Homeopathy Remedy Belladonna

Gum-Vesicle below in incisor, with pain as if burnt. Bleeding near a hollow tooth. Pain on touch, as if ulcerated. Heat, with itching and throbbing. Itching, with pain in throat.

Tongue-Deep redness; of papillae, with swelling. Vessels beneath T. bluish and injected with blood. Pallor. Swollen and pressed close behind lower incisors. Cracked; and white-coated, with salivation. Coated; yellowish; white; white and moist; white, with smarting in middle, as from a vesicle; white tenacious coated, which comes off in threads Trembling (Lachesis, Mercurius). Sticking to throat on attempting to spit. Cramps at base. Pain, (<)M touch. Feeling as if there were a vesicle at tip, which caused burning pain on touch. Swollen feeling. Feeling as if tying deep in mouth and so the buccal cavity was larger. Cold feeling in anterior half, with dryness of it. Dry; and D. throat, interfering with speech (Verat v); and retracted; hanging from the child’s mouth, and swollen; D. and cracked; and difficult to move and yellow-brown; with thick frothy mucus adhering to its sides as if covered with a crust: D. sensation, (<) drinking water. Paralyzed feeling.

Speech-Stammering. Interrupted. Slow and impeded. Rapid, interrupted. Difficult. Indistinct. Speechlessness. Paralytic weakness of organs.

Mouth slimy in morning on waking, with headache; S. in morning, (<) after eating; with feeling as if a bad taste come from it. Mucus (<) morning after rising, sometimes of putrid taste. Foam; bloody. Drawn to one side by spasms. Deep crimson color from posterior third of palate as far down as could be seen, with enlargement of tonsils. Redness, and of gullet, with heat dryness.

Scraping, and in throat, extending into stomach, with constriction : S. on palate. Pain beneath hard palate, about the middle, when eating rolls and milk, extending through fauces to nasal cavity.? Rawness of palate (<) touch of tongue and chewing, with soreness. Soreness on inside of cheek, with erosion of mouth of salivary duct. Dryness (Aconite, Bryonia, Verat v.); at night, with thirst; of lining of cheeks. lips, tongue, which look burnt, roof of mouth and pharynx; dry sensation though tongue was moist; though moist, with stickiness and great thirst. Aridity as if mucous membrane had been removed by some pungent or corrosive substance. Heat in hard palate. Unctuous clammy state, (<) drinking water. (Paralytic weakness of internal parts salivation; in evening. Saliva flows from mouth. Saliva has a spoiled taste: S. in throat was thick, white, clinging to tongue like glue. Constant spitting without ejecting saliva. Breath hot; offensive B. in morning on waking.

Taste-disgusting, with clean tongue. Metallic. Coppery. Like coopers. Nauseous, with empty eructations. Sickish-sweetish. Putrid; after eating; rising from fauces even when eating and drinking, though food and drink have their proper taste. Aromatic. Like wine. Salt-sourish. Sour to bread; to the last part of the bread and butter, every evening, then heartburn; to the broth that had been taken, then scratching in throat. Salt to food. Natural to food when beginning to ear, then suddenly taste partly as if too salt, partly insipid, with feeling in pit of throat as if she would vomit what she had taken. (Bitter to bread and apples in evening) Clammy. Pasty. Insipid. Lost; to food.

Clinical Difficult dentition (acute symptoms). Stammering. Paralytic weakness of the organs of speech. Inflammation of mouth and throat, all the parts are red, hot and dry, (<) r. side.


      Shooting in r. parotid, extending into external ear; where it becomes cramplike, repeated at same hour next day. Strong pulsation in carotid. Swelling; around T. and jaws; of tonsils. Inflammation; of tonsils; aphthous. Aphthae. Redness; with burning along alimentary canal; of uvula and velum palati. Tenacious mucus. Great expectoration of light mucus as soon as the throat began to feel sore. Frequent E. of mucus. Hawking of mucus from upper part. Mucus in upper part, with general sensations before catarrh of throat., with swelling and inflammation of arches of palate, tonsils and posterior wall of pharynx. Spasms; spasmodic action of muscles at every attempt to swallow. Cramp extending from r. tonsil to top of pharynx.

Shootings on swallowing and breathing; in pharynx on swallowing, turning head and feeling side of neck, with pain as from internal swelling; in I. side; in pit. Scraping; from dry hawking; in soft palate when swallowing. Pain; in region of tonsils; in posterior part on swallowing; as if swollen during deglutition and expectoration, (<) I. side. Soreness; after reading aloud; when swallowing; with redness about tonsils and palate, extending to ears (Gelsem), also in morning. Constriction; extending to stomach. Feeling as if too narrow him swallowing; painful narrowing of pharynx, with stretched sensation when preparing to swallow; Dryness; with difficult swallowing (Duboisia) hindering swallow, then at every attempt suffocative spasm of fauces (with natural, moisture in mouth), in upper part, with frequent necessity to swallow. Tickling. Paralysis.

Swallowing-Difficult of water; of solid food possible only by constantly taking liquids; and painful; only a few drops, the rest being forced out by spasmodic action of muscles of deglutition (Lach). Inability to drink; to swallow solid food; painless I. to swallow. Constant urging to swallow.

OEsophagus-Intermittent contraction, when swallowing, followed each time by scraping in region of epiglottis as if latter were raw and sore. Dryness.

Clinical Adapted to the early state of a great variety of inflammatory diseases of the throat, characterized by the above symptoms and especially by intense hyperaemia, with dryness and tendency to spasmodic contraction of the pharyngeal muscles.


      Longing for food and greedy swallowing of it. Hunger but no inclination for any kind of food. Desire for this or that, but no relish if he eats it. Appetite diminished; especially for animal food. Appetite lost; for breakfast; for dinner, yet he ate with relish, and the hunger was (<) after eating lost, with feeling of emptiness and hunger, but if he begins to eat relish; lost after smoking tobacco; lost for everything but water, soup and bread and butter. Aversion to food; A. to acids.

Thirst; in morning in evening, with watery taste though all liquids are loathsome. Violent every noon after midnight and in morning. Unquenchable; with slow pulse. Burning, with heat in all parts, caving for drink, but repelling it when offered. For cold for drink, but repelling it when offered. For cold water. Desire for averages without appetite for drinking. Absence of T. Repugnance to beer.; to coffee; to milk, which appears to have a loathsome smell and (bitter, sourish) taste, which disappear after containing to drink.

Eructations; with flatulence in bowels and stitches in I. breast; incomplete; bitter; bitter, after a meal; tasting of ingesta; of burning sour moisture, with a kind of retching; hiccough-like. something midway between eructations and hiccough. Hiccough; which jerked he up, then deafness until the next attack.

Nausea; in frequent attacks in forenoon; after breakfast; in evening, in throat (not in scrobiculus cordis), with occasional bitter eructations; when walking in open air: (<) when he would eat; with efforts to vomit; with inability to vomit; changing to burning; with full sensation in throat. Empty retching. Vomiting; after eating and drinking; after drinking, with large sallows; after milk, then slight amelioration; then sleep; of food; of undigested food eaten twelve hours before; difficult to excite.

Distention and tension of epigastrium in evening in bed with tensive pain in stomach. Spasm always during midday meal; S. like cramp. (During cough turning,. as if vomiting would come on, even when empty). Cramp; and in abdomen. Shootings pit. Shooting cutting in pit, forcing him to bend backhand and hold his breath. Pinching across epigastrium and down war, as if in colon. squeezing in pit while waking, obliging deep breathing. Acute pain. Pain; after drinking; about pit; periodical, in pit at night, with tremor. hard pressure (<) after eating painful P. in pit, in part gnawing. Oppression in pit, so that she could but breathe properly, alternating with nausea.

Contractive sensation after a little food; C. pain in pit. Burning; in region. urging pain at orifice. Heartburn when smoking, then scraping, burning smarting at beginning of gullet, and chiefly at upper part of larynx Sensitiveness to touch in region. distress as from indigestion. Sensation as if something were in it, making him cough. Feeling in pit as of accumulation of flatus. Emptiness. Painful throbbing in pit.

Clinical Vomiting, cannot keep any food in the stomach. soreness and distention in the region of the stomach. Neuralgia of the stomach, of the most violent character, with extreme tenderness. Gastritis, with violent vomiting, even of food. Nausea and vomiting are among the most persistent effects of this drug; these symptoms are more frequently associated with other Belladonna symptoms than is generally supposed.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.