Homeopathy Remedy Belladonna


      Tumefaction; with tenderness to touch, constipation and weak pulse; with rolling or grumbling in I. side. Meteorism; wit constipation, in one case subsiding and recurring with the delirium. Retraction; while lying, with pain. Rumbling; with pinching. emission of flatus; of inodorous.

Pricking at 11.30.A.M. (Shooting after drinking milk)_; S outward and in chest. (Cutting in evening). Pain in a spot as if seized with nails, a griping, clutching, clawing. Pinching; in evening before soft stool.; deep, (<) retracting abdomen and on bending upper part of body to the left; obliging him to bend double, with ineffectual urging to diarrhoea, then vomiting, Cramplike pain extending to spine, occasional sharp pain in hypochondriac region. Pain; with urging to stool. Pain as if sore and raw. Tenderness on pressure, especially in ovarian region. constrictive pain, obliging her to bend up. Pain as from a heavy weight when walking and standing. Drawing pain, with cold feet. Drawing as from flatus.

Feeling of distention, with constrictive pain below umbilicus, the latter coming in jerks and obliging bending double Full feeling in evening with giving and rumbling; Full feeling (<) after stool. Something seems to rise and to press on throat., with retching, but without nausea or vomiting. Feeling S. before diarrhoea, when straining, at stool, with internal heat in abdomen. Heat (with anxiety), and in chest and face, with obstruction of nose. H. rising into chest.

Upper and Side-Distention in region of stomach. pain in upper. Cutting in I. side in morning while lying on that side. Griping in r. side while walking. with shootings theme to r. axilla. Pressing-out pain inside when pressing upon pit of stomach.

Hypochondria- Bile increase. fulness below short ribs, and when stooping fulness at pit of stomach and darkness before eyes. Shootings near last r. ribs. Pinching in hepatic region, (<) rising from a seat. Sharp pain in splenic region. Pain in hypochondria, as if pressed out when pressing on epigastrium. Tension round ribs.

Umbilical Region-Sticking; itching, in navel, (>) rubbing. Star as with a knife in I. side below navel; between r. hip and navel; shooting extending round I. hip to lumbar vertebrae. Clawing- together pain coming from sides into navel Pinching immediately under wall below navel after eating. Griping; transversely across below navel, then emission of flatus, with rumbling as if he would be obliged to go to stool, (>) emission of flatus. Squeezing, (<) noon and afternoon: S. and clawing. obliging him to bend forward. Pain. Constriction; as if a ball were forming. Tensive sensation below navel after stool

Hypogastrium-Distention, (>) emission of flatus, with griping and with nausea. Shooting of flatus, glands; S. in I. groin. cutting, now here, now thee C. (<) I. side; outward in crests of ilia on rising from a seat. Tensive pain in morning on getting out of bed, especially in region of os pubis, with feeling as if hypogastrium (rarely epigastrium) were spasmodically constricted, sometimes as if distended (although not really so), pains gradually increasing and decreasing. Feeling immediately below umbilicus as if intestines pressed outward, (<) standing. Pressure in morning as if everything would be forced out towards organs of generation, with distention of abdomen, then contraction of abdomen, then discharge of white mucus from vagina. Feeling in r. groin as if a hard body pressed outward when sitting bent forward. Drawing pain in whole when sitting bent forward. Drawing pain in whole circumference of pelvis, alternately in sacrum and os pubis; flatulent d. on r. side, over horizontal ramus of pubis. Congested feeling in pelvic region, with excited sexual desire,

Clinical Peritonitis, Metroperitonitis. In abdominal affections characterized by extreme sensitiveness to touch, intolerance of even the clothing, with great heat. Acute inflammation of liver. Gall-stone colic cured. Jaundice.


      Shootings during motion. Squeezing, constrictive pain in lowermost intestines, alternately with shoots or jerks in direction of perineum. contractive pain, then sore pain in upper abdomen, then rapid evacuation of mucous diarrhoea, lastly empty straining,. Voluptuous tickling in lower part. Itching in lower part; sudden I., and in anus. Sense of constipation. Inability to press during stool. Tenseness, a constant pressing and urging towards anus and genitals, alternating with painful contractions of anus. Straining to stool, then scanty diarrhoea, then increase staining. Constant desire for stool. Urging to stool, which is thin; frequent but ineffectual, or with a scanty, hard stool; ineffectual, then vomiting.


      Bleeding. Haemorrhoidal flow. Itching, with constriction; I. externally when walking in open air. Itching in perineum, with moisture.

Clinical Bleeding piles, with great forcing and great sensitiveness. In dysentery the mucous membrane of the anus is swollen and everted, with excessive tenderness.


      Watery, scanty, with tenesmus; W. copious, greenish. diarrhoea- like; greenish; offensive, greenish; dark, at night;l scanty, with stitches above umbilicus; frequent, with tenesmus; then frequent desire, with no stool or a scanty one. Granular, yellow, some what mucous. Pappy, mixed with mucus. constipation. Hard and scanty. Green, faeces developed in reddish mucus. (Sour smelling. ) small; and rapid, involuntary. Slight, with colic. Involuntary Frequent. Retarded. Slow and dry., Suppressed; also urine with profuse sweat.

Clinical Diarrhoea of green mucus and blood. Dysentery, especially in children.

Urinary Organs

      Discharge of prostatic juice from relaxed penis. Irritation, especially of neck of bladder, with strangury, bloody urine, with heat, redness of whole body, palate and pharynx. Pressure in vesicle region at night. Pain in region of bladder; with desire to urinate, but evacuation of only a few drops by the catheter. Twisting as of a worm in bladder. Bladder half paralyzed. Tenesmus. Urging to urinate, with bloody urine; U., with scanty, dark urine; with ability to pass only a few drops of colorless urine; with difficult micturition in a small stream Frequent urging; with scanty urine; but urine passed after great effort and guttatim. No inclination to urinate.

Urine retained, passed by drops. Involuntary micturition; during deep sleep in daytime; while in a stupor; in children. Dysuria. Painful micturition. Strangury; with bloody urine. Urine suppressed. Frequent, copious micturition. Bladder full, urine flowing slowly through catheter. A stitch from bulb of urethra to orifice when walking. Shootings behind glands between acts of micturition, (<) movement. Burning in urethra with ineffectual urging to urinate.

Urine-Copious; with strangury at neck of bladder pale and watery; now c., now scant. Scanty; and passed with exertion; strongly ammoniacal, evacuated by a catheter. Dark. Bloody. Deep red, with light sediment, yellow, turbid. whitish. Scalding. Containing vesicle mucus. Turbid like yeast, with reddish sediment. Thick, white sediment.

Clinical Acute cystitis, Dysuria, especially of children and excitably women. Acute inflammation of the kidney.

Sexual Organs

      Irritation in boys, manifested by constant erections and by seizing the member with the hands. Weakness and relaxation, sweat at night. Tearing upward in I. spermatic cord in evening before asleep. Drawing in spermatic cord during micturition. Soft, painless pimple on glands. Prepuce retracted behind glands, causing disagreeable feeling in glands. smarting in outer edge of prepuce after micturition. Itching, as from a flea-bite, on forepart of glands. Frequent erections. Scrotum blistered. Shooting in the testicles. which are drawn upward. Sexual indifference. Emission at night during relaxation of penis; at night during relaxation of penis; at night without lascivious dreams; twice in one night.

Female-Shootings in in internal organs at every step. Urging as if everything would fall out, (<) sitting bent and walking, (>) lying and sitting erect. Dryness of vagina, with burning, stinging. Badly smelling hemorrhage from uterus. Menses too soon; M. inordinate sudden. Metrorrhagia the blood having a bad smell.

Clinical Inflammation of pelvic viscera. Prolapsus of uterus; inflammation of uterus; inflamed ovaries, (<) r; all with heavy dragging and forcing pain, as if the uterus were heavy with hot blood; suppression of menses with these symptoms. Ovarian tumor with forcing pain. Dysmenorrhoea. Uterine hemorrhage. Threatened miscarriage. Rigid os during labor. Post partum haemorrhage. Fibroid tumor of uterus. Retained placenta. with hot gushes of blood, Metrorrhagia, very offensive. Inflammation of mammary gland, which was extremely sensitive and hot. violent cerebral symptoms (See mind and heat) from suppressed menstruation.

Respiratory Organs

      Noise and rattling in bronchial tubes. Pain under larynx after eating, with hiccough. Pressing I. side of larynx, (<) external pressure. Constriction of larynx. Painful dryness of larynx, with aversion to all drinks; D. of larynx, making voice husky and often inducing dry cough.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.