Homeopathy Remedy Belladonna

Spasm of brain, generally when standing or walking, seldom when standing or sitting with back against something, a sudden drawing an giving way, as if nerves were in motion, when all upon which he looked appeared to move in one direction and then back to their former position, with feeling as if he would fall, without giddiness; with sensation in pit of stomach corresponding to the feeling in the brain. Confusion, (<) movement; in evening, with garrulity; (<) walking; with warmth rising from stomach; with swelling of glands and neck; as if intoxicated. Dullness (>) open air, (<) in room, with turning in head Uneasy sensation. Weariness, with inability to raise it after stooping.

Rush of blood, with pulsation in cerebral arteries and throbbing in head (Glon; Ferr); and sensation as from a ligature around neck: r. of blood when leaning head backward; on stooping, with heaviness as if giddy. Apoplexy condition( after epileptic convulsions(); A. condition alternating with paroxysms of rapid automatic movement, with convulsive laughter, and during the brief intervals of sleep subsultus of face and limbs; a kind of apoplexy, causing he to fall down insensible. Intoxication; after eating; after least quantity of beer; with disturbed vision and difficult speech, he imagines that he cannot move his tongue.

Vertigo; in morning; with weakness; while sitting; (<) movement; (<) walking, with turning in pit of stomach; (<) after sleep, with headache and drowsiness; with rush of blood to head, roaring in ears and misty vision with pulsation in head, dilate pupils and nausea; V., with vision of snow-flakes, etc.; as if objects swayed to and fro; as if everything turned in a circle. Affection of head and eyes, (>) coffee.

Forehead-There stabs extending to occiput, where upon sudden disappearance of all previous headache. Sticking; in r. eminence, (<) bending forward (>) pressure; outward in eminences; tearing, over r. orbit. Tearing; externally; in sinciput; T. over eyebrows; burning, in I. eminence. Boring under r. eminence in morning after waking. Gnawing externally eminences. Crampy pain in eminence, extending over zygoma to lower jaw. Aching; so severe during motion that it caused him to close the eyes, (>) sitting and lying, returning on rising, but on going into open air the forehead seemed pressed in by a heavy stone: while sitting in a room; on I. side; behind and above eyebrows; under eminence on rising; in orbital region, with redness of eyes and face;below r. eminence soon occupying the whole forehead decreasing at intervals only to return in greater violence. Pain as if brain rose and fell with every step., (<) strong pressure. Shooting burning pain in I. eminence. Pain as if a stone were pressing it, (>) laying head down and stooping, with dilated pupils and and shining ill humor; P. unstopping as if everything would come out; as if brain were pressed towards forehead, (>) bending head backward; as if brain would be pressed our above orbits, preventing opening of eyes and obliging him to lie down; outward in. eminence. Pain as from a board before it. Pain above orbits as if brain were compressed, so that he must close his eyes. Weight at tip, causing vertigo and sense as i. intoxicated. Pain above eyes like to weight in head, felt on touching eye. Tensive pressure in r. Pain in morning as if something over brown sank down and nape. Drawings; in head towards forehead, as if brain would dilate. Contracted. Sensation in muscles of F. and eyes. Dullness. Confusion, with periodical attacks of vertigo. Cloudiness as if an oppressive cloud moved to and fro, especially under bone. cold sensation in middle of brain. Pulsation in blood vessels and pain as if bones were lifted up. Rush of blood on stooping.

Temple-Stabbing from one to other. Shooting in r.; S. outward; outward in I. Darting pain in r., affecting eye. Tearing; in r. and in vertex, extending in various directions. cutting outward. spreading through brain and there passing into strong throbbing. Pain through T.; ion I. at 3 P.M.; in r. which on supporting heat with hand increases to a sense of burning I., spreading over anterior half of brain, on that side where the head is support by the hand. Weight from centre of brain towards T., with diminished hearing. Drawing pain extending to over r. orbit. Drawing down in temples and in r. orbit. Beatings.

Vertex-Tearing in r., (<) movement. Twisting pain, sometimes also digging, sometimes tearing, the pain (<) pressure, and the skull seemed thin, as it could be oppressed then r., again. Tensive pressure in l. and in forehead.

Side-Stabbing in r. as with a two -edged knife, then in front of head then in vertex, then in vertex, then in occiput, so that she cannot lie on either side. Cutting in r. from frontal to occiput region, becoming general, at last setting in I. parietal bone. Darting pain under I., parietal bone. Boring in r., (<) motion, with throbbing. Gnawing in r. upper part, down to ear, caused by gnawing in a hollow tooth. Pin; in r. after rising and moving briskly; in I. parietal bone, extending to temples; in I. parietal bone, extending to r. temple; throbbing, in parietal region; drawing, in r. at rest after dinner, and in r. region; drawing, in r. at rest after dinner, and in r. arm Pressure outward in I., half of brain, (<) forehead.

Occiput-Lightning-like stabs behind ear in evening. shoots in I. cutting to I. of Protuberance. Pain. Throbbing pressure in I, Weight.

Scalp-Hair falls out. Hair which was previously naturally electric is no longer so. Sensitiveness, even pressure of hair cause pain (Sulph). Soreness of roots of hair. Pain as after strong pulling at hair. Sensation as if hair on top were pulled. Frequent unconscious scratching of heat and rubbing of nose.

Clinical Terrific headaches; the head feels full of blood; violent at base of brain, head drawn backward; violent throbbing in carotids, with red face. The headaches are almost universally aggravated by the slightest noise or light. Headache so violent that he seems to get blind and then becomes unconscious. Headaches greatly aggravated by bending forward the head is generally drawn backward. Meningitis. Meningitis from erysipelas. Apoplexy, in the early stage.


      Starting. Projecting and sparkling. Glassy. Animated, with dilated pupils. Squinting. Sunken. Spasms. Inflammation and a wild expression. Conjunctiva covered with red vessels, with shooting an lachrymation; and cornea dim, lids swollen, afterwards pus in anterior chambers. Puffy appearance about. Swelling, with lachrymation. Trembling mucus before.

Shooting inward. Pain; and once hot prickling in r.; crawling as if full of sand; drawing from, below upward under I. smarting. Feeling as if protruding. Feeling as if too large. Pressure, (<) morning, with lachrymation; P. as if hard spring water were in them. Sensitiveness. Dryness on motion dry and stiff sensation; burning, more violent alternately in one or other. Heat, as if in hot vapor; H. afternoons while walking in open air, with sticking and drowsiness (<) coffee, and sensations if swimming in tea (>) pressing them upward, with itching. Insensibility to light, Tickling. soon tired on reading. Feeling as if he could see nothing, yet he saw when he strained his eyes.

Lachrymation salt. Optic disk deepened in tint and retinal arteries and veins enlarged. Balls inconstant motion; alternately fixed and very movable. Balls turned upward; and outward. Pain in balls; deep in, on closing eyes. Dryness of surface of ball.

Pupils-Dilated; (<) r. and immovable, and eye devoid of expression: (<) i., with flickering before I.; I., with a white scale in it; r, with necessity to close that the on writing in order to see the lines plainly Contracted; with headache. Insensible to light.

Lids-lead-colored spots. Redness; of margins. Swellings of lower; of upper, with paralysis and redness of palpebrae of I. eye, with relapses of upper lids as in ptosis. Mucous membrane of eyes and lids injected and swollen. Agglutination in morning. Wide open. Closed; in morning on waking; half closed. Twitching Quivering of I. upper; r. upper. Throbbing pain in lower, towards inner canthus, with inflammatory swellings and lachrymation. Heaviness; (<) r; with feeling as of a sticky mass between them and ball, compelling rubbing.

Canthi- Dirty redness of internal, as if washed out, swelling of I. punctum lachrymal. With suppurative inflammation, at first with burning, then with pressing pain. Itching shoots in internal. Tearing in inner, extending into eyes. Pain in i. internal, even on slight touch.

Conjunctiva-Full of blue-red vessels. Red streaks in morning, with pain. Red vessels at I. external canthus in morning, with twitching of eye. Yellow color.

Orbit-Darting pain in and near, I. Pain, often feeling as if eyes wore being torn out,. sometimes as if pressed into head, with pain pressing from forehead into eyes. Pressing pain in upper part. Confused pressure, alternately in r. and in forehead. Pain in r. supraorbital ridge, with weak vision of r. eye on writing, whereby the letters swam, and oppressive sensation as if r. lid hung down paralyzed.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.