teeth and now and then convulsions every moment he wished to get out of bed (Hyos), but then would fall back in prostration; the boy wished to escape and was strong far beyond his age; especially of hands and feet (Acon); body thrown now to one side, now to other, now chest is raised, now abdomen; occasionally raising his feet, as if ascending stairs, moving his mouth as if talking, but the sounds wee inarticulate.

Weakness; in morning, with vertigo; in evening; (<) evening; (<) evening, with short breath; with tottering gait and feeling as if knees would give way; in frequent at side, numbness of I. side of face and of I. arm and prickling in same parts. Desire to lie down. Faintness. Stiffness of whole body; with head drawn backward and body agitated by single jerks. Anesthesia of whole body. Insensibility with rattling respiration and twitchings of hand and feet. Paralyzed feeling on getting up and attempting to stand. Aggravation in afternoon, especially about 3 or 4 P.M.; (A. in I. half of body; (in flexor surface and fibrous membranes).

Clinical Violent convulsions, with great rush of blood to head, face red and hot. Epilepsy. Chorea. A valuable remedy for taking cold from a slight drags of air, especially after having the hair cut. Particularly useful for plethoric persons. Hysterical spasms, with red face and wild actions. Effects of sunstroke. Scarlatina. Measles. Acute inflammation of glands.


      Delirium; (>) after a meal; (>) after sleep, with quick movements; with heat; with springing out of bed, laughing (Hyosc., Stramonium,) and constant talking; violent D., with livid face., injected and protruding eyes, dilated pupils, strong pulsation in carotids, full, hard, frequent pulse and inability to swallow. Fury (Hyosc); pulling at the hair of bystanders. Inclination to bite bystanders (Hcy. ac.), Inclination to tear everything to pieces. Attempted to bite and strike, broke into fits of laughter and gnashed her teeth, head hot, face red, look wild and fierce. Fury, with heat of body, staring eyes and continually spitting at those about her.

Delirium, with picking at bed-clothes and throwing them off (Hyosc) threw herself from a height in D; with violent motion of arms and legs. Running in. the street naked (Hyosc), gesticulating, dancing, laughing, uttering and doing many absurd things. Paroxysms D. D. alternating with lethargy., Fury, at the forcible administration of liquids. Abhorrence of liquids; liquid poured out makes her furious, resembling delirium tremens; almost hysterical. Gasping for imaginary objects. The patients thought they were pursuing their ordinary occupations. Persisting that there were horrid monsters all over the from staring at her. Carphology. Suspicious D.; refusing food, also drink. Speech loud, disconnected. Delirium, at one time expressive of great joy, at another of great terror. Talking about mice and other dark-colored animals that he saw (Stram). Imagined that he was swimming in his bed evenings on lying down. He dreads decaying with a living body. Beautiful images. Imagined that he was rich. Muttering like one sleep.

Garrulity (Hyosc); using abused language, at which he often laughter, turning to the speaker when addressed but not answering correspondingly; with squinting and stupid expression. Laughter; involuntary; violent spasmodic., Singing (Stram) inclination in evening to sing and whistle; alternations of singing an scolding, with constant motion of limbs. Mirth; after supper, with increase of vital powers, then drowsiness.

Taciturnity; with desire for solitude and quiet. Weeping; on walking, with ill humor. Despondency. Anxiety; with desire to flee. Fear that death was with weariness of life and inclination to drown herself. Timid mistrust. Starting in affright, (<) at approach of any one. Anger. Quarrel; some mood. (Veratrumv); with disposition to laugh in annoying manner. Howling; about trifles, (<) soothing words. Lowering her temper soon, then weeping. III humor; silent; whining, with headache as if a stone were pressing forehead. Apathy. Aversion to work and to movement.

Disorderly, so that speech did not correspond to thought, nor though to sense, nor sense to objects present. Confusion, with flickering before eyes; C., so that he did not know whether he was dreaming or awake; with general trembling. Manner or expression incomplete, speech disconnected. Answers hasty; and laconic and dry. Passing quickly from one idea to another.

Absence of mind. Thoughts disappear during headache. Memory diminished; lost. Forgot how to do the simplest thing. Stupor; with cramp of extremities; interrupted by shrill screams; compelling sleep in forenoon, after waking long, with heat and dryness of mouth without thirst, then hacking cough, with offensive breath as of human faeces. Coma; with rattling in throat, real face, dilated pupils, convulsions of upper limbs, heat of skin, red spots on neck and chest and feverish pulse; C., with small, weak, unequal pulse feverish pulse; C., with small, weak, unequal pulse. Unconsciousness with stiffness of lower limbs, distention of superficial blood vessels, red, swollen face, full, rapid pulse and sweat.

Clinical The general character of the delirium is one of great activity, tendency to run about, to escape from the room or bed; in general with great excitement, hot head and face, sometimes with fury, sometimes excessive fear.


      Drawn backward (Hcy. ac.) boring deep into pillow. Thrown higher and thither, even to shaking, then again convulsive bending forward of head and trunk. Selling distention of brain. Stabbing in. evening, as with a double-edged knife. Shootings; through brain from all sides. Tearing; here and there; as if sutures of skull would be torn open; cutting T.. extending from one part to another. Boring during the day, the pain, in the evening shooting. Aching; on waking, with lassitude; stooping and motion (Bry); (>) after leeches, with feeling as if enormously large, with intolerance of light and noise (Ferr); and in eyeballs, which felt as if starting from their sockets; with swelling of lids, heat in face and lachrymation. jerking pain, (<) walking quickly or ascending stairs rapidly, with at every a jolt downward as if a weight were in occiput. Drawing and expansive pain as if something in it rocked in a jerking manner. Drawing pain. Pain as if a weight are in occiput. Drawing and expansive pain as if something in it rocked in a jerking manner. Drawing pain. Pain as if screwed together on both sides. Throbbing pain, with heat; T. pain, with pressure at vertex. Pain as if brain were numb. Throbbing; in brain, from before backward and towards sides, ending at surface in shooting. Pressure now here, now there, in large areas; especially above nose, (<) stepping; deep in brain during an after walking in open air, (<) coughing. Heaviness; morning on rising.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.